Android adb 命令查看系统Service

1 查看帮助信息 adb shell service

E:\adbTools>adb shell service

Usage: service [-h|-?]

      service list

      service check SERVICE

      service call SERVICE CODE [i32 N | i64 N | f N | d N | s16 STR ] ...


  i32: Write the 32-bit integer N into the send parcel.

  i64: Write the 64-bit integer N into the send parcel.

  f:  Write the 32-bit single-precision number N into the send parcel.

  d:  Write the 64-bit double-precision number N into the send parcel.

  s16: Write the UTF-16 string STR into the send parcel.

2 查看Service列表

adb shell service list

E:\adbTools>adb shell service list

adb server version (29) doesn't match this client (39); killing...

* daemon started successfully *

Found 133 services:

0      sip: []

1      qti.ims.ext: [org.codeaurora.ims.internal.IQtiImsExt]

2      carrier_config: [

3      phone: []

4      extphone: [org.codeaurora.internal.IExtTelephony]

5      isms: []

6      iphonesubinfo: []

7      simphonebook: []

3 检查Service是否存在

E:\adbTools>adb shell service check sip

Service sip: found

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