脚本 UIHollowedTexture.cs
// NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit
// Copyright © 2011-2018 Tasharen Entertainment Inc
// Create By LZ
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// If you don't have or don't wish to create an atlas, you can simply use this script to draw a texture.
/// Keep in mind though that this will create an extra draw call with each UITexture present, so it's
/// best to use it only for backgrounds or temporary visible widgets.
[AddComponentMenu("NGUI/UI/NGUI Hollowed Texture")]
public class UIHollowedTexture : UIBasicSprite
[HideInInspector][SerializeField] Rect mRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
[HideInInspector][SerializeField] Texture mTexture;
[HideInInspector][SerializeField] Shader mShader;
[HideInInspector][SerializeField] Vector4 mBorder = Vector4.zero;
[HideInInspector][SerializeField] bool mFixedAspect = false;
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] int mBorderWidth = 10; // 边框宽度(像素)
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] int mBorderPliesNum = 1; // 边框层数(由几圈边框组成)
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] float mUvAnimSpeedH = 0; // UV动画速度 水平
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] float mUvAnimSpeedV = 0; // UV动画速度 竖直
[HideInInspector] [SerializeField] bool mUvAnimIgnoreTimeScale = true; // UV动画是否忽略时间缩放
[System.NonSerialized] int mPMA = -1;
/// Texture used by the UITexture. You can set it directly, without the need to specify a material.
public override Texture mainTexture
if (mTexture != null) return mTexture;
if (mMat != null) return mMat.mainTexture;
return null;
if (mTexture != value)
if (drawCall != null && drawCall.widgetCount == 1 && mMat == null)
mTexture = value;
drawCall.mainTexture = value;
mTexture = value;
mPMA = -1;
/// Material used by the widget.
public override Material material
return mMat;
if (mMat != value)
mShader = null;
mMat = value;
mPMA = -1;
/// Shader used by the texture when creating a dynamic material (when the texture was specified, but the material was not).
public override Shader shader
if (mMat != null) return mMat.shader;
if (mShader == null) mShader = Shader.Find("Unlit/Transparent Colored");
return mShader;
if (mShader != value)
if (drawCall != null && drawCall.widgetCount == 1 && mMat == null)
mShader = value;
drawCall.shader = value;
mShader = value;
mPMA = -1;
mMat = null;
/// Whether the texture is using a premultiplied alpha material.
public override bool premultipliedAlpha
if (mPMA == -1)
Material mat = material;
mPMA = (mat != null && mat.shader != null && mat.shader.name.Contains("Premultiplied")) ? 1 : 0;
return (mPMA == 1);
/// Sprite's border. X = left, Y = bottom, Z = right, W = top.
public override Vector4 border
return mBorder;
if (mBorder != value)
mBorder = value;
/// UV rectangle used by the texture.
public Rect uvRect
return mRect;
if (mRect != value)
mRect = value;
/// Widget's dimensions used for drawing. X = left, Y = bottom, Z = right, W = top.
/// This function automatically adds 1 pixel on the edge if the texture's dimensions are not even.
/// It's used to achieve pixel-perfect sprites even when an odd dimension widget happens to be centered.
public override Vector4 drawingDimensions
Vector2 offset = pivotOffset;
float x0 = -offset.x * mWidth;
float y0 = -offset.y * mHeight;
float x1 = x0 + mWidth;
float y1 = y0 + mHeight;
if (mTexture != null && mType != UISprite.Type.Tiled)
int w = mTexture.width;
int h = mTexture.height;
int padRight = 0;
int padTop = 0;
float px = 1f;
float py = 1f;
if (w > 0 && h > 0 && (mType == UISprite.Type.Simple || mType == UISprite.Type.Filled))
if ((w & 1) != 0) ++padRight;
if ((h & 1) != 0) ++padTop;
px = (1f / w) * mWidth;
py = (1f / h) * mHeight;
if (mFlip == UISprite.Flip.Horizontally || mFlip == UISprite.Flip.Both)
x0 += padRight * px;
else x1 -= padRight * px;
if (mFlip == UISprite.Flip.Vertically || mFlip == UISprite.Flip.Both)
y0 += padTop * py;
else y1 -= padTop * py;
float fw, fh;
if (mFixedAspect)
fw = 0f;
fh = 0f;
Vector4 br = border;
fw = br.x + br.z;
fh = br.y + br.w;
float vx = Mathf.Lerp(x0, x1 - fw, mDrawRegion.x);
float vy = Mathf.Lerp(y0, y1 - fh, mDrawRegion.y);
float vz = Mathf.Lerp(x0 + fw, x1, mDrawRegion.z);
float vw = Mathf.Lerp(y0 + fh, y1, mDrawRegion.w);
return new Vector4(vx, vy, vz, vw);
/// Whether the drawn texture will always maintain a fixed aspect ratio.
/// This setting is not compatible with drawRegion adjustments (sliders, progress bars, etc).
public bool fixedAspect
return mFixedAspect;
if (mFixedAspect != value)
mFixedAspect = value;
mDrawRegion = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
/// Adjust the scale of the widget to make it pixel-perfect.
public override void MakePixelPerfect ()
if (mType == Type.Tiled) return;
Texture tex = mainTexture;
if (tex == null) return;
if (mType == Type.Simple || mType == Type.Filled || !hasBorder)
if (tex != null)
int w = tex.width;
int h = tex.height;
if ((w & 1) == 1) ++w;
if ((h & 1) == 1) ++h;
width = w;
height = h;
/// Adjust the draw region if the texture is using a fixed aspect ratio.
protected override void OnUpdate ()
if (mFixedAspect)
Texture tex = mainTexture;
if (tex != null)
int w = tex.width;
int h = tex.height;
if ((w & 1) == 1) ++w;
if ((h & 1) == 1) ++h;
float widgetWidth = mWidth;
float widgetHeight = mHeight;
float widgetAspect = widgetWidth / widgetHeight;
float textureAspect = (float)w / h;
if (textureAspect < widgetAspect)
float x = (widgetWidth - widgetHeight * textureAspect) / widgetWidth * 0.5f;
drawRegion = new Vector4(x, 0f, 1f - x, 1f);
float y = (widgetHeight - widgetWidth / textureAspect) / widgetHeight * 0.5f;
drawRegion = new Vector4(0f, y, 1f, 1f - y);
// UV动画
if (Application.isPlaying && (mUvAnimSpeedH != 0 || mUvAnimSpeedV != 0))
float delta = mUvAnimIgnoreTimeScale ? RealTime.deltaTime : Time.deltaTime;
Rect uvr = uvRect;
uvr.x += mUvAnimSpeedH * delta * uvr.width;
uvr.y += mUvAnimSpeedV * delta * uvr.height;
uvr.x -= Mathf.Floor(uvRect.x);
uvr.y -= Mathf.Floor(uvRect.y);
uvRect = uvr;
/// Virtual function called by the UIPanel that fills the buffers.
public override void OnFill (List verts, List uvs, List cols)
Texture tex = mainTexture;
if (tex == null) return;
Rect outer = new Rect(mRect.x * tex.width, mRect.y * tex.height, tex.width * mRect.width, tex.height * mRect.height);
Rect inner = outer;
Vector4 br = border;
inner.xMin += br.x;
inner.yMin += br.y;
inner.xMax -= br.z;
inner.yMax -= br.w;
float w = 1f / tex.width;
float h = 1f / tex.height;
outer.xMin *= w;
outer.xMax *= w;
outer.yMin *= h;
outer.yMax *= h;
inner.xMin *= w;
inner.xMax *= w;
inner.yMin *= h;
inner.yMax *= h;
int offset = verts.Count;
Fill(verts, uvs, cols, outer, inner);
if (onPostFill != null)
onPostFill(this, offset, verts, uvs, cols);
protected new void Fill(List verts, List uvs, List cols, Rect outer, Rect inner)
Rect mOuterUV = outer;
Rect mInnerUV = inner;
Vector4 v = drawingDimensions;
Vector4 u;
if (mFlip == Flip.Horizontally) u = new Vector4(mOuterUV.xMax, mOuterUV.yMin, mOuterUV.xMin, mOuterUV.yMax);
else if (mFlip == Flip.Vertically) u = new Vector4(mOuterUV.xMin, mOuterUV.yMax, mOuterUV.xMax, mOuterUV.yMin);
else if (mFlip == Flip.Both) u = new Vector4(mOuterUV.xMax, mOuterUV.yMax, mOuterUV.xMin, mOuterUV.yMin);
else u = new Vector4(mOuterUV.xMin, mOuterUV.yMin, mOuterUV.xMax, mOuterUV.yMax);
Color gc = color;
gc.a = finalAlpha;
if (premultipliedAlpha) gc = NGUITools.ApplyPMA(gc);
mBorderPliesNum = Mathf.Clamp(mBorderPliesNum, 1, 99);
float borderPlieWidth = (float)mBorderWidth / mBorderPliesNum;
float uvPlieHeight = (u.w - u.y) / mBorderPliesNum;
for (int i = 0; i < mBorderPliesNum; i++)
float borderOffset = borderPlieWidth * i;
Vector4 vi = new Vector4(v.x - borderOffset, v.y - borderOffset, v.z + borderOffset, v.w + borderOffset);
Vector4 vo = new Vector4(vi.x - borderPlieWidth, vi.y - borderPlieWidth, vi.z + borderPlieWidth, vi.w + borderPlieWidth);
verts.Add(new Vector3(vi.x, vi.y));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vo.x, vo.y));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vo.x, vo.w));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vi.x, vi.w));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vi.x, vi.w));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vo.x, vo.w));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vo.z, vo.w));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vi.z, vi.w));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vi.z, vi.w));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vo.z, vo.w));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vo.z, vo.y));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vi.z, vi.y));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vi.z, vi.y));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vo.z, vo.y));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vo.x, vo.y));
verts.Add(new Vector3(vi.x, vi.y));
float deltaUX = (u.z - u.x) * 0.5f;
float deltaUX1 = deltaUX * height / (width + height);
float deltaUX2 = deltaUX - deltaUX1;
float uyOffset = uvPlieHeight * i;
float uy1 = u.y + uyOffset;
float uy2 = uy1 + uvPlieHeight;
float ux1 = u.x;
float ux2 = ux1 + deltaUX1;
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux1, uy1));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux1, uy2));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux2, uy2));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux2, uy1));
ux1 = ux2;
ux2 += deltaUX2;
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux1, uy1));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux1, uy2));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux2, uy2));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux2, uy1));
ux1 = ux2;
ux2 += deltaUX1;
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux1, uy1));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux1, uy2));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux2, uy2));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux2, uy1));
ux1 = ux2;
ux2 += deltaUX2;
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux1, uy1));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux1, uy2));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux2, uy2));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(ux2, uy1));
int count = 48 * mBorderPliesNum;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
然后是 UIHollowedTextureInspector.cs,注意要放到Editor文件夹下
// NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit
// Copyright © 2011-2018 Tasharen Entertainment Inc
// Create By LZ
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// Inspector class used to edit UIHollowedTexture.
[CustomEditor(typeof(UIHollowedTexture), true)]
public class UIHollowedTextureInspector : UIBasicSpriteEditor
UIHollowedTexture mTex;
protected override void OnEnable ()
mTex = target as UIHollowedTexture;
protected override bool ShouldDrawProperties ()
if (target == null) return false;
SerializedProperty sp = NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("Texture", serializedObject, "mTexture");
NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("Material", serializedObject, "mMat");
if (sp != null) NGUISettings.texture = sp.objectReferenceValue as Texture;
if (mTex != null && (mTex.material == null || serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects))
NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("Shader", serializedObject, "mShader");
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(mTex == null || mTex.mainTexture == null || serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects);
NGUIEditorTools.DrawRectProperty("UV Rect", serializedObject, "mRect");
sp = serializedObject.FindProperty("mFixedAspect");
bool before = sp.boolValue;
NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("Fixed Aspect", sp);
if (sp.boolValue != before) (target as UIWidget).drawRegion = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
if (sp.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Note that Fixed Aspect mode is not compatible with Draw Region modifications done by sliders and progress bars.", MessageType.Info);
NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("边框宽度", serializedObject, "mBorderWidth");
NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("边框圈数", serializedObject, "mBorderPliesNum");
NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("UV横滚动速度", serializedObject, "mUvAnimSpeedH");
NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("UV竖滚动速度", serializedObject, "mUvAnimSpeedV");
NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("忽略时间缩放", serializedObject, "mUvAnimIgnoreTimeScale");
return true;
/// Allow the texture to be previewed.
public override bool HasPreviewGUI ()
return (Selection.activeGameObject == null || Selection.gameObjects.Length == 1) &&
(mTex != null) && (mTex.mainTexture as Texture2D != null);
/// Draw the sprite preview.
public override void OnPreviewGUI (Rect rect, GUIStyle background)
Texture2D tex = mTex.mainTexture as Texture2D;
if (tex != null)
Rect tc = mTex.uvRect;
tc.xMin *= tex.width;
tc.xMax *= tex.width;
tc.yMin *= tex.height;
tc.yMax *= tex.height;
NGUIEditorTools.DrawSprite(tex, rect, mTex.color, tc, mTex.border);
把上面两个代码放到项目里,就可以添加 “UIHollowedTexture” 这个组件了,用法与UITexture相同,多了几个参数,并且Type参数没用了
最后再说一下shader行,如果希望这个边框图像以颜色叠加(特效)的方式显示,那么需要替换shader,最简单的办法是复制NGUI自带的 “Unlit - Transparent Colored”、“Unlit - Transparent Colored 1”、“Unlit - Transparent Colored 2”、“Unlit - Transparent Colored3” 这四个Shader,然后改名为 “Unlit - Transparent Colored Additive” 等,再依次打开内容,第一行先改名,然后找到 "Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha" 全部替换为 "Blend SrcAlpha One",以后把 “Unlit - Transparent Colored Additive” 拖到 Shader行替换默认的 “Unlit - Transparent Colored”。这样改过的的shader支持NGUI的panel裁切,用在ScrollView里不会出错。