

  • Chapter 8. The Bochs internal debugger (Bochs内部调试器)
    • 8.1. Using the command line debugger 使用命令行调试器
      • 8.1.1. Execution Control 执行控制
      • 8.1.2. BreakPoints 断点
      • 8.1.3. Memory WatchPoints 内存监视点


Chapter 8. The Bochs internal debugger (Bochs内部调试器)

8.1. Using the command line debugger 使用命令行调试器

You can now conditionally compile in a GDB like command line debugger, that allows you to set breakpoints, step through instructions, and other useful functions. If there isn’t a command for something you believe is generally useful for the debugger, let me know and I’ll implement it if possible.
\qquad 现在,您可以在类似GDB的命令行调试器中进行有条件编译,该调试器允许您设置断点、逐步执行指令和其他有用的函数。如果没有一个您认为对调试器通常有用的命令,请告诉我,如果可能的话,我会实现它。


This section describes how to enable and use the Bochs command line debugger. For it’s builtin graphical front-end please see the debugger gui section how to enable it. 注意:本节介绍如何启用和使用Bochs命令行调试器。对于它的内置图形前端,请参阅调试器gui部分如何启用它。

To use the debugger, you must configure Bochs with the --enable-debugger flag. For example:若要使用调试器,必须使用–enable-debugger 标志配置Bochs。例如:

./configure --enable-debugger

Note: You must use flex version 2.5.4 or greater. I have heard that version 2.5.2 will not work. 您必须使用flex 2.5.4或更高版本。我听说2.5.2版本不起作用。

When you first start up Bochs, you will see the command line prompt


From here, you may use the following commands: 从这里,您可以使用以下命令:

8.1.1. Execution Control 执行控制

c continue executing 继续执行

s [count] execute count instructions, default is 1 执行计数指令,默认值为1
step [count]

s [cpu] [count] for SMP simulation, execute count instructions on cpu, default is 1 对于SMP模拟,在cpu上执行count指令,默认值为1
step [cpu] [count]

s all [count] for SMP simulation, execute count instructions on all cpus 用于SMP模拟,在所有cpu上执行count指令
step all [count]

Ctrl-C stop execution, and return to command line prompt 停止执行,返回命令行提示
Ctrl-D if at empty line on command line, exit 如果在命令行的空行,则退出

q quit debugger and execution 退出调试器和执行

8.1.2. BreakPoints 断点

NOTE: The format of ‘seg’, ‘off’, and ‘addr’ in these descriptions,are as follows. I don’t have any way to set the current radix. 这些描述中“seg”、“off”和“addr”的格式,如下所示。我没有办法设置当前基数。

hexidecimal: 0xcdef0123
decimal: 123456789
octal: 01234567

vbreak seg:off Set a virtual address instruction breakpoint 设置虚拟地址指令断点
vb seg:off

vbreak seg:off if “expr” Set a conditional virtual address instruction breakpoint 设置条件虚拟地址指令断点
vb seg:off if “expr”

lbreak addr Set a linear address instruction breakpoint 设置线性地址指令断点
lb addr

lbreak addr if “expr” Set a conditional linear address instruction breakpoint 设置条件线性地址指令断点
lb addr if “expr”

pbreak [] addr Set a physical address instruction breakpoint 设置物理地址指令断点
pb [
] addr (the '’ is optional for GDB compatibility) 对于GDB兼容性,''是可选的)
break [] addr
b [
] addr

pbreak [] addr if “expr” Set a conditional physical address instruction breakpoint 设置条件物理地址指令断点
pb [
] addr if “expr” (the '’ is optional for GDB compatibility)(''是GDB兼容性的可选项)
break [] addr if “expr”
b [
] addr if “expr”

info break Display state of all current breakpoints 显示所有当前断点的状态
bpe n Enable a breakpoint 启用断点
bpd n Disable a breakpoint 禁用断点
delete n Delete a breakpoint 删除断点
del n
d n

8.1.3. Memory WatchPoints 内存监视点

watch read addr Insert a read watch point at physical address addr 在物理地址addr插入一个读取监视点
watch r addr Insert a read watch point at physical address addr 在物理地址addr插入一个读取监视点
watch write addr Insert a write watch point at physical address addr 在物理地址addr插入一个写监视点
watch w addr Insert a write watch point at physical address addr 在物理地址addr插入一个写监视点
watch Display state of current memory watchpoints 显示当前内存监视点的状态
watch stop Stop simulation when a watchpoint is encountered (default) 遇到观察点时停止模拟(默认)
watch continue Do not stop simulation when a watchpoint is encountered 遇到观察点时不要停止模拟
unwatch addr Remove watchpoint to specific physical address 将监视点删除到特定的物理地址
unwatch Remove all watch points 移除所有观察点
trace-mem on/off Enable/Disable memory access tracing 开/关启用/禁用内存访问跟踪

