
invwarp -w warpvol -o invwarpvol -r refvol

Compulsory arguments (You MUST set one or more of):

-w,--warp filename for warp/shiftmap transform (volume)

-o,--out filename for output (inverse warped) image

-r,--ref filename for new reference image, i.e., what was originally the input image (determines inverse warpvol's FOV and pixdims)

Optional arguments (You may optionally specify one or more of):

--rel use relative warp convention: x' = x + w(x)

--abs use absolute warp convention (default): x' = w(x)

--noconstraint do not apply the Jacobian constraint

--jmin minimum acceptable Jacobian value for constraint (default 0.01)

--jmax maximum acceptable Jacobian value for constraint (default 100.0)

--debug turn on debugging output

-v,--verbose switch on diagnostic messages

-h,--help display this message
