npm install -g cnpm --registry=;
npm install在哪个目录下执行就安装在这个目录的node_modules文件夹下。 local本地安装:npm install
xxx 安装到命令行所在目录的node_module目录。 global全局安装:npm install xxx -g 安装到
\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules目录。 From
node -v
npm -v
cnpm -v
cnpm install -g @vue/cli
vue -V
结果不低于"@vue/cli 4.5.14"搭建第一个 Vite 项目 Vite 需要 Node.js 版本 14.18+,16+。然而,有些模板需要依赖更高的 Node
版本才能正常运行,当你的包管理器发出警告时,请注意升级你的 Node 版本。
使用 NPM:$ npm create vite@latest
使用 Yarn:$ yarn create vite
使用 PNPM:$ pnpm create vite From
npm init vite@latest demo_fe -- --template vue
cd demo_fe
cnpm install
cnpm install axios --save
cnpm install element-plus --save
cnpm install vue-router@4 --save
cnpm install vuex@next --save
cnpm run dev
按照页面提示编辑 Edit……to test HMR.demo_fe/src/components/HelloWorld.vue
Hot Module Replacement(以下简称 HMR)是 webpack 发展至今引入的最令人兴奋的特性之一 ,当你对代码进行修改并保存后,webpack 将对代码重新打包,并将新的模块发送到浏览器端,浏览器通过新的模块替换老的模块,这样在不刷新浏览器的前提下就能够对应用进行更新。
○ java -version类似openjdk version "17.0.1" 2021-10-19……
○ javac -version类似javac 17.0.1
○ mvn -v类似Apache Maven 3.8.3……
①Spring Web:Build web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC. Uses Apache Tomcat as the default embedded container.
②Spring Data JPA:Persist data in SQL stores with Java Persistence API using Spring Data and Hibernate.
③Spring Data Redis:Advanced and thread-safe Java Redis client for synchronous, asynchronous, and reactive usage. Supports Cluster, Sentinel, Pipelining, Auto-Reconnect, Codecs and much more.
④Spring Boot Actuator:Supports built in (or custom) endpoints that let you monitor and manage your application - such as application health, metrics, sessions, etc.
⑤MySQL Driver:MySQL JDBC and R2DBC driver.
⑥Java Mail Sender:Send email using Java Mail and Spring Framework’s JavaMailSender.
⑦Thymeleaf:A modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments. Allows HTML to be correctly displayed in browsers and as static prototypes.
⑧Lombok:Java annotation library which helps to reduce boilerplate code.
(以MySQL Workbench为例)
Failed to connect to MySQL at localhost:3306 with user root
mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p
net start mysql
这时候仅仅输入net start
所以,我的应该是net start mysql80
create table user(
uid int,
uname varchar(30),
sid varchar(30),
phone varchar(11),
create_time datetime,
pass_hash text,
constraint user_pk primary key(user_id)
password 要用函数加密
insert into user(uid, uname, sid, phone, create_time,pass_hash) values (1, '张三','SC007', '13896543210', '2022-09-30', '123456');
select * from user