Django 插件实现请求次数限制

为了防止用户恶意访问接口(爬虫), 可以对一定时间内请求次数做限制. 若超出限制次数, 则返回错误页面

此处使用的插件为django-ratelimit, 它可以通过ip限制,也可以通过访问次数限制. 使用很灵活


pip install django-ratelimit



from ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit

@ratelimit(group=None, key=, rate=None, method=ALL, block=False)
def myview(request):

大致用法: (翻译不通)
| Parameters: |

  • groupNone A group of rate limits to count together. Defaults to the dotted name of the view.

  • key – What key to use, see Keys.

  • rate
    请求次数限制, 5/m为5次每分钟, 单位可以是秒, 分, 时, 日
    ‘5/m’ The number of requests per unit time allowed. Valid units are:

    • s - seconds
    • m - minutes
    • h - hours
    • d - days

    Also accepts callables. See Rates.

  • methodALL Which HTTP method(s) to rate-limit. May be a string, a list/tuple of strings, or the special values for ALL or UNSAFE (which includes POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH).

  • blockFalse Whether to block the request instead of annotating.

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