2018-10-15 justify

1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


 英英释义:To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary.

例句:The end justifies the means.

 2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇) “justify”表示“证明…是正当的”,是一个在写作和口语中都常用到的词。在不同的语境下,justify 可以灵活翻译为不同的意思。比如,为了达成目的而不择手段,就可以说成:

The end justifies the means. (end 在这里表示“结果” “目的”,means 表示“方式”,表示只要是目的是正确的,任何手段都说得过去)。

 苹果新出的 iPhone Xs 价格更贵,但是功能并没有太大提升,许多人为此吐槽:

The new features of iPhone Xs cannot justify its hefty price tag.

《经济学人》官网上的博客专栏 The Economist Explains 中,在解释中国为什么放宽独生子女政策时,也用到了 justify:

The increasingly high cost of a few extra square feet of housing, not to mention of providing a good education, also makes it economically harder to justify more children.

3. 从认识到会用(作业)

 1)翻译下面的句子: 他的决定从经济上完全可以理解,但从道德上很难成立。

(参考翻译:His decision can be justified from an economic point of view but can hardly be morally/ethically justified.)



 造句: The student's excuse cannot justify her absence from class.

             The removal of garbage tins from each floor cannot justify the garbage classification.

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