《Atomic Habits》英文+中文笔记

Congratulations! You have finished your first English book!

[Make it Obvious]

Chapter2 How your habits shape your identity(and vice versa)

Why? You want to be that kind of person not a lazy person!!!

Chapter3 How to build better habits in 4 simple steps

If I want to cultivate a continuous habit, I need to set up a habit loop

Problem phase

Cue: Want to learn German

Craving: Study in Germany is pretty cool

Solution phase

Response: Watch German teaching video

Reward: NOpe

[Make it obvious]

Chapter4    Scorecard:

Wake up=

Go to the toilet=

Bush my teeth+

Use paper to wash face+

Do a yoga +

Eat breakfast-

Watch German videos+

Read German grammatical book+

Eat again-

Send my pronounce to Emil+

Watch English video+

Browse anything on Bilibili-

Sleep fro two hour-

Eat something-

Check wechat-

Read English book/ Chinese book+


Jumping and jogging+

Take a shower=

Chat with my friends-

Browse my mobile phones-

Use iPad -

Go to bed=

Chapter 5  The best way to start a new habit

(1)I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION]

I will do yoga at 8:00am in my room

I will read books at 8:50am in my bedroom for at least 30mins  before going to work


I will read books after working and before sleeping during 11-12pm in my bedroom

(2)After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT]

After brush my teeth and wash my face, I will do yoga for 1 episode

During eating breakfast, I will browse RSS “Feedme” APP

After eating breakfast, I will read a book for 30mins

Learn German? (Book and video) Where are they?

After work?/ Before work?

Chapter 6 Motivations overrated, Environment often matters more

(1)design your environment

Desk for work and reading

Floor for yoga and watch German

How about Office?

Chapter 7 The Secret to Self-Control

People with high self-control tend to spend less time in tempting situations. It’s easier to avoid temptation than resist it.

[Make it attractive]

Chapter 8 How to make a habit irresistible

Temptation bundling:



After I get home, I will rope jumping and jog for a while.

After I rope jumping and jog, I will check Weibo hot and Feedme

Chapter 9 The role of family and friends in shaping your habits

We tend to imitate the habits of three social groups: the close, the many , and the powerful.

In my life, I do have experiences of imitating others.

Imitate the habits of my friends who study hard on learning Japanese, who are interested in watching wild animal’s videos. Even I mimic the way of thinking of you, being influenced by your reading habits.

Imitate making up and using the facial masks often.(I stopped this habit last year because of my serious acne and I haven’t used it so far)

Imitate to be diligent and thrifty of my admirable idols.

The normal behavior of the tribe often overpowers the desired behavior of the individual. Most days, we’d rather be wrong with the crowd than be right by ourselves.

Is this the concentrated expression of group psychology?

Chapter 10 How to find and fix the causes of your bad habits

Our behavior is heavily dependent on these predictions.

Put another way, our behavior is heavily dependent on how we interpret the events that happen to us, not necessarily the objective reality of the events themselves

So mind-set shift is necessary.

[Make it Easy]

Chapter 11 Walk slowly, but never backward

The most effective form of learning is practice, not planing.

Practice makes perfect. If we want to learn speaking German and playing the piano. Practice more and take it easy. The most important, what matters is that you take the actions you need to take to make progress.

If I don’t step out to take action and practice skills and just watch videos, I will not learn it well  eternally.

Chapter12 The law of least effort

Prime your environment to make future actions easier

Please create your own environment where doing the right thing is as easy as possible. And don’t forget to reduce friction. For example, set a small goal for jogging and rope jumping slowly.  Try any way to learn at office.

Chapter13 How to stop procrastinating by using the 2 minute rule

Habit Shaping: Get up at 7.30 AM

Phase1: Light off by 11:00PM every night

Phase2: Turn off the alert ring at 7.30 AM

Phase3: Take a shower by 10:40 pm

Phase4: Hang clothes by 11:00 PM

Phase5: Write your 3 things by 11:00 PM

Phase6: Set alarm by 11:00 PM

Habit shaping: Reading book before sleep

Phase1: Turn off wechat and others by 11:00 PM

Phase2: Open Wechat Reader by 11:00 PM

Phase3: Say goodnight by 11:00 PM

Phase4: Go to bed or close your bed door by 11:00 PM

[Make it Satisfying]

Chapter 15 The cardinal rule of behavior change

We are more likely to repeat a behavior when the experience is satisfying

The cardinal rule of behavior change: what is immediately rewarded is repeated. What is immediately punished is avoided.

“How cultivate habits of learning Arts?”

Immediately reward?

Make it satisfying?

I consider I need to make the experiences of playing the piano or watching lessons video easy  and peaceful. Set a weekly reward? Widen your learning ways, such as watching video or reduce your assignment, not just playing it? Or finish your work before going home. All the time you spend at home is enjoyable and relaxing.

Learning Art: 30 mins

(1)Watching a lesson less than 30 mins(including any music video)

(2)Practice playing the piano less than 30 mins

(3)You need to finish your work before going home and get home early

“How to learn new software for Master degree?”

Time: priority, less than 0.5-1h

Learning one at the office room during lesson break

You know, if are managing your postgraduate time.

Chapter 16 How to stick with good habits every day

A habit tracker is a simple way to measure whether you did a habit-like making an X on a calendar

I realize how important track is, for example, I write down my goal every day and give a feedback every week. I am deeply influenced by this habit which has changed my life.

Don’t miss twice. If you miss one day, try to get back on track as quickly as possible

How to recover quickly when your habits break down? For me, It’s hard to just skip one. If there is not a big and sudden problem, I ask myself to stop at most three times. Chinese saying: 3 and out.  If I have more important and more serious things to do, I have to pick it up as soon as you finish your assignment.

Chapter 17 How an Accountability partner can change everything

A habit contract and a social cost word for you to cultivate a  new habit

An accountability partner works as well

I do use this method to complete some goals, such as diet, learning software

[Advanced Tactics]

Chapter 18: The truth about talent (When Genes Matter and When they don’t )

The secret to maximizing your odds of success is to choose the right field of completion

Genes do not eliminate the need for hard work. They clarify it. They tell us what to work hard on.

I’m surely agree with author’s opinion that pick the right habit and process is easy. Pick the wrong habit and life is struggle. So how to find it? The most common approach is trial and error. But life is short.  To be honest, in my opinion, for the method of cultivating a new habit, that will be okay. But if for our career, it’s not easy to find it. What if we’re working on not the most suitable job. The most suitable job or career is perfect. I think, if we can work in our field interested in, we will be satisfied. If you work on the job that you don’t like, but you need salary, you will continue to work on it but you might work responsibly and pursue for your own interest after work.

Finally, no matter whether we have chosen a suitable job or explore your own ability, we still need hard work.

Chapter 19  How to stay Motivated in life and work

The greatest threat to success is not failure but boredom.

Anyone can work hard when they feel motivated. It’s ability to keep going when work isn’t exciting that make the difference.

Professionals stick to the schedule; amateurs let life get in the way.

Wow, this chapter leaves me an extreme expression. Boredom exists in any field. You have to fall in love with boredom.

Q1: How to shorter the time of being bore?

A1: To be honest, when it comes to keep motivated in life and work, I’m excited about it and looking forward to learning about it. In the end, the author says we must will be bored with habits sometimes and have to fall in love boredom. Thinking about it on the other way, how to keep motivated longer?

“Manageable difficulties” “Working on tasks that are right on the edge of their current abilities.”


Learning playing the piano

So far, I have not kept practising and learning playing the piano because I don’t stick to the schedule but let life get in the way. Three minutes passion. After I come back to Shunde city, I just touched the folded piano for two times. Even if I spent a lot of time in watching some relaxing videos on Bilibili, I have little motivation to learn it as a beginner and I seldom be brave to pick it up again. So I’m a pure beginner and have not cultivate the habit of learning it since I bought this instrument. That is a pity.

Exercise: yoga and jumping.  They are beneficial to your health.

Learning German.  Make it easy+clear might work better.

How to do later?

I need to accept boredom during learning something new and interesting first, being accustomed to boredom gradually.

So stick to do yoga that really benefits your heath, relax your body, calm down your mood.

Hold on reading every day that helps you improve your mental heath.

Persist in enjoying music that relaxes your brain and instrument that helps you think about how to go through the plateau when you have to practise more, and teaches you how to be friends with boredom during learning a new skill.

Chapter 20 The downside of creating good habits

Habits+ Deliberate Practice=Mastery

Reflection and review is a process that allows you to remain conscious of your performance over time

I think my learning journey lacks of deliberate practice. Once being used to a habit, I usually stand by it unconsciously and seldom look back. To take learning English as an example, I insist on talking with my partner, but I scare to face my practice recording which reflect my true situation and makes me hate myself.

Next time, how about to review recording before talking to Leo this week? Let’s try it , okay?

Reflection and review. They are so important in my life that I have some impressive memories about them.

During high school, I used to make false analysis after every exam and come up several proper suggestions for me to adjust it.

Even during the time I was preparing for Master degree, I would conclude what were reasons of mistakes, and next time , I would try to correct it until the result satisfied me.

I have a weekly habit of recording my goal and what things I have accomplished. Week by week, I found it gave me a lot fo feedback. I’m also addicted to using it every week even during busy time, I get benefit from this habit.

Actually, before reading this book, I don’t know why do I enjoy to record my weekly goal and write down feedback. Reflection and review works. Well, I would like to continue this habit for a long time.

[Book Review]

During reading English book, I could feel the friction and mental flow.

Is there any contradiction?

Nope, I surely experienced both. Actually,I realize that is a new habit for me and I found some methods that I’m using unconsciously even if I don’t know how it works.

Friction: To be honest, I’m not accustomed to reading English book for a long time. I can be able to finish it in a week, but I know the friction is so much that I will give up quickly or it makes me dissatisfied.

I really remembered that two chapters are my maximum when I began to read it.  Every time, I read the new chapter, after a while , my attention began to reduce. And then I would like to check whether there was a new message from Wechat or not. I have to look up the new words in  dictionary to make sure its meaning. Sometimes, I think I didn’t make sense well , so I would like to translate it later to make it clear.

The process of it was a little slow compared to reading Mandarin books.(Therefore, here is a question, how do you finish my Chinese book”Alive”, I guess it might be not easy to read at first time.)


When finishing a chapter, I would like to try to use its method to make a few changes of my old habit or cultivate my new habit, such as, learning German and learning piano.

To my satisfaction, I feel I acquire knowledge after finishing every chapter. My brain tells me I have learned something that is practical and makes me delighted.

To my most excitement, I try to think about every summary of chapters. For example, I would like to recall my memory of past and present experiences of cultivating or keeping a habit, and then I will be delighted to adjust my behavior that  it works.


related to my expriences

What should I do later. Maintain or Adjust. (This is method of reading practical book, three steps of reading, which I have learned before, unfortunately, I read novels or Textbooks more than practical books, so I seldom use it in recent years.).

Looking back to this new experience of reading English book, why did I finish reading it successfully although it took me a long time ?

There are some factors as following:

(1)Book is suitable for me.

I had an experience of reading an English novel”Flipped” before, but I failed finally. I knew it might not be the most important reason for failure, but I felt more friction when reading it for the reason that I’m not familiar with life words, such as supplies words, places and so on. I found I have to look up many news  words when reading, which makes me frustrated.

(2)Environment matters

Because of friction, I must read  it with my whole attention and I would like to read it at office or take it seriously at home with less distraction. I hardly reading this while chatting with my friends. It will destroyed my desire of reading.

(3)The important role of you in shaping my habit.

You recommended this book to me, and told me that it will be beneficial to my mental heath. In fact, I have promised you that I would read it. This is a promise.

Besides, when I started to read it, I found that it was not so tough to read it. So I continue to read it happily.

In my pinion, our habit don’t must meet these 4 conditions. We just need to try to use one of them or two , may be more , to develop our new habits and adjust our existing habits. One of these 4 factors works for forming a new habit. For example, in terms of  me, according to my experience, if I lived in university, I think studying hard is necessary and much entertainment is quite guilty for me. That good environment works for me well for the sake of learning anything automatically even if there are less fun.

Mastery requires practices. Practice makes perfect. I hope we can achieve our goals and make our life better after accumulating good habits and reducing bad ones.




Make it Obvious

Make it Attractive

Make it Easy

Make it satisfying





(2)其次,让习惯具有吸引力。Make it attractive






Chapter 19  How to stay Motivated in life and work

The greatest threat to success is not failure but boredom.

Anyone can work hard when they feel motivated. It’s ability to keep going when work isn’t exciting that make the difference.

Professionals stick to the schedule; amateurs let life get in the way.




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