

方案: 邀请网红对包包进行直播秀,再根据直播点击率,了解大部分顾客的需求,增大对某一类包包的的供应量

准备工作: 邀请知名网红,开创个人微博号,微信公众号,找寻合作平台

2.阅读一篇以上 cewebrity 相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容

文章链接:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/uptodate/2009/09/091117_kyeutd_cewebrity_page.shtml

文章主题:  Keep your English up to date -Cewebrity

文章主旨:    The artist Andy Warhol famously said that he thought everybody would be famous for fifteen minutes, and with the increasing power of the internet, that’s more true today than ever. Anybody with an internet connection and a computer can now become a cewebrity.So we should do some thing very well ,for example  learn English hardworking.

关键词:  connection 连接

mainstream  主流

entertainment  娱乐

platform  平台
