绘本讲师训练营【37期】5/21阅读原创《绘本123 每个妈妈都能胜任的英语启蒙》-“玩”阅读


《Read to your Bunny》-By Rosemary

Read to your bunny often,

It’s twenty minutes of fun.

It’s twenty minutes of moonlight,

And twenty minutes of sun.

Twenty old-favorite minutes,

Twenty minutes brand-new,

Read to your bunny often,


Your bunny will read to you.

曾经也迷茫困惑过该拔草什么绘本,拿到一本绘本,不是图片就是简短的文字或句子,我也看不懂他到底要表达什么意思,《绘本123 每个妈妈都能胜任的英语启蒙》真的是一本很好的英语绘本工具书,现在明白老师的用心良苦了,只要根据书单购入绘本,参照绘本指引,便可以把绘本变成戏剧,变成游戏,因为几乎每本绘本后面都会有故事创作背景介绍、故事导读、共读小诀窍、亲子游戏、歌谣、作者背景介绍、还有同场加映等。


《Twenty Minutes a Day》-By Richard Peck

Read to your children

Twenty minutes a day;

You have the time,

And so do they.

Read while the laundry is in

the machine,

Read while the dinner cooks;

Tuck a child in the crook of

your arm

And reach for the library


Hide the remote,

Let the computer games cool,

For one day your children

will be off to school;

Remedial? Gifted? You have

the choice;

Let them hear their first


In the sound of your voice.

Read in the morning

Read over noon;

Read by light of

Goodnight Moon

Turn the pages together,

Sitting close as you’ll fit,

Till a small voice beside you


“Hey, don’t quit.”

你可能感兴趣的:(绘本讲师训练营【37期】5/21阅读原创《绘本123 每个妈妈都能胜任的英语启蒙》-“玩”阅读)