

  • 挂载ISO镜像
    mkdir /mnt/iso
    mount -o loop /data/SLE-11-SP3-SAP-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD.iso /mnt/iso
Portal:/data # df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2        97G   16G   76G  18% /
udev             16G  104K   16G   1% /dev
tmpfs            16G   72K   16G   1% /dev/shm
/dev/loop0      3.2G  3.2G     0 100% /mnt/iso
Portal:/data #
  • 添加zypper安装源
    zypper ar /mnt/iso/ suse11sp3iso (ar=addrepo)
Portal:/data # zypper ar /mnt/iso/ suse11sp3iso
Adding repository 'suse11sp3iso' [done]
Repository 'suse11sp3iso' successfully added
Enabled: Yes
Autorefresh: No
GPG check: Yes
URI: dir:///mnt/iso
  • zypper 命令
    列出软件仓库zypper repos,更多详情zypper repos -d
Portal:/data # zypper repos
# | Alias                                 | Name                                  | Enabled | Refresh
1 | SLES-for-SAP-Applications 11.3.3-1.17 | SLES-for-SAP-Applications 11.3.3-1.17 | Yes     | No
2 | suse11sp3iso                          | suse11sp3iso                          | Yes     | No
Portal:/data #
  • 安装GCC、G++

zypper search gcc-c++

Portal:/data # zypper search gcc-c++
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name    | Summary                     | Type
  | gcc-c++ | The system GNU C++ Compiler | package
Portal:/data #

zypper search gcc

Portal:/data # zypper search gcc
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name            | Summary                                       | Type
  | gcc             | The system GNU C Compiler                     | package
  | gcc-32bit       | The system GNU C Compiler                     | package
  | gcc-c++         | The system GNU C++ Compiler                   | package
  | gcc-info        | The system GNU Compiler documentation         | package
  | gcc-locale      | The system GNU Compiler locale files          | package
  | gcc43           | The GNU C Compiler and Support Files          | package
  | gcc43-32bit     | The GNU C Compiler 32bit support              | package
  | gcc43-c++       | The GNU C++ Compiler                          | package
  | gcc43-info      | Documentation for the GNU compiler collection | package
  | gcc43-locale    | Locale Data for the GNU Compiler Collection   | package
i | libgcc43        | C compiler runtime library                    | package
i | libgcc43-32bit  | C compiler runtime library                    | package
i | libgcc46        | C compiler runtime library                    | package
i | libgcc46-32bit  | C compiler runtime library                    | package
i | libgcc_s1       | C compiler runtime library                    | package
i | libgcc_s1-32bit | C compiler runtime library                    | package
Portal:/data #

zypper install gcc gcc-c++ gcc-info autoconf automake bison flex make
(gcc gcc-c++必选)

  • 查看安装的软件包
Portal:/data #  rpm -ql gcc
Portal:/data #

Portal:/data #  rpm -ql gcc-c++
Portal:/data #


Portal:/data # rpm -q gcc
Portal:/data # rpm -q gcc-c++
Portal:/data #
  • 删除Zypper软件源
    清理缓存zypper clean
    列出软件仓库zypper repos
    删除软件仓库zypper rr (rr=removerepo )

