黄文琪雅思口语| 3个和雨相关的8分习语

1 rain on someone's parade /pə'reɪd/ =to do or say something that spoils one's plans 泼别人冷水,破坏某人计划

I do, but right now I'm so excited that nothing could rain on my parade. 我是,但是我现在太激动了,没什么能给我泼冷水。

I'm really sorry to rain on your parade, but the funding for your research project has been canceled. 坏了你的兴致,我真的很抱歉。但是你的科研项目的经费被取消了。

2 When it rains, it pours. =when something bad happens, it's followed by something else that is bad or unlucky. 祸不单行

My dog ate my homework, and my computer crashed. Even worse, I got sick that night!When it rains, it pours! 我的狗吃掉了我的家庭作业,还有我的电脑崩溃了.更糟的是,在那天晚上我生病了.真是祸不单行啊!

I missed the bus this morning. So I was late to work. And then, on the way home, my shoes broke! And then, when I finally got home, I realized I left my keys at work! When it rains it pours. 我今天早上没赶上公车,所以上班迟到了,然后回家途中,我的鞋子坏掉了,还有到家的时候才发现我把钥匙忘在了办公室,真是祸不单行。

3 to save it for a rainy day存起来以备不时之需

Instead of spending money on a new TV , I'm going to save it for a rainy day. You never know when you'll need it. 我还是不买新电视了。这钱我准备用来以防万一,谁也不知道什么时候会需要钱。

Don't spend all of your money. Save it for a rainy day. 别把钱都花光了,留着以备急需。

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