The Asians
Japheth was the oldest son of Noah. Japheth's blessing was that he would be enlarged, according to Genesis 10:27 above. The Asians have the most numerous populations. The world's population is over 6 Billion, of which the Asians will number around 3.7 billion. China alone has a population of over 1.3 billion today; add to this the populations of Japan, Korea, Indochina, plus the number of Asians living in foreign countries. Therefore, to identify the descendants of Japheth, we simply find which groups of people are the most numerous. Obviously, no other people can compare in population to the Asians!
<< Genesis 10:2-5 >> [The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.]
创世记 10:2-5 和合本
2 雅弗的儿子是歌篾、玛各、玛代、雅完、土巴、米设、提拉。3 歌篾的儿子是亚实基拿、利法、陀迦玛。4 雅完的儿子是以利沙、他施、基提、多单。5 这些人的后裔将各国的地土、海岛分开居住,各随各的方言、宗族立国。
In the ancient world, the people were given names according to certain prominent social, spiritual, and prophetic characteristics. Thus, by analyzing the names of each of Japheth's sons, we will find them to be prophetic names serving to identify the people geographically in the last days!
The name Japheth is derived from the Hebrew word for expansion. This meaning is prophetic, informing us that the people descended from Japheth would be identified as numerous.
Gomer was the first born of Japheth, his name means addition and accumulation, again implying a multitude. Gomer had three sons: Ashkenaz, meaning bunched together; Riphath, meaning as grounded corn or wheat; and Togarmah, meaning in many pieces.
歌篾是雅弗的长子,他的名字意为“加增”,意为“聚集”。歌篾有三个儿子:亚实基拿,意思是捆在一起的;利法,意思是磨碎的玉米或小麦; 陀迦玛,意思是许多碎片。
Four more of the sons of Japheth: Magog, Madai, Tubal, and Meshech, are the various tribes in the area of Russia and Asia. Javan, the son of Japheth, his name means boiling or bubbling over; implying rapid expansion, overflowing, and multiplication. The Asians have the largest population. According to Biblical prophecy, the Asians must be the descendents of Japhet.