

Empty the body and mind, and do not let other heart interfere with the magnetic field If a person can amplify his magnetic field, the other side will not be able to lock or overlay his magnetic field. So you have to empty your body and mind. If you lose your body and mind, it is equal to the target on the other side of me. I have no way to wrap your magnetic field in the past, because the scope of the air is the largest. If you are in a good state, the whole body and mind will be emptied, and the information sent by the people around you will not be able to penetrate you. The information sent by the other side is good and bad. In his mind, you are like a target. In his consciousness, the idea of you is equal to the magnetic field of his mind, which radiates the image of you, and can even penetrate you. In good condition, it may be able to withstand it; in a bad state, it can not afford it.
