JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA 控制台日志输出问题


  • 解决方法
  • 现象
  • 思考
  • jboss 源码

  • 先说解决方法


  • $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml 文件 中添加配置: false
<mbean code="org.jboss.logging.Log4jService"
      <attribute name="ConfigurationURL">resource:jboss-log4j.xmlattribute>
      <attribute name="Log4jQuietMode">trueattribute>
      <attribute name="RefreshPeriod">60attribute>
	  <attribute name="CatchSystemOut">falseattribute>

  • 以下不重要


  • 项目有几个在用 jboss 作服务器;
    • A 项目,在 log4j.xml 中 没有配置控制台输出日志,鉴于项目非常大且非常复杂,没有调整过日志配置。但是无论如何 在使用 logger.info("XXX") 时是不能输出到控制台的,另一个现象是使用 System.out.println("XXXX") 时,控制台会自己添加时间戳和 [STOUT],例如:13:15:01,525 INFO [STDOUT]
    • B 项目 ,当程序运行起来后,所有 application 中使用的 logger.infoSystem.out.println 都不会再控制台显示,但是可以输出到文件中;对 项目的 log4j.xml 进行简单调整添加 appender 后还是没有效果。由于需求时间紧张也没有细致的调整。
    • C 项目,控制台没有输出 application 自定义的日志,文件一样是有输出,在调整配置文件 log4j.properties 后 控制台输出了 ERROR: invalid console appender config detected, console stream is looping,而且这个项目控制台什么都不输出,之前 有A 项目 和B项目的经验,我知道它们是会有问题的,而且业余时间我大概搜索了一下 jboss 的源码,jboss对 标准输出流进行了重定向。
    • 在这里插入图片描述


  • 一个正常的想法就是,jboss 应该有配置可以调整这项设定。但是 redhat 文档我实在没找到,只能去conf 目录下看看对logging 或者 logger 的相关说明;
  • 使用 $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml 文件中的 See bug#696819 关键字搜索,发现了 false 配置,在C项目试了一下,好使,sql 啥的都输出到控制台了
  • 搜索中还发现了这个博客


  • 看博客的最后那个图片


  • 对于 C 项目它的标准输出流应该像这样,(我猜的):
System.out # application
loggerStream# jboss
org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender # application

jboss 源码

 *                                     *
 *  JBoss: The OpenSource J2EE WebOS   *
 *                                     *
 *  Distributable under LGPL license.  *
 *  See terms of license at gnu.org.   *
 *                                     *

package org.jboss.logging.util;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;

import org.jboss.logging.XLevel;

 * A subclass of PrintStream that redirects its output to a log4j Logger.

This class is used to map PrintStream/PrintWriter oriented logging onto * the log4j Categories. Examples include capturing System.out/System.err * * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ * @author Scott Stark. * @author Jason Dillon */ public class LoggerStream extends PrintStream { /** * Default flag to enable/disable tracing println calls. * from the system property org.jboss.logging.util.LoggerStream.trace * or if not set defaults to false. */ public static final boolean TRACE = getBoolean(LoggerStream.class.getName() + ".trace", false); /** Helper to get boolean value from system property or use default if not set. */ private static boolean getBoolean(String name, boolean defaultValue) { String value = System.getProperty(name, null); if (value == null) return defaultValue; return new Boolean(value).booleanValue(); } private Logger logger; private Level level; private boolean inWrite; private boolean issuedWarning; /** * Redirect logging to the indicated logger using Level.INFO */ public LoggerStream(final Logger logger) { this(logger, Level.INFO, System.out); } /** * Redirect logging to the indicated logger using the given * level. The ps is simply passed to super but is not used. */ public LoggerStream(final Logger logger, final Level level, final PrintStream ps) { super(ps); this.logger = logger; this.level = level; } public void println(String msg) { if( msg == null ) msg = "null"; byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes(); write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } public void println(Object msg) { if( msg == null ) msg = "null"; byte[] bytes = msg.toString().getBytes(); write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } public void write(byte b) { byte[] bytes = {b}; write(bytes, 0, 1); } private ThreadLocal recursiveCheck = new ThreadLocal(); public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) { Boolean recursed = (Boolean)recursiveCheck.get(); if (recursed != null && recursed.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { /* There is a configuration error that is causing looping. Most likely there are two console appenders so just return to prevent spinning. */ if( issuedWarning == false ) { String msg = "ERROR: invalid console appender config detected, console stream is looping"; try { out.write(msg.getBytes()); } catch(IOException ignore) { } issuedWarning = true; } return; } // Remove the end of line chars while( len > 0 && (b[len-1] == '\n' || b[len-1] == '\r') && len > off ) len --; // HACK, something is logging exceptions line by line (including // blanks), but I can't seem to find it, so for now just ignore // empty lines... they aren't very useful. if (len != 0) { String msg = new String(b, off, len); recursiveCheck.set(Boolean.TRUE); if (TRACE) { logger.log(level, msg, new Throwable()); } else { logger.log(level, msg); } recursiveCheck.set(Boolean.FALSE); } } }
