均在 cmd 中操作
1. 安装:
pip install pyminifier
2. 代码加密 (UnicodeDecodeError解决链接)
pyminifier --nonlatin --replacement-length=10 -O xxx.py 注:(10和大写ou)
3. 另一种方法, 利用Base64对代码进行再次编码,再利用lzma算法进行压缩,但是这种加密方式仅仅用于代码没有调用隐式导入的情况。 (UnicodeDecodeError解决链接)
pyminifier --lzma "xxx.py"
4. 两种方法混合使用,效果最佳
5. 语法介绍
replacement-length 代码的变量的一个混淆长度, int
-O :混淆所有函数/方法名、变量和类。默认是不要混淆。
7. 操作示例:
# 将脚本 demo02.py 按 lzma 加密,并生成新的脚本 demo02_2.py
C:\Users\54867>pyminifier --lzma "demo02.py">demo02_2.py
# 将脚本 demo02.py 加密,并生成新的脚本 new_demo02.py
C:\Users\54867>pyminifier -O --replacement-length=10 ./demo02.py>new_demo02.py
#在 cmd 中执行这个脚本,查看是否正常运行
C:\Users\54867>python new_demo02.py
# 加密后生成新脚本,并自定义路径(已有路径)
C:\Users\54867>pyminifier -O --replacement-length=10 ./demo02.py>D:\输出\new_demo02.py
8. pyminifier 详细命令方法如下:
pyminifier -h
Usage: pyminifier [options] ""
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o , --outfile=
Save output to the given file.
-d , --destdir=
Save output to the given directory. This option is
required when handling multiple files. Defaults to
' ./minified' and will be created if not present.
--nominify Don't bother minifying (only used with --pyz).
--use-tabs Use tabs for indentation instead of spaces.
--bzip2 bzip2-compress the result into a self-executing python
script. Only works on stand-alone scripts without
implicit imports.
--gzip gzip-compress the result into a self-executing python
script. Only works on stand-alone scripts without
implicit imports.
--lzma lzma-compress the result into a self-executing python
script. Only works on stand-alone scripts without
implicit imports.
--pyz=<name of archive>.pyz
zip-compress the result into a self-executing python
script. This will create a new file that includes any
necessary implicit (local to the script) modules.
Will include/process all files given as arguments to
pyminifier.py on the command line.
-O, --obfuscate Obfuscate all function/method names, variables, and
classes. Default is to NOT obfuscate.
--obfuscate-classes Obfuscate class names.
Obfuscate function and method names.
Obfuscate variable names.
Obfuscate globally-imported mouled methods (e.g.
--obfuscate-builtins Obfuscate built-ins (i.e. True, False, object,
Exception, etc).
The length of the random names that will be used when
obfuscating identifiers.
--nonlatin Use non-latin (unicode) characters in obfuscation
(Python 3 only). WARNING: This results in some
SERIOUSLY hard-to-read code.
--prepend=<file path>
Prepend the text in this file to the top of our
output. e.g. A copyright notice.
1 将文件目录保留,然后逐个代码加密,最后报错了,建议把整个文件夹(含文件)拷贝过来,逐个加密,边试用边加密。
2 注意,目前pyminifier只能处理单个文件,而且部分脚本混淆后不可运行,需要手动测试[5]。
[1] 链接1
[2] 链接2、
[3] 链接3、
[4] 官方文档、
[5] Python代码混淆工具,Python源代码保密、加密、混淆 2019.6