
ecd estimated completion date (预计完成时间)
ooo out of office (不上班)
I donno I don't know (我不知道)
brb be right back (马上回来)
imho In my humble opinion (在我看来, 推荐 - 建议使用在说自己建议的时候)
imo in my opinion (在我看来,语句比上面的强硬一些)

thx thanks (谢谢)
plz please (请)
biz business
sth something
nth nothing

howz how is
np no problem
oic oh, I see
oicu oh, i see you

ftf / f2f face to face
fyi for your information
gl good luck

asap as soon as possible
atst at the same time
btw by the way
