2019小学英语教师资格证面试:试讲及答辩真题《Can I have a drink?》

2019小学英语教师资格证面试:试讲及答辩真题《Can I have a drink?》

Can I have a drink?


1. 题目:Can I have a drink?

2. 内容:

Amy:Mum,can I have a drink?

Mum:Yes,you can. Here you are.

Amy:Can I have an ice?cream,mum?

Mum:No,you can??t. No ice?cream.

Amy:Can I go to shop an ice?cream?

Mum:No,you can??t!You are ill. But you can have these biscuits.


3. 基本要求:





1. 请谈谈小学英语听说课可以分为什么类型。

2. 在这堂听说课中,你让课堂气氛活跃起来了吗?


Good afternoon,distinguished judges. I??m No. 1 candidate,applying for primary school English teacher. My topic is Can I have a drink?Now I??m ready. Class begins.

Ⅰ. Warming?up and lead?in

T:Hello,everyone!I have a nice present for you. Listen,what??s this?An apple song.

I have an apple and you have two. /You give me an apple and I have two. /I eat one apple and give one back to you. /I don??t have any apples you still have two.

T:Let??s sing together. If I have an apple,I can eat it when I??m hungry. It??s time for the new lesson,Can I have a drink?

Ⅱ. Pre?listening

T:Every day we have breakfast,lunch and supper. Or,we will be hungry or thirsty. So,tell me,what do you like to drink?What do you like to eat?Simon,give me your answer.

T:Simon likes Coke and chocolate. I don??t think they are good for his health,are they?

T:What about you,Susan?Oh,she likes biscuits as a snack. The biscuit is something to eat. It is usually dry,crisp and sweet. Now,listen and repeat,biscuit,biscuit. Now,let??s make a guessing game. It??s something to drink,a frozen sweet food made of milk or cream and sugar,usually with fruit,nuts,chocolate etc. added to it. What is it?Ice?cream!You??ve got it!Let??s practice the sound. We??ll begin with the /a?/ sound,ice?cream. That??s right. Let??s try it one more time.

Ⅲ. While?listening

T:Now listen to the tape carefully. For the first time,pay attention to the pronunciation. For the second time,pay attention to the following questions:What can Amy eat in the tape?What can??t Amy eat?

T:Let??s see the answers. Lucy,think it over and try.

T:You made it. Good try!

T:Listen to the tape a third time. Pay attention to the sentences and we??ll act out the dialogue later. I??ll divide you into two groups. Group One read Mum and Group Two read Amy. Are you ready?Speak up!

Ⅳ. Post?listening

T:When Amy wants to have an ice?cream,what did she say to her mother?Yes,can I have an ice?cream,mum?

T:Let??s look at the other sentences. Can I have a drink?Can I go to shop an ice?cream?The sentence pattern is “Can I ...”. It is used to ask whether you are allowed to do something. If you??re allowed,the answer is “Yes,you can. ”If you??re refused,the answer is “No,you can??t. ”Can??t is the short form of can not.

T:Do you want to do something at weekend?Can you list some and then use “Can I ...” to make the sentence?Don??t forgot to make a reply in both positive and negative form. For example,“Can I go to my friend??s birthday party?”The one who makes the most sentences is the winner.

T:It??s time for our role play. Look,all the situations are written on the paper in this box. Please take turns to pick the paper in groups. While one group is giving us the performance,the others please watch carefully and try to tell what happened in the play?Is that clear?Remember to use the structure we learned today.

Ⅴ. Summary and homework

T:How about a quick review?Today we have learned two new food words,ice?cream and biscuit. We also learned the general question “Can I ...?”

T:Practice the dialogue after class. Goodbye,everybody.

Blackboard design:

[Can I have a drink?



—Can I ...?

—Yes,you can. /No,you can??t.    ]

That??s my presentation. Thanks for your listening.


1. 听说能力的培养是小学阶段的核心任务之一,其主要培养学生基本的听力技巧和基本的交际能力。小学听说课的课型分为let??s learn和let??s talk两类,其中前者侧重于单词的操练,而后者更侧重于句型的操练。不管是侧重于单词还是侧重于句型的练习,在设计该课型的时候需秉承一个理念,即不可直接呈现单词与句型,而是在情境之中把这些重要的单词与句型引出来。

2. 在这堂课上,我认为我让课堂气氛活跃起来了。首先,在热身阶段,我和同学们一起唱了一首歌曲。小孩子喜欢轻松活泼的氛围,因此,这样的开场方式,使得一开始课堂气氛就被调动起来。其次,在授课的过程中,我通过组织不同的活动启发学生进行思考和参与,调动了他们的积极性,使得课堂气氛活跃。

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