

The 8 behaviors that hurt blood sugar most, diabetics should stay away from!



Open Health Course

2021-11-29 17:11 The 2021-11-29 also


As we all know, diabetic hyperglycemia has a way of "wounding", which will cause long-term damage to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system, nervous system, kidney, eyes and other tissues of the human body, which is also an important manifestation of chronic complications of diabetes. So try to avoid the following 8 harmful behaviors in your daily life!

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不忌口 Don't avoid


Some sugar lovers don't want to control their diet. They can eat whatever they want and eat full at each meal. Such a large amount of sugar floods into the blood stream. Eventually, the pancreas gets tired and blood sugar stays high.


At the same time, excess energy savings lead to obesity. Satiety and hunger are signals sent by the body to regulate the amount of food we eat. But overweight or obese people have disorders of satiety and hunger due to insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, which is why obese people often feel hungry and have habits of overeating, snacking and eating before bed. But the more hungry they are, the fatter they are, and the fatter they are, the hungrier they are, forming a vicious circle.


超爱甜食 Love sweet


Eating foods high in sugar will cause blood sugar to rise sharply, but some sugar friends always want to eat cake or candy to satisfy their cravings, so they will never achieve their healthy life goals.


The World Health Organization has investigated the various causes of death of the population of 23 countries and found that in the daily habits of human life, sugar is more terrible than tobacco, and the death rate of the population of each country is proportional to the consumption of sugar in the country. People who eat a diet high in sugar over a long period of time live, on average, about 20 years shorter than those who eat normal sugar.


喜食油炸食物 Likes to eat fried food in oil


After fried food, the surface is covered by a large amount of oil, and it is difficult to digest the oil, so it is difficult to reduce blood sugar.


Frying can lead to a significant increase in levels of advanced carbohydrate-based compounds (AGEs) in foods. These substances are derivatives of interactions between sugar and protein or sugar and fat. These glycosylated products may lead to insulin resistance, islet cell damage and be associated with the development of diabetes mellitus.


"盐"多必高 Every salt must be high


Salt restriction is not just a "hard requirement" for people with high blood pressure. Excessive salt can also raise blood sugar.


If diabetics eat salt intemperately, the concentration of sodium in the blood will rise. High blood sodium plus high blood sugar, can aggravate metabolic disorder. Still discover in recent years, excessive salt has stimulative starch digest and small intestine absorb the action of glucose, cause blood sugar heighten, aggravate illness.


偷懒不锻炼 Lazy and not exercising


Some sugar friends always talk about exercise with various reasons as an excuse, unwilling to jump out of the comfort zone, and some sugar friends mistakenly think that lowering blood sugar mainly depends on drugs, exercise is optional.


Little imagine, exercise therapy and diet therapy, also is the indispensable an important part of comprehensive treatment for diabetes, physical exercise to burn calories and lose weight, reduce blood sugar (especially the postprandial blood sugar), through the sports can help glucose-lowering drugs play a better curative effect, therefore, should actively treat with scientific attitude.


喜欢熬夜 Like to stay up late


Now more and more people stay up late, or because of work needs, or because of life entertainment and so on. Remind sugar friends to pay attention to, stay up late easy to cause blood sugar rise. Because in the process of staying up late, the human body is in a state of stress, which can cause excessive excitation of sympathetic nerve, and then affect insulin secretion, resulting in unstable blood sugar.


烟不离手 Cigarette in hand


Tobacco reduces blood flow to muscles, raises stress levels and increases the risk of insulin resistance. The study found that nicotine increased blood levels of a type of hemoglobin by 34 percent. And that hemoglobin is the sugar on red blood cells. When it gets too high, it means blood sugar is not under control, making people more prone to diseases like diabetes.


不良情绪 Bad mood


Some sugar friends have been depressed since the diagnosis of diabetes, the feeling that the sky fell down, what are negative.


If sugar friends often "emotional", will lead to long-term or repeated high blood sugar, and even form a vicious circle, causing the deterioration of the disease, and will promote a variety of serious complications in advance.


Clinical studies show that 30-50% of diabetics have psychological disorders. Depressed and angry people not only have poor blood sugar control, but also have more chronic complications.


Visible, negative mood is not conducive to the control of the disease.


The etiological factors of diabetes are comprehensive and closely related to lifestyle, behavior and social psychology, and the course of the disease is progressive.


Therefore, comprehensive treatment is emphasized in the treatment of diabetes, in which education is the foundation, which requires the cooperation of medical staff, family members, friends, sugar lovers themselves and the society to take positive prevention and treatment measures to help us keep a good attitude and control metabolic disorders.


End of this article


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