




1. 什么是capldll


Vector官方指定的模板位于C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\Sample Configurations 17.0.201\Programming\CAPLdll\文件下,如下图。



2. VS2017工程介绍







void CAPLEXPORT far CAPLPASCAL appPut(unsigned long x
data = x;

{"dllPut", (CAPL_FARCALL)appPut, "CAPL_DLL","This function will save data from CAPL to DLL memory",'V', 1, "D", "\000", {"x"}},






void CAPLEXPORT far CAPLPASCAL appSum(long i, long j, long* s)


*s = i + j;


{"sum", (CAPL_FARCALL) appSum, "CAPL_DLL", "Sum via

reference parameter", 'V', 3, {'L', 'L', 'L' - 128}, "", {"i", "j", "s"} },

3. 实例解读


| File Name: capldll.cpp
|            Example of a capl DLL implementation module and using CAPLLbacks.
|               A U T H O R   I D E N T I T Y
|   Author             Initials
|   ------             --------
|   Thomas  Riegraf    Ri              Vector Informatik GmbH
|   Hans    Quecke     Qu              Vector Informatik GmbH
|   Stefan  Albus      As              Vector Informatik GmbH
|               R E V I S I O N   H I S T O R Y
| Date         Ver  Author  Description
| ----------   ---  ------  --------------------------------------------------
| 2003-10-07   1.0  As      Created
| 2007-03-26   1.1  Ej      Export of the DLL function table as variable
|                           Use of CAPL_DLL_INFO3
|                           Support of long name CAPL function calls
| 2020-01-23   1.2  As      Support for GCC and Clang compiler on Linux
|                           Support for MINGW-64 compiler on Windows
|               C O P Y R I G H T
| Copyright (c) 1994 - 2003 by Vector Informatik GmbH.  All rights reserved.


#include "../Includes/cdll.h"
#include "../Includes/VIA.h"
#include "../Includes/VIA_CDLL.h"


#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(__linux__)
  #define X64

class CaplInstanceData;
typedef std::map VCaplMap;
typedef std::map VServiceMap;

// ============================================================================
// global variables
// ============================================================================

//static uint32_t data = 0;
//static char dlldata[100];

VCaplMap    gCaplMap;
VServiceMap gServiceMap;

// ============================================================================
// CaplInstanceData
// Data local for a single CAPL Block.
// A CAPL-DLL can be used by more than one CAPL-Block, so every piece of
// information thats like a global variable in CAPL, must now be wrapped into
// an instance of an object.
// ============================================================================
class CaplInstanceData
  CaplInstanceData(VIACapl* capl);

  void GetCallbackFunctions();
  void ReleaseCallbackFunctions();

  // Definition of the class function.
  // This class function will call the CAPL callback functions
  uint32_t ShowValue(uint32_t x);
  uint32_t ShowDates(int16_t x, uint32_t y, int16_t z);
  void     DllInfo(const char* x);
  void     ArrayValues(uint32_t flags, uint32_t numberOfDatabytes, uint8_t databytes[], uint8_t controlcode);
  void     DllVersion(const char* y);


  // Pointer of the CAPL callback functions
  VIACaplFunction*  mShowValue;
  VIACaplFunction*  mShowDates;
  VIACaplFunction*  mDllInfo;
  VIACaplFunction*  mArrayValues;
  VIACaplFunction*  mDllVersion;

  VIACapl*          mCapl;

CaplInstanceData::CaplInstanceData(VIACapl* capl)
  // This function will initialize the CAPL callback function
  // with the NLL Pointer
 : mCapl(capl),

static bool sCheckParams(VIACaplFunction* f, char rtype, const char* ptype)
  char      type;
  int32_t   pcount;
  VIAResult rc;

  // check return type
  rc = f->ResultType(&type);
  if (rc!=kVIA_OK || type!=rtype)
    return false;

  // check number of parameters
  rc = f->ParamCount(&pcount);
  if (rc!=kVIA_OK || strlen(ptype)!=pcount )
    return false;

  // check type of parameters
  for (int32_t i=0; iParamType(&type, i);
    if (rc!=kVIA_OK || type!=ptype[i])
      return false;

  return true;

static VIACaplFunction* sGetCaplFunc(VIACapl* capl, const char* fname, char rtype, const char* ptype)
  VIACaplFunction* f;

  // get capl function object
  VIAResult rc =  capl->GetCaplFunction(&f, fname);
  if (rc!=kVIA_OK || f==nullptr)
    return nullptr;

  // check signature of function
  if ( sCheckParams(f, rtype, ptype) )
     return f;
    return nullptr;

void CaplInstanceData::GetCallbackFunctions()
  // Get a CAPL function handle. The handle stays valid until end of
  // measurement or a call of ReleaseCaplFunction.
  mShowValue   = sGetCaplFunc(mCapl, "CALLBACK_ShowValue", 'D', "D");
  mShowDates   = sGetCaplFunc(mCapl, "CALLBACK_ShowDates", 'D', "IDI");
  mDllInfo     = sGetCaplFunc(mCapl, "CALLBACK_DllInfo", 'V', "C");
  mArrayValues = sGetCaplFunc(mCapl, "CALLBACK_ArrayValues", 'V', "DBB");
  mDllVersion  = sGetCaplFunc(mCapl, "CALLBACK_DllVersion", 'V', "C");

void CaplInstanceData::ReleaseCallbackFunctions()
  // Release all the requested Callback functions
  mShowValue = nullptr;
  mShowDates = nullptr;
  mDllInfo = nullptr;
  mArrayValues = nullptr;
  mDllVersion = nullptr;

void CaplInstanceData::DllVersion(const char* y)
  // Prepare the parameters for the call stack of CAPL.
  // Arrays uses a 8 byte (64 bit DLL: 12 byte) on the stack, 4 Bytes for the number of element,
  // and 4 bytes (64 bit DLL: 8 byte) for the pointer to the array
  int32_t sizeX = (int32_t)strlen(y)+1;

#if defined(X64)
  uint8_t params[16];              // parameters for call stack, 16 Bytes total (8 bytes per parameter, reverse order of parameters)
  memcpy(params+8, &sizeX, 4);   // array size    of first parameter, 4 Bytes
  memcpy(params+0, &y,     8);   // array pointer of first parameter, 8 Bytes
  uint8_t params[8];               // parameters for call stack, 8 Bytes total
  memcpy(params+0, &sizeX, 4);   // array size    of first parameter, 4 Bytes
  memcpy(params+4, &y,     4);   // array pointer of first parameter, 4 Bytes

    uint32_t result; // dummy variable
    VIAResult rc =  mDllVersion->Call(&result, params);

uint32_t CaplInstanceData::ShowValue(uint32_t x)
#if defined(X64)
  uint8_t params[8];               // parameters for call stack, 8 Bytes total
  memcpy(params + 0, &x, 8);     // first parameter, 8 Bytes
  void* params = &x;   // parameters for call stack

  uint32_t result;

    VIAResult rc =  mShowValue->Call(&result, params);
    if (rc==kVIA_OK)
       return result;
  return -1;

uint32_t CaplInstanceData::ShowDates(int16_t x, uint32_t y, int16_t z)
  // Prepare the parameters for the call stack of CAPL. The stack grows
  // from top to down, so the first parameter in the parameter list is the last
  // one in memory. CAPL uses also a 32 bit alignment for the parameters.

#if defined(X64)
  uint8_t params[24];          // parameters for call stack, 24 Bytes total (8 bytes per parameter, reverse order of parameters)
  memcpy(params+16, &z, 2);  // third  parameter, offset 16, 2 Bytes
  memcpy(params+ 8, &y, 4);  // second parameter, offset 8,  4 Bytes
  memcpy(params+ 0, &x, 2);  // first  parameter, offset 0,  2 Bytes
  uint8_t params[12];         // parameters for call stack, 12 Bytes total
  memcpy(params+0, &z, 2);  // third  parameter, offset 0, 2 Bytes
  memcpy(params+4, &y, 4);  // second parameter, offset 4, 4 Bytes
  memcpy(params+8, &x, 2);  // first  parameter, offset 8, 2 Bytes

  uint32_t result;

    VIAResult rc =  mShowDates->Call(&result, params);
    if (rc==kVIA_OK)
       return rc;   // call successful

  return -1; // call failed

void CaplInstanceData::DllInfo(const char* x)
  // Prepare the parameters for the call stack of CAPL.
  // Arrays uses a 8 byte (64 bit DLL: 12 byte) on the stack, 4 Bytes for the number of element,
  // and 4 bytes (64 bit DLL: 8 byte) for the pointer to the array
  int32_t sizeX = (int32)strlen(x)+1;

#if defined(X64)
  uint8_t params[16];              // parameters for call stack, 16 Bytes total (8 bytes per parameter, reverse order of parameters)
  memcpy(params+8, &sizeX, 4);   // array size    of first parameter, 4 Bytes
  memcpy(params+0, &x,     8);   // array pointer of first parameter, 8 Bytes
  uint8_t params[8];               // parameters for call stack, 8 Bytes total
  memcpy(params+0, &sizeX, 4);   // array size    of first parameter, 4 Bytes
  memcpy(params+4, &x,     4);   // array pointer of first parameter, 4 Bytes

    uint32_t result; // dummy variable
    VIAResult rc =  mDllInfo->Call(&result, params);

void CaplInstanceData::ArrayValues(uint32_t flags, uint32_t numberOfDatabytes, uint8_t databytes[], uint8_t controlcode)
  // Prepare the parameters for the call stack of CAPL. The stack grows
  // from top to down, so the first parameter in the parameter list is the last
  // one in memory. CAPL uses also a 32 bit alignment for the parameters.
  // Arrays uses a 8 byte (64 bit DLL: 12 byte) on the stack, 4 Bytes for the number of element,
  // and 4 bytes (64 bit DLL: 8 byte) for the pointer to the array

#if defined(X64)
  uint8_t params[32];                           // parameters for call stack, 32 Bytes total (8 bytes per parameter, reverse order of parameters)
  memcpy(params+24, &controlcode,       1);   // third parameter,                  offset 24, 1 Bytes
  memcpy(params+16, &numberOfDatabytes, 4);   // second parameter (array size),    offset 16, 4 Bytes
  memcpy(params+ 8, &databytes,         8);   // second parameter (array pointer), offset  8, 8 Bytes
  memcpy(params+ 0, &flags,             4);   // first  parameter,                 offset  0, 4 Bytes
  uint8_t params[16];                           // parameters for call stack, 16 Bytes total
  memcpy(params+ 0, &controlcode,       1);   // third parameter,                  offset  0, 1 Bytes
  memcpy(params+ 4, &numberOfDatabytes, 4);   // second parameter (array size),    offset  4, 4 Bytes
  memcpy(params+ 8, &databytes,         4);   // second parameter (array pointer), offset  8, 4 Bytes
  memcpy(params+12, &flags,             4);   // first  parameter,                 offset 12, 4 Bytes

    uint32_t result; // dummy variable
    VIAResult rc =  mArrayValues ->Call(&result, params);


CaplInstanceData* GetCaplInstanceData(uint32_t handle)
  VCaplMap::iterator lSearchResult(gCaplMap.find(handle));
  if ( gCaplMap.end()==lSearchResult )
    return nullptr;
    return lSearchResult->second;

// ============================================================================
// CaplInstanceData
// Data local for a single CAPL Block.
// A CAPL-DLL can be used by more than one CAPL-Block, so every piece of
// information thats like a global variable in CAPL, must now be wrapped into
// an instance of an object.
// ============================================================================

void CAPLEXPORT CAPLPASCAL add (long a, long b, long *sum)
    *sum = a + b;


// ============================================================================
// VIARegisterCDLL
// ============================================================================

VIACLIENT(void) VIARegisterCDLL (VIACapl* service)
  uint32_t  handle;
  VIAResult result;

  if (service==nullptr)

  result = service->GetCaplHandle(&handle);

  // appInit (internal) resp. "DllInit" (CAPL code) has to follow
  gServiceMap[handle] = service;

void ClearAll()
  // destroy objects created by this DLL
  // may result from forgotten DllEnd calls
  VCaplMap::iterator lIter=gCaplMap.begin();
  const int32_t cNumberOfEntries = (int32_t)gCaplMap.size();
  int32_t i = 0;
  while ( lIter!=gCaplMap.end() && i






