using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Use boolean values(0 / 1) to answer the questions" << endl;
cout << "Is it raining? ";
bool isRaining = false;
cin >> isRaining;
cout << "Do you have buses on the streets? ";
bool busesPly = false;
cin >> busesPly;
// Conditional statement uses logical AND and NOT
if (isRaining && !busesPly)
cout << "You cannot go to work" << endl;
cout << "You can go to work" << endl;
if (isRaining && busesPly)
cout << "Take an umbrella" << endl;
if ((!isRaining) && busesPly)
cout << "Enjoy the sun and have a nice day" << endl;
return 0;
Use boolean values(0 / 1) to answer the questions
Is it raining? 1
Do you have buses on the streets? 1
You can go to work
Take an umbrella
Use boolean values(0 / 1) to answer the questions
Is it raining? 1
Do you have buses on the streets? 0
You cannot go to work
Use boolean values(0 / 1) to answer the questions
Is it raining? 0
Do you have buses on the streets? 1
You can go to work
Enjoy the sun and have a nice day
第 15 行包含条件表达式 (isRaining && !busesPly)
,可将其读作 “下雨且没有公交车”。这个表达式使用了逻辑 AND 运算符将没有公交车(对有公交车执行逻辑 NOT 运算)和下雨关联起来。
以下程序演示了如何将逻辑运算符 NOT 和 OR( ! 和 ||)用于条件处理。
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Answer questions with 0 or 1" << endl;
cout << "Is there a discount on your favorite car? ";
bool onDiscount = false;
cin >> onDiscount;
cout << "Did you get a fantastic bonus? ";
bool fantasticBonus = false;
cin >> fantasticBonus;
if (onDiscount || fantasticBonus)
cout << "Congratulations, you can buy that car!" << endl;
cout << "Sorry, waiting a while is a good idea" << endl;
if (!onDiscount)
cout << "Car not on discount" << endl;
return 0;
Answer questions with 0 or 1
Is there a discount on your favorite car? 0
Did you get a fantastic bonus? 1
Congratulations, you can buy that car!
Car not on discount
Answer questions with 0 or 1
Is there a discount on your favorite car? 0
Did you get a fantastic bonus? 0
Sorry, waiting a while is a good idea
Car not on discount
Answer questions with 0 or 1
Is there a discount on your favorite car? 1
Did you get a fantastic bonus? 1
Congratulations, you can buy that car!
这个程序建议您能够打折或得到很高的补贴时就把车买了,不然就再观望观望。它还在第 19 行使用了逻辑非运算来提醒您不打折。第 14 行使用了一条 if 语句,而第 16 行是与之配套的 else 语句。在条件 (onDiscount || fantasticBonus)
为 true 时,将执行第 15 行的语句。这个表达式包含逻辑运算符||,仅当您喜欢的汽车打折或能够获得很高的补贴时, 该表达式才为 true。当该表达式为 false 时, 将执行 else语句后面的语句(第 17 行)。