





  • Top1:
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0 AND v.vendor_code = pha.vendor_code '; $sql5 .= " and pha.status = '已签核'"; $sql5 .= " order by pha.creation_date DESC"; $result5 = DB_query($sql5, $db); // 检查查询是否成功 if ($result5) { // 检查查询结果是否为空 if (mysqli_num_rows($result5) > 0) { ?>
供应商代码 采购单号 料号 采购数量 收货量 待收量 建立日期
  • Top1:
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= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)) AND po.vendor_code = ve.vendor_code GROUP BY vendor_code ORDER BY total_amount desc LIMIT 5 "; $result = DB_query($sql, $db); while ($array = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $arrays[] = $array; } if (is_array($arrays)) { foreach ($arrays as $key => $value) { $vendor[] = $value['vendor_code']; $amount[] = $value['total_amount']; } } else { $vendor[] = 0; $amount[] = 0; } sort($amount); echo ""; //近一月不同采购类型的含税总金额 $sql1 = "SELECT po.order_type,po.po_all_amount, SUM(po.po_all_amount) AS total_amount FROM po_headers_all po WHERE po.creation_date >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)) GROUP BY po.order_type ORDER BY total_amount desc LIMIT 5 "; $result1 = DB_query($sql1, $db); $index = 1; while ($array1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1)) { $name = $array1['order_type']; $value = $array1['total_amount']; $title = 'TOP' . $index; if (!$value) { $value = 0; } $array_data1[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'title' => $title ); $index++; } echo ""; //近一周新增采购单含税金额分析 $sql2 = " SELECT DATE_FORMAT(, '%Y-%m-%d') AS date, COALESCE(SUM(po_headers_all.po_all_amount), 0) AS total_amount FROM ( SELECT DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL n DAY) AS date FROM ( SELECT a.N + b.N * 10 AS n FROM (SELECT 0 AS N UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 UNION ALL SELECT 5 UNION ALL SELECT 6 UNION ALL SELECT 7 UNION ALL SELECT 8 UNION ALL SELECT 9) AS a CROSS JOIN (SELECT 0 AS N UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 UNION ALL SELECT 5 UNION ALL SELECT 6 UNION ALL SELECT 7 UNION ALL SELECT 8 UNION ALL SELECT 9) AS b ORDER BY n DESC ) AS numbers WHERE n <= 6 -- 指定查询的天数 ) AS date_table LEFT JOIN po_headers_all ON DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(po_headers_all.creation_date)) = GROUP BY ORDER BY "; $result2 = DB_query($sql2, $db); while ($array2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) { $arrays2[] = $array2; } if (is_array($arrays2)) { foreach ($arrays2 as $key => $value) { $date2[] = $value['date']; $total_amount2[] = $value['total_amount']; } } else { $date2[] = 0; $total_amount2[] = 0; } echo ""; //计算近一月供应商入库数量榜单 $sql3 = " SELECT a.vendor_code,d.vendor_name,SUM(prt.transaction_quantity) as quantity FROM po_headers_all a, po_lines_all b, sf_item_no c, vendors d, po_rcv_transactions prt,po_rcv_receipt_line prr WHERE a.po_num = b.po_num AND a.vendor_code = d.vendor_code AND b.po_num = prt.po_num AND prr.receipt_num=prt.receipt_num AND prt.po_num=prr.po_num AND prt.po_line=prr.po_line AND b.stockid=prr.stockid AND prt.transaction_type in ('RECEIVE') AND b.line = prt.po_line AND b.stockid = c.item_no AND prt.transaction_date >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)) GROUP BY vendor_code ORDER BY prt.transaction_quantity desc LIMIT 5 "; $result3 = DB_query($sql3, $db); $index = 1; while ($array3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result3)) { $name = $array3['vendor_name']; $value = $array3['quantity']; $title = 'TOP' . $index; if (!$value) { $value = 0; } $array_data3[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'title' => $title ); $index++; } echo ""; // 近一月产品新增采购单含税金额 $sql4 = " SELECT po.stockid,sf.item_name,SUM(line_amount) AS total_amount FROM po_lines_all po,sf_item_no sf WHERE po.stockid = sf.item_no AND po.creation_date >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)) GROUP BY stockid ORDER BY total_amount desc LIMIT 5 "; $result4 = DB_query($sql4, $db); $index = 1; while ($array4 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result4)) { $name = $array4['stockid']; $value = $array4['total_amount']; $title = 'TOP' . $index; if (!$value) { $value = 0; } $array_data4[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'title' => $title ); $index++; } echo ""; //近一月不同仓库入库数量 $sql6 = " SELECT prr.subinventory_code,SUM(prt.transaction_quantity) as quantity FROM po_headers_all a, po_lines_all b, sf_item_no c, vendors d, po_rcv_transactions prt,po_rcv_receipt_line prr WHERE a.po_num = b.po_num AND a.vendor_code = d.vendor_code AND b.po_num = prt.po_num AND prr.receipt_num=prt.receipt_num AND prt.po_num=prr.po_num AND prt.po_line=prr.po_line AND b.stockid=prr.stockid AND prt.transaction_type in ('RECEIVE') AND b.line = prt.po_line AND b.stockid = c.item_no AND prt.transaction_date >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)) GROUP BY subinventory_code ORDER BY prt.transaction_quantity desc LIMIT 5 "; $result6 = DB_query($sql6, $db); while ($array6 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result6)) { $arrays6[] = $array6; } if (is_array($arrays6)) { foreach ($arrays6 as $key => $value) { $subinventory_code6[] = $value['subinventory_code']; $quantity6[] = $value['quantity']; } } else { $subinventory_code6[] = 0; $quantity6[] = 0; } echo ""; //近一月产品入库数量榜单 $sql7 = " SELECT b.stockid,SUM(prt.transaction_quantity) as quantity FROM po_headers_all a, po_lines_all b, sf_item_no c, vendors d, po_rcv_transactions prt,po_rcv_receipt_line prr WHERE a.po_num = b.po_num AND a.vendor_code = d.vendor_code AND b.po_num = prt.po_num AND prr.receipt_num=prt.receipt_num AND prt.po_num=prr.po_num AND prt.po_line=prr.po_line AND b.stockid=prr.stockid AND prt.transaction_type in ('RECEIVE') AND b.line = prt.po_line AND b.stockid = c.item_no AND prt.transaction_date >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)) GROUP BY stockid ORDER BY prt.transaction_quantity desc LIMIT 5 "; $result7 = DB_query($sql7, $db); $index = 1; while ($array7 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result7)) { $name = $array7['stockid']; $value = $array7['quantity']; $title = 'TOP' . $index; if (!$value) { $value = 0; } $array_data7[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'title' => $title ); $index++; } echo "";


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