[The Threshold 播客] what the inventors of the tech world say 科技界的发明者们怎么说


Linux inventor Linus Torvalds criticized modern social media as lacking quality control and spreading emotional outrage. Python inventor Guido van Rossum wanted overworked programmers to be helped. World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee suggested everyone play a part in making the internet a good environment. These technical inventors react to issues in the tech world in a very human way. Their mind also goes beyond technical issues, which may partially be due to the degree of change technology brings to our lives.

Linux的发明者 Linus Torvalds 把当今的社交媒体批评成缺少指令控制和散播过激情绪。Python发明者 Guido van Rossum 希望工作太辛苦的程序员得到帮助。互联网的发明者 Sir Tim Berners-Lee 建议每个人都做到自己的一份,维护良好的网络环境。这些科技的发明者使用一种很“人”的方式对事情进行反应的。他们的想法也超过了科技的问题,这也许和科技对我们生活带来的改变之大有关。

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