Have you ever wanted to capture the view from a mountain or the full size of a building? Here’s how you can stitch multiple shots together into the perfect panoramic picture for free with Windows Live Photo Gallery.
您是否曾经想从山上或建筑物的全貌中捕捉风景? 这是使用Windows Live Photo Gallery免费将多张照片拼接在一起形成完美全景照片的方法。
Getting Started
First, make sure you have Windows Live Photo Gallery installed (link below). Live Photo Gallery is part of the Windows Live Essentials suite, you can select other programs to install along with it if you want.
首先,请确保您已安装Windows Live Photo Gallery( 下面的链接 )。 Live Photo Gallery是Windows Live Essentials套件的一部分,您可以根据需要选择其他程序以与其一起安装。
Make sure to uncheck setting your home page to MSN and setting your search provider as Bing if you don’t want them changed.
Now, make sure you have pictures that will work good for a panorama. These need to be taken from the same spot, and the edges of the pictures need to overlap so the program can find where the pictures connect. Here we have taken pictures inside a building with a cell phone camera.
现在,确保您有适合全景拍摄的照片。 这些需要从同一位置获取,并且图片的边缘需要重叠,以便程序可以找到图片的连接位置。 在这里,我们使用手机摄像头在建筑物内拍照。
Make your Panorama
Open Live Photo Gallery, and find the pictures you want to use in your panorama. It will automatically index and display all of the photos in your Pictures folder or Library if you’re using Windows 7.
打开实时照片库,然后找到要在全景图中使用的图片。 如果您使用的是Windows 7,它将自动索引并显示“图片”文件夹或“图库”中的所有照片。
If your pictures are saved elsewhere, add that folder to Photo Gallery. Click File, Include a folder in the gallery, and select the correct folder at the prompt.
如果您的图片保存在其他位置,则将该文件夹添加到“图片库”。 单击文件, 在图库中包括一个文件夹 ,然后在提示符下选择正确的文件夹。
Now select all of the pictures that you will use in your panorama. You can easily do this by clicking the checkbox on each picture that appears when you hover over it.
现在,选择要在全景图中使用的所有图片。 您可以通过将鼠标悬停在每张图片上单击复选框,轻松地做到这一点。
Once all of the pictures are selected, click Make in the menu bar and select Create panoramic photo…
Alternately, right-click on any of the pictures you’ve selected, and click Create panoramic photo…
或者,右键单击您选择的任何图片,然后单击“ 创建全景照片”。
Live Photo Gallery will analyze your photos and compost them together to create a panorama. The amount of time it takes will vary depending on the number of photos, size of the pictures, and computer speed.
Live Photo Gallery将分析您的照片并将它们堆肥在一起以创建全景。 所需时间将取决于照片数量,照片尺寸和计算机速度。
When it’s finished making the panorama, you’ll be prompted to enter a file name and save the picture.
Your new panorama picture will open as soon as it’s saved. Depending on your shots, the picture may have quite a bit of black space around the edges where each picture didn’t cover the exact same amount of area.
新的全景图片将在保存后立即打开。 根据您的拍摄情况,图片的边缘可能会有相当多的黑色空间,其中每张图片都无法完全覆盖相同的区域。
To correct this, click Fix on the menu bar, and then select Crop Photo in the sidebar that opens.
若要更正此问题,请单击菜单栏上的“修复”,然后在打开的边栏中选择“ 裁剪照片 ”。
Select the center of the picture with the crop tool, and click Apply when you’ve got the selection you want.
Live Photo Gallery automatically saves your picture changes, and you can revert back to the original picture if you wish.
Live Photo Gallery会自动保存您的图片更改,并且您可以根据需要还原为原始图片。
Now you’ve got a nice panoramic shot, trimmed and ready to print, share, and more.
Panoramic shots are great ways to capture your whole surroundings, whether it’s a sports stadium, mall, or a scenic mountain view. They can also be a great way to capture more with low-resolution cameras.
无论是运动场,购物中心还是风景秀丽的山景,全景拍摄都是捕捉周围环境的绝佳方法。 它们也是使用低分辨率相机拍摄更多内容的好方法。
Download Windows Live Photo Gallery
下载Windows Live照片库
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/18313/create-panoramic-photos-with-windows-live-photo-gallery/