
@友邻0801外刊My O.C.D. Diagnosis Was a Blessing, Until It Became Too Central to My Identity



We need categories and labels. Without them, it’d be really hard to make sense of the world and ourselves. And also, the labels we use to describe ourselves are inherently reductionist. Both of these things can be true at once. As Walt Whitman wrote: “Do I contradict myself?/Very well then, I contradict myself./(I am large, I contain multitudes.)”

For this label topic,I have my own understanding and I can really connect with this topic.

As the author said,O.C.D used to benefit for him but later he has to disconnect from it.

For labels,especially for people,I always feel confused. On the one hand,I don't know what kind of label I can put on me. On the other hand, I don't know how other people give their labels.

I could say I am an introvert person even though I am most of time. But if I say so,it's like I am wrong to go outside hanging out with my friends because it seems to go against my nature.(a little bit weird I know)

Another example is that I do like reading but I hate people saying that I'm into reading because sometimes I don't.

I might be sloppy sometimes but when my dad mentioned that in front of me,I won't do the chores on purpose because I just think like "oh, you said I am a sloppy person,then I am". Of course, this is not good for both of us.

By seeing other people's so many labels,mostly their hobbies, I feel so anxious. Why other people get so many hobbies and labels but I couldn't dare to say I am one type of person. I am not cool.

Like the paragraph I cited, the world is so complex and so are we. Living like a unique paradox is totally fine. We just couldn't be a reductionist and catagrize everything.

Lastly, I am happy to put Chanel's advertisement lines here and it makes more sense.


I am night and day
Question and answer
Composed and excessive
Instant and infinite
Artist and muse
Vulnerable and invincible
You know me and you don’t
