Summary practice of “Washington governor calls for food and quiet, clean waters for orcas”

Recently, We have a new low record of having orcas, killer whales, in the inland waters of Washington state in 30 years. Governor Jay Inslee encourages the country to take actions on saving the endangered killer whales.

The orcas constantly suffers hunger, water and noise pollution, and crashing with boats, which caused a decreased number of 12 in 20 years, totalled only 76 in the area.

The governor emphasises the protection is urgent by providing more salmon, more space, quieter waters, and by reducing the possibility of oil spills.

this proposal will be draft in next month and will be finalized in November

Orcas Are At Risk Of Extinction

we have to make choices when we decided to proceed with this proposal, although many of us have already been aware of the situation for years. Even federal government listed it as endangerous animal since 2005, and most recently, it ranked the most risk of extinction in the near future.

Not only having a high dying rate, they are also suffering an extreme, almost none, baby birth and pregnancy percentage, due to the unbalance nutrition.

On the other hand, Barry thom, West Coast regional administrator for NOAA fisheries, has a stronger faith in saving them.

Money For Whale-Protection Efforts

Later is always better than never. Different departments will take the responsibility to find the right solution to improve current status-hunger, noise, pollution and accidents.

All of these issues are tightly related with the behavior of Whales, which means keeping ferries zone quiet can help them better navigate, communicate and hunt.

Besides regualtions, goverment also increase sufficient funding to enhance protection.

A Long-Term Plan Is Necessary

The reducing numbers in the Salish Sea was mainly because lack of food to hunt. Ken Balcomb, senior scientist with the Center for Whale Research, also raised our attention in long term help, which is increasing the number of wild salmon. one solution he and others suggested was to remove four damns in the area. Unfortuantely, Governor Inslee kept silence in this proposal.

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