
HKU researchers have developed the world’s first human mini-heart.


Professor Ronald Li, S Y and H Y Cheng Professor in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, completed his studies in the 1990s with this take-away: “We learned that the heart cannot be regenerated⑴ and that when you have a heart attack and the heart cells are gone, they cannot be replaced⑵⑶.”

⑴regenerate/ rɪˈdʒenəreɪt/根据构词法re-前缀表示“再,重新”,词根generate/ˈdʒenəreɪt/表示“产生”,那么放在一起表示再生。

⑵replace根据构词法re-前缀表示“再,重新”, 词根place此处为动词,表示“放置”,重新放置,即取代,也就是“代替”。



Today, he is at the forefront⑷ of research showing that this seemingly-formidable⑷ obstacle⑸ can be conquered.

⑷forefront/ ˈfɔːfrʌnt/首先注意这个词的发音,中间-re-不发音哦,前缀fore-表示 “前,前部”,例如forehead指的就是“额头”,词根front表示“正面,前面”,放在一起,前面的前面,那么就是最前面。forefront/ ˈfɔːfrʌnt/ n. 最前面,最重要之处。

⑸formidable/ ˈfɔːmɪdəbl/ adj. 可怕的,可畏的

⑹obstacle/ ˈɔbstəkl/ n. 障碍


If I take five millilitres⑺ of blood from you today, you can come back in three to six months and I will show you a mini-heart pump⑻ made from your cells.


⑻pump/ pʌmp/表示泵。泵是一种机器,能把液体或气体抽出或压入,泵连接两头的液体和气体。由于心脏一头输入血液,一头输出血液,因此常备比作泵。因此这里的mini-heart pump指的就是迷你心脏。


“I am often asked when we will be able to generate a whole heart. It’s an academic question we will continue to address⑼, but for patients to benefit, I don’t think we have to wait to fabricate⑽ a whole heart. Just a patch⑾ can be put on a patient’s heart and if that is sufficient⑿ to slow down or stop the disease from progressing⒀, it already does most of the job.”


⑽fabricate/ ˈfæbrɪkeɪt/根据上下文,可用前文中的generate代替,故此处表示制造

⑾patch / pætʃ/ n. 一块   这里指心脏的其中一个部分,与前面完整的心脏“a whole heart”对应。

⑿sufficient/ səˈfɪʃnt/ adj. 足够的  此处相当于enough

⒀progress/ prəˈgres/ 最常见的是作为名词,表示“进步”,这时重音放在第一个音节,但是在这里作为动词使用,表示“进展”,此时重音放在第二个音节。

