英文 | 中文 |
17-year-old young man, | 一名十七岁的年轻人 |
Raymont Harris, was accidentally shot | 雷蒙特·哈里斯被特警队长 |
and seriously injured by team leader, Buck Spivey. | 巴克·斯皮维意外击中受重伤 |
Now, this morning, | 今天早上 |
I terminated Sergeant Spivey. | 我解雇了斯皮维警司 |
Today, I am assigning command of this unit to Sergeant Harrelson. | 今天我要任命哈里森警司为特警队长 |
- Deacon was up next. - Deacon is a good man. | -迪肯本应是接班人-迪肯是个好人 |
You lead, he'll follow. | 你的命令他会听的 |
You're under my direct command now. | 现在你受我直接领导 |
No relationships allowed. | 不允许发生恋情 |
I asked Hicks to put Street on the team in my place. | 是我叫希克斯安排斯特里特来代替我的 |
Lesson one, Street. | 第一课斯特里特 |
Never be in a hurry to die. | 绝对别急着去死 |
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I can't be here to help him. I'm hoping you will. | 我不能在这带他了 希望你能带带他 |
20-David to Command. We've made entry. | 20D队呼叫指挥部我们已经成功进入 |
We got a meth lab. Gonna need Hazmat. | 发现一个毒品实验室需要危险品处理小组 |
Roger that, 20-David. | 收到20D队 |
Give me a two! Luca! | 把门撞开卢卡上 |
Two suspects in custody. | 两名嫌犯已被控制 |
Steel door. Chris, take it. | 钢门交给你了克里斯 |
- Drop it! Drop it! - Want a slug through your dome?! | -放下武器-想尝尝枪子儿吗 |
- Down! Get down! Now! - Down! Down! Down! | -跪下就现在-跪下 |
- Put your hands on your back! - Down! Give me your hands! | -把手背过去-跪下把手给我 |
20-David. Clearing the rest of the house. | 20D队正在搜查剩下的房间 |
Right side clear. | 右边安全 |
Left side clear. | 左边安全 |
Runner! | 有人逃跑 |
Street! | 斯特里特 |
Stay down. | 趴着别动 |
Always keep your head on a swivel. | 时刻对周围保持警惕 |
Glad the rook's on your team. | 很高兴这个菜鸟是在你们队 |
Good job. Good effort. | 干得好继续努力 |
Hondo, your entry was fine. | 洪都你们的进入没有问题 |
But your team lost cohesion, | 但你的队伍太松散 |
and you paid the price. | 所以你们也付出了代价 |
Sergeant Mumford, when the roles were reversed, | 玛福德警司当角色交换的时候 |
you didn't suffer any casualties, | 你们队没有人员伤亡 |
so your team wins today's exercise. | 所以今天的练习赛是你们获胜 |
Thanks, Street. | 谢了斯特里特 |
You just lost me a C-note to Rocker. | 你让我输了一百块给洛克 |
Never break rank. We move as one. | 绝不要打乱队形我们要行动一致 |
I see a rabbit, I chase it. | 我看到有人逃跑我就去追 |
Cut the lone wolf crap. | 别想做什么孤胆英雄了 |
SWAT's strength is in the pack. | 特警队的精神就是要团结一致 |
You want to be a hot dog, get a job at Pink's. | 你要想出风头那就另谋高就吧 |
No big deal. | 没什么大不了的 |
It's only life or death, kid. | 只是事关生死孩子 |
I'm not a practice player. | 我不是那种练习型的选手 |
I'm the guy who shows up on game day. | 要在实战中才能发挥实力 |
Let's go. | 我们走 |
Judge Thompson, please report to your chambers. | 汤普森法官请向内庭宣告 |
Judge Thompson. | 汤普森法官 |
Primo. | 表哥 |
Damn. | 该死 |
All right, shut your mouth and listen up. | 闭嘴给我听好了 |
There's no time to cut them, so stay close. | 我们现在没时间解开手铐所以都跟紧了 |
Anybody who don't keep up | 跟不上的人 |
gets one in the back of the head and dragged. Got it? | 脑后就会被开个眼再被拖着走懂吗 |
Hit it. | 下去 |
Stay in there! | 待着别动 |
Move it, move it, move it! | 快走走快 |
You guys got smoked out there. | 你们刚刚输了比赛 |
Street's screw-up-- that on him or Hondo? | 斯特里特搞砸了是怪他还是怪洪都 |
Kid's new to SWAT. | 那孩子是新来的 |
It'll take a second to... get him together. | 要花点时间来调教 |
I have my doubts Hondo's the guy to do it. | 我有点怀疑洪都是否能当好队长 |
You promoted him. | 是你提拔了他 |
Optics. | 表面上是这样 |
We had to lower the racial temperature in the city. | 我们必须给白热化的种族冲突降降温 |
Now that the situation's cooled down, | 既然现在情况有所缓解 |
Hondo's gonna have to prove that he deserves that top spot. | 洪都就要去证明他自己能胜任这个岗位 |
Need to see more from Street, fast. | 你要尽快搞定斯特里特 |
You don't have to push me to get tough. | 这个不用你来说 |
I'll get the kid in shape. | 我会调教好他的 |
Or I'll send him packing. | 否则我就会让他滚蛋 |
What do you think the big boss is talking to Deacon about? | 你觉得老大在跟迪肯说什么 |
Guys. Let's get ready to go. | 大伙儿准备出发 |
Two dead sheriff deputies, dead civilian, several wounded. | 两名治安法警和一名平民身亡还有若干名伤者 |
The most dangerous is Jesse Ramirez, | 最危险的人叫杰西·雷米拉兹 |
aka Cuchillo, Spanish for "The Knife." | 又叫库奇略西班牙语刀子的意思 |
Cuchillo was about to be sentenced to life for murder, | 库奇略本该因谋杀性侵未成年少女 |
sexual assault of underage girls and extortion. | 以及勒索罪被判终身监禁 |
He's the brains behind the escape. | 他是这次逃跑的头目 |
Busted out by Ramon Reyes, | 由雷蒙·雷耶斯协助逃出 |
Cuchillo's cousin, long-time partner in mayhem. | 库奇略的表弟故意伤人罪的惯犯 |
Disguised himself as a sheriff's deputy. | 他打扮成了治安法警 |
And when Cuchillo escaped, | 库奇略逃跑的时候 |
he took three other prisoners with him. | 带走了其他三名囚犯 |
Jamal Goines? | 贾马尔·戈因斯 |
He's a One-Niner out of Compton. | 他是康普顿的一名毒贩 |
I worked a DEA task force last year that busted Goines | 我去年在缉毒局一次任务中抓了戈因斯 |
for moving kilos of heroin. | 罪名是运送海洛因 |
Oh, look at this future leader of America, Travis Strand. | 来看看这个美国未来的领袖崔维斯·斯特兰德 |
Member of the Nazi Eagle prison gang, | 监狱内名为纳粹雄鹰的帮派成员 |
doing 15 for the armed robbery of a marijuana dispensary. | 因持枪抢劫大麻药房被判15年 |
Final escapee: Danny Wattana. | 最后一个逃犯丹尼·瓦达那 |
Arrested LAX three days ago on a flight from Thailand | 三天前在洛杉矶国际机场被逮捕涉嫌把海龟 |
smuggling exotic turtles strapped to his legs. | 绑在腿上由泰国出发走私入境 |
Mumford. | 玛福德 |
Your team won today's exercise. | 你们队赢得了今天的练习赛 |
You track down Cuchillo | 你去追查库奇略 |
and his cousin Reyes and our white pride pal. | 和他表弟雷耶斯以及另外一个白人逃犯 |
Hondo, you got the One-Niner and Reptile Man. | 洪都你去查那个毒贩和海龟男 |
Guess it's game time. | 我想现在是来真的了 |
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Yeah, try not to get yourself killed. | 没错小心别挂了 |
All right, we start with Jamal Goines. | 我们从贾马尔·戈因斯开始 |
While we're hunting him down, start making calls on Wattana. | 在我们追踪他的同时开始着手调查瓦达那 |
With pleasure. | 明白 |
Jess? | 杰西 |
You know this guy, don't you? | 你认识这个人对不对 |
Before I made captain and transferred to SWAT, | 在我当队长之前我曾被调去了特警队 |
Cuchillo was my last big arrest in Boyle Heights. | 库奇略是我在布尔岗办完的最后一个大案 |
He terrorized the neighborhood for years, | 多年来他让这片街区陷入恐惧之中 |
and he's all about vengeance. | 他是来报仇的 |
- With him on the loose... - Okay. | -如果不把他抓起来...-好了 |
We're going after him now. | 我们现在就去抓他 |
G-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s... | 光彩四射 |
On your right, feast your eyes | 在你们右边请尽情欣赏 |
on the home of storied screen legend, David Arquette. | 银幕传奇人物大卫·阿奎特的家 |
Champagne | 香槟 |
Livin' my life in the fast lane | 一生忙忙碌碌 |
I won't change | 无法改变 |
For the glamorous, ooh... | 为光彩而活 |
Sorry, folks, some kind of misunderstanding. | 大家伙很抱歉看来发生了些误会 |
The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous | 光彩光彩光彩 |
For the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy... | 为光彩而活华衣锦食 |
Beth Morgan? | 贝丝·摩根吗 |
Officer, I definitely wasn't speeding. | 长官我绝对没有超速 |
Just wanted to have a little chat with you | 我只是想和你聊一聊 |
about your boyfriend, Jamal Goines. | 你的男友贾马尔·戈因斯 |
Will you step out of the car, please? | 请下车可以吗 |
Miss, is there still gonna be time | 小姐还有时间 |
to see Jennifer Lawrence's house? | 去看詹妮弗·劳伦斯的家吗 |
Oh, definitely. | 当然 |
You have absolutely no idea | 你一点儿也不知道 |
where Jennifer Lawrence lives, now, do you? | 詹妮弗·劳伦斯住在哪对吗 |
I need this job. | 我需要这份工作 |
Well, you better start talking to me, then. | 那你最好对我说实话 |
You ever arrest anyone famous? | 你逮捕过名人吗 |
Only when they deserved it. | 只有他们犯了罪才会 |
So, where is he? | 他在哪 |
Well, Jamal didn't call or text me. | 贾马尔没有给我打电话或发短信 |
I mean, you break out of jail, | 有人越了狱 |
you should call your girl, right? | 应该会打给自己的女友对吗 |
According to the visitor log at Men's Central, | 根据男子中心监狱的探视记录 |
you visited Jamal every week for the past three months. | 你过去三个月内每星期都会探视贾马尔 |
And the last time, you got caught smuggling in vape pens. | 最近一次你被抓到私运电子烟进去 |
I shouldn't have done that. | 我不该那样做的 |
But the restrictions in there are totally ridiculous. | 但那里的规矩太荒唐了 |
- Where you from, Beth? - Duluth. | -你是哪儿人贝丝-德卢斯人 |
What's a nice gal out of Minnesota | 你这样一个明尼苏达的好女孩 |
doing with a bad boy like Goines? | 和戈因斯这样的坏男孩在一起干什么 |
Don't tell me opposites attract. | 别跟我说异性相吸 |
We met at this club. | 我们是在酒吧认识的 |
Jamal knew this agent who owed him money, | 贾马尔认识一个经纪人那人欠了他的钱 |
said he'd set me up with a few auditions. | 他说他能帮我安排一些试镜 |
Been having trouble getting producers | 我没法让制片人 |
to see me as a leading lady, you know? | 选我当女主你懂吗 |
Come on now, Beth. | 得了吧贝丝 |
You just wanted to have some fun, right? | 你只是想玩一玩对吗 |
Maybe piss off your parents a little bit? | 或许想气一气你的父母 |
You do know this chump is only using you. | 你知道这个笨蛋只是在利用你 |
And, look, I need to know, | 听着我想知道 |
if not to you, where would he go? | 他没来找你会去找谁 |
Little Red. | 小红 |
They grew up together. | 他们一起长大的 |
And Jamal and Red are usually up to no good. | 贾马尔和小红总在一起惹是生非 |
Maybe I should get your number, | 或许我该找你要个电话 |
in case I see anything illegal while I'm in town. | 以防我在城里看见什么违法的事 |
Sure. | 行 |
You spot anything suspicious, | 发现什么可疑的事 |
definitely hit me up. | 一定记得打给我 |
Seriously? | 不是吧 |
Now, listen up, Beth. | 听好了贝丝 |
Stay away from him. | 离他远点 |
All right, ladies and gents, | 好了女士们先生们 |
we're gonna let you off with a warning today. | 我今天要给你们一条警告 |
Tell Miss Lawrence I said hi. | 帮我向劳伦斯小姐问好 |
Thank you. | 谢谢 |
There you go. | 给 |