Layer Normalization(层规范化)

详细内容在这篇论文:Layer Normalization
训练深度神经网络需要大量的计算,减少计算时间的一个有效方法是规范化神经元的活动,例如批量规范化BN(batch normalization)技术,然而,批量规范化对小批量大小(batch size)敏感并且无法直接应用到RNN中(recurrent neural networks),为了解决上述问题,层规范化LN(Layer Normalization)被提出,不仅能直接应用到RNN,还能显著减少训练时间。与批量归一化不同,层规范化直接根据隐藏层内神经元的总输入估计归一化统计数据,因此不会在训练案例之间引入任何新的依赖关系。


A feed-forward neural network is a non-linear mapping from a input pattern x \mathbf{x} x to an output vector y y y. Consider the l th  l^{\text {th }} lth  hidden layer in a deep feed-forward, neural network, and let a l a^l al be the vector representation of the summed inputs to the neurons in that layer. a i l a_i^l ail是第 l l l层第 i i i个神经元的线性加权输出。 The summed inputs are computed through a linear projection with the weight matrix W l W^l Wl and the bottom-up inputs h l h^l hl given as follows:
a i l = w i l ⊤ h l h i l + 1 = f ( a i l + b i l ) a_i^l=w_i^{l^{\top}} h^l \quad h_i^{l+1}=f\left(a_i^l+b_i^l\right) ail=wilhlhil+1=f(ail+bil)

where f ( ⋅ ) f(\cdot) f() is an element-wise non-linear function(激活函数) and w i l w_i^l wil is the incoming weights to the i t h i^{t h} ith hidden units and b i l b_i^l bil is the scalar bias parameter. The parameters in the neural network are learnt using gradient-based optimization algorithms with the gradients being computed by back-propagation.

Batch Normalization

BN是为了减少协变量偏移提出的,它在训练阶段对隐神经元加权输出进行规范化,例如,对于 l t h l^{th} lth层的 i t h i^{th} ith个加权输出 a i l a_i^l ail,BN根据输入数据的分布进行了缩放
a ˉ i l = g i l σ i l ( a i l − μ i l ) μ i l = E x ∼ P ( x ) [ a i l ] σ i l = E x ∼ P ( x ) [ ( a i l − μ i l ) 2 ] \bar{a}_i^l=\frac{g_i^l}{\sigma_i^l}\left(a_i^l-\mu_i^l\right) \quad \mu_i^l=\underset{\mathbf{x} \sim P(\mathbf{x})}{\mathbb{E}}\left[a_i^l\right] \quad \sigma_i^l=\sqrt{\underset{\mathbf{x} \sim P(\mathbf{x})}{\mathbb{E}}\left[\left(a_i^l-\mu_i^l\right)^2\right]} aˉil=σilgil(ailμil)μil=xP(x)E[ail]σil=xP(x)E[(ailμil)2]

where a ˉ i l \bar{a}_i^l aˉil is normalized summed inputs to the i t h i^{t h} ith hidden unit in the l t h l^{t h} lth layer and g i g_i gi is a gain parameter scaling the normalized activation before the non-linear activation function.

实际中不会计算真正的 μ \mu μ σ \sigma σ,转而去估计一个batch里的 μ \mu μ σ \sigma σ,所以BN要求这个batchsize不能太小。然而,在一些在线学习任务以及超大分布模型中往往需要很小的batchsize。

Layer Normalization

μ l = 1 H ∑ i = 1 H a i l σ l = 1 H ∑ i = 1 H ( a i l − μ l ) 2 \mu^l=\frac{1}{H} \sum_{i=1}^H a_i^l \quad \sigma^l=\sqrt{\frac{1}{H} \sum_{i=1}^H\left(a_i^l-\mu^l\right)^2} μl=H1i=1Hailσl=H1i=1H(ailμl)2

H H H是一个隐藏层中的隐藏单元数量。在LN中,同一个层共享 μ \mu μ σ \sigma σ, but different training cases have different normalization terms. Unlike batch normalization, layer normalization does not impose any constraint on the size of a mini-batch and it can be used in the pure online regime with batch size 1.

In a standard RNN, the summed inputs in the recurrent layer are computed from the current input x t \mathbf{x}^t xt and previous vector of hidden states h t − 1 \mathbf{h}^{t-1} ht1 which are computed as a t = W h h h t − 1 + W x h x t \mathbf{a}^t=W_{h h} h^{t-1}+W_{x h} \mathbf{x}^t at=Whhht1+Wxhxt. The layer normalized recurrent layer re-centers and re-scales its activations using the extra normalization terms :
h t = f [ g σ t ⊙ ( a t − μ t ) + b ] μ t = 1 H ∑ i = 1 H a i t σ t = 1 H ∑ i = 1 H ( a i t − μ t ) 2 \mathbf{h}^t=f\left[\frac{\mathbf{g}}{\sigma^t} \odot\left(\mathbf{a}^t-\mu^t\right)+\mathbf{b}\right] \quad \mu^t=\frac{1}{H} \sum_{i=1}^H a_i^t \quad \sigma^t=\sqrt{\frac{1}{H} \sum_{i=1}^H\left(a_i^t-\mu^t\right)^2} ht=f[σtg(atμt)+b]μt=H1i=1Haitσt=H1i=1H(aitμt)2

where W h h W_{h h} Whh is the recurrent hidden to hidden weights and W x h W_{x h} Wxh are the bottom up input to hidden weights. ⊙ \odot is the element-wise multiplication between two vectors. b \mathbf{b} b and g \mathbf{g} g are defined as the bias and gain parameters of the same dimension as h t \mathbf{h}^t ht.

Layer Normalization(层规范化)_第1张图片
Layer Normalization(层规范化)_第2张图片

视频讲解可以参考:What is Layer Normalization? | Deep Learning Fundamentals



def to_3d(x):
    return rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c')

def to_4d(x,h,w):
    return rearrange(x, 'b (h w) c -> b c h w',h=h,w=w)

定义一个没有bias的LN层,weight是可学习的参数,所以用 n n . P a r a m e t e r nn.Parameter nn.Parameter包装

# 没有bias的LayerNorm层
class BiasFree_LayerNorm(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, normalized_shape):
        super(BiasFree_LayerNorm, self).__init__()
        if isinstance(normalized_shape, numbers.Integral):
            normalized_shape = (normalized_shape,)
        normalized_shape = torch.Size(normalized_shape)

        assert len(normalized_shape) == 1

        self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(normalized_shape))
        self.normalized_shape = normalized_shape

    def forward(self, x):
    	#x的维度(batch_size, height x width, channels)
    	#sigma的维度(batch_size, height x width, 1)
        sigma = x.var(-1, keepdim=True, unbiased=False)
        return x / torch.sqrt(sigma+1e-5) * self.weight


class WithBias_LayerNorm(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, normalized_shape):
        super(WithBias_LayerNorm, self).__init__()
        if isinstance(normalized_shape, numbers.Integral):
            normalized_shape = (normalized_shape,)
        normalized_shape = torch.Size(normalized_shape)

        assert len(normalized_shape) == 1

        self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(normalized_shape))
        self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(normalized_shape))
        self.normalized_shape = normalized_shape

    def forward(self, x):
        mu = x.mean(-1, keepdim=True)
        sigma = x.var(-1, keepdim=True, unbiased=False)
        return (x - mu) / torch.sqrt(sigma+1e-5) * self.weight + self.bias#这边加了bias


class LayerNorm(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, LayerNorm_type):
        super(LayerNorm, self).__init__()
        if LayerNorm_type =='BiasFree':
            self.body = BiasFree_LayerNorm(dim)
            self.body = WithBias_LayerNorm(dim)

    def forward(self, x):
        h, w = x.shape[-2:]
        return to_4d(self.body(to_3d(x)), h, w)
