




  • Arduino UNO (328P)

  • Ethernet拓展版 (W5100)

  • 西门子 S7-200 Smart一台

  • 网线/交换机



  • Arduino IDE


  • 下载安装S7协议库 Settimino Homepage (Step7+Arduino)

  • 在ArduinoIDE上加载Settimino库:项目>加载库>添加zip库

  • ArduinoIDE上打开第三方库>Settimino> ReadDemo示例

  • 代码上改动  (代码的具体设置去看snap7官方API文档)

    • 示例支持多个板卡:esp32/esp8266/w5500/w5100,默认是esp32所以代码上要调整下

      1. 注释ESP32/8266的初始化,留下Ethernet的初始化

      2. 文本编辑器进入 ;注释#define M5STACK_LAN  ;取消注释#define ARDUINO_LAN

      3. UNO内存小,编译储存会不够,宏定义DO_IT_SMALL选择缓冲数据存储方式

    • 修改PLC IP和local IP 

    • 注意选对PLC的机架号和槽号,西门子不同系列PLC不同,200smart默认不需要设置



  • 200smart 没有DB块,DBNum只有设置1

  • 通讯类型设置 SetConnectionType(3),S7不同模式对通讯影响不同,这里设置3,


  • 编译 下载到UNO,在STEP 7-MicroWIN上链接PLC在线修改变量,观察串口打印数据的是否变化


Data Read Demo

Created  12 Dec 2016

Modified 10 Mar 2019 for Settimino 2.0.0

by Davide Nardella


This demo shows how to read data from the PLC.

A DB with at least 1024 byte into the PLC is needed.

Specify its number into DBNum variable

- Both small and large data transfer are performed (see DO_IT_SMALL)

- During the loop, try to disconnect the ethernet cable.

  The system will report the error and will reconnect automatically

  when you re-plug the cable.

- For safety, this demo *doesn't write* data into the PLC, try

  yourself to change ReadArea with WriteArea.

- This demo uses ConnectTo() with Rack=0 and Slot=2 (S7300)

  - If you want to connect to S71200/S71500 change them to Rack=0, Slot=0.

  - If you want to connect to S7400 see your hardware configuration.

  - If you want to work with a LOGO 0BA7 or S7200 please refer to the

    documentation and change

    Client.ConnectTo(, , );

    with the couple

    Client.SetConnectionParams(, , );




#include "Platform.h"

#include "Settimino.h"

// Uncomment next line to perform small and fast data access

#define DO_IT_SMALL

// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.

// The IP address will be dependent on your local network:

byte mac[] = {

  0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0F, 0x08, 0xE1 };

IPAddress Local(192,168,1,1); // Local Address

IPAddress PLC(192,168,1,31);   // PLC Address

// Following constants are needed if you are connecting via WIFI

// The ssid is the name of my WIFI network (the password obviously is wrong)

char ssid[] = "SKYNET-AIR";    // Your network SSID (name)

char pass[] = "yourpassword";  // Your network password (if any)

IPAddress Gateway(192, 168, 1, 1);

IPAddress Subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);

int DBNum = 1; // This DB must be present in your PLC

byte Buffer[1024];

S7Client Client;

unsigned long Elapsed; // To calc the execution time


// Setup : Init Ethernet and Serial port


void setup() {

    // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:


//--------------------------------Wired Ethernet Shield Initialization    

    // Start the Ethernet Library

    EthernetInit(mac, Local);

    // Setup Time, someone said me to leave 2000 because some

    // rubbish compatible boards are a bit deaf.



    Serial.println("Cable connected");  

    Serial.print("Local IP address : ");




// Connects to the PLC


bool Connect()


    int Result=Client.ConnectTo(PLC,

                                  0,  // Rack (see the doc.)

                                  1); // Slot (see the doc.)

    Serial.print("Connecting to ");Serial.println(PLC);  

    if (Result==0)


      Serial.print("Connected ! PDU Length = ");Serial.println(Client.GetPDULength());



      Serial.println("Connection error");

    return Result==0;



// Dumps a buffer (a very rough routine)


void Dump(void *Buffer, int Length)


  int i, cnt=0;

  pbyte buf;


  if (Buffer!=NULL)

    buf = pbyte(Buffer);


    buf = pbyte(&PDU.DATA[0]);

  Serial.print("[ Dumping ");Serial.print(Length);

  Serial.println(" bytes ]===========================");

  for (i=0; i we need to disconnect

  if (ErrNo & 0x00FF)


    Serial.println("SEVERE ERROR, disconnecting.");





// Profiling routines


void MarkTime()





void ShowTime()


  // Calcs the time


  Serial.print("Job time (ms) : ");




// Main Loop


void loop()


  int Size, Result;

  void *Target;


#ifdef DO_IT_SMALL


  Target = NULL; // Uses the internal Buffer (PDU.DATA[])



  Target = &Buffer; // Uses a larger buffer




  // Connection

  while (!Client.Connected)


    if (!Connect())




  Serial.print("Reading ");Serial.print(Size);Serial.print(" bytes from DB");Serial.println(DBNum);

  // Get the current tick


  Result=Client.ReadArea(S7AreaDB, // We are requesting DB access

                         DBNum,    // DB Number

                         0,        // Start from byte N.0

                         Size,     // We need "Size" bytes

                         Target);  // Put them into our target (Buffer or PDU)

  if (Result==0)



    Dump(Target, Size);






