

Dart运算符定义了下表中的运算符。你可以重载它们中的许多运算符,Overridable operators.

Description Operator
unary postfix *expr*++ *expr*-- () [] . ?.
unary prefix -*expr* !*expr* ~*expr* ++*expr* --*expr*
multiplicative * / % ~/
additive + -
shift << >> >>>
bitwise AND &
bitwise XOR ^
bitwise OR |
relational and type test >= > <= < as is is!
equality == !=
logical AND &&
logical OR ||
if null ??
conditional *expr1* ? *expr2* : *expr3*
cascade ..
assignment = *= /= += -= &= ^= etc.

Warning: 运算符优先级是Dart解析器行为的近似值。Dart language specification.


a + b
a = b
a == b
c ? a : b
a is T


对于有两个操作数的运算符,左操作决定了运算符的运算,例如,一个Vector对象和一个Point对象aVector + aPoint 进行的是Vector的+运算。


Dart 支持寻常的算数运算符。

Operator Meaning
+ Add
-expr Unary minus, also known as negation (reverse the sign of the expression)
* Multiply
/ Divide
~/ Divide, returning an integer result
% Get the remainder of an integer division (modulo)

Dart 也支持前缀和后缀增加或减少

Operator Meaning
++var var = var + 1 (expression value is var + 1)
var++ var = var + 1 (expression value is var)
--var var = var – 1 (expression value is var – 1)
var-- var = var – 1 (expression value is var)


Operator Meaning
== Equal; see discussion below
!= Not equal
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to

为了测试两个对象是不是一样的东西, == . (在极少情况下要确定两个对象是否same使用 identical() 方法.) ==原理:

  1. If x or y is null, return true if both are null, and false if only one is null.

  2. Return the result of the method invocation x.==(y). (That’s right, operators such as == are methods that are invoked on their first operand. You can even override many operators, including ==, as you’ll see in Overridable operators.)


as, is, and is!可以在运行时方便的检查类型.

Operator Meaning
as Typecast (also used to specify library prefixes)
is True if the object has the specified type
is! False if the object has the specified type

obj is T 返回真如果obj实现了接口 T. 例如, obj is Object 永远为真.

as 运算符把对象强制转换为特殊类型. 在多数情况下,亦可以把它用作is后使用这个对象的简写:

if (emp is Person) {
  // Type check
  emp.firstName = 'Bob';

你可以用 as 缩短代码:

(emp as Person).firstName = 'Bob';

Note: 上面两种代码并不等效. 若empnull或不是 Person, 第一个例子什么都不做; 第二个会抛异常.



// Assign value to a
a = value;
// Assign value to b if b is null; otherwise, b stays the same
b ??= value;


= –= /= %= >>= ^=
+= *= ~/= <<= &= =


For an operator op: a op= b a = a op b
Example: a += b a = a + b
var a = 2; // Assign using =
a *= 3; // Assign and multiply: a = a * 3
assert(a == 6);


Operator Meaning
!*expr* inverts the following expression (changes false to true, and vice versa)
|| logical OR
&& logical AND
if (!done && (col == 0 || col == 3)) {
  // ...Do something...


Operator Meaning
| OR
~*expr* Unary bitwise complement (0s become 1s; 1s become 0s)
<< Shift left
>> Shift right
final value = 0x22;
final bitmask = 0x0f;

assert((value & bitmask) == 0x02); // AND
assert((value & ~bitmask) == 0x20); // AND NOT
assert((value | bitmask) == 0x2f); // OR
assert((value ^ bitmask) == 0x2d); // XOR
assert((value << 4) == 0x220); // Shift left
assert((value >> 4) == 0x02); // Shift right


Dart有两个运算符,可以让您简明地计算可能需要 if-else语句的表达式:

condition ? expr1 : expr2

If condition is true, evaluates expr1 (and returns its value); otherwise, evaluates and returns the value of expr2.

expr1 ?? expr2

If expr1 is non-null, returns its value; otherwise, evaluates and returns the value of expr2.

When you need to assign a value based on a boolean expression, consider using ?:.

var visibility = isPublic ? 'public' : 'private';

If the boolean expression tests for null, consider using ??.

String playerName(String name) => name ?? 'Guest';

The previous example could have been written at least two other ways, but not as succinctly:

// Slightly longer version uses ?: operator.
String playerName(String name) => name != null ? name : 'Guest';

// Very long version uses if-else statement.
String playerName(String name) {
  if (name != null) {
    return name;
  } else {
    return 'Guest';

Cascade notation (..)

Cascades (..) allow you to make a sequence of operations on the same object. In addition to function calls, you can also access fields on that same object. This often saves you the step of creating a temporary variable and allows you to write more fluid code.

Consider the following code:

querySelector('#confirm') // Get an object.
  ..text = 'Confirm' // Use its members.
  ..onClick.listen((e) => window.alert('Confirmed!'));

The first method call, querySelector(), returns a selector object. The code that follows the cascade notation operates on this selector object, ignoring any subsequent values that might be returned.

The previous example is equivalent to:

var button = querySelector('#confirm');
button.text = 'Confirm';
button.onClick.listen((e) => window.alert('Confirmed!'));

You can also nest your cascades. For example:

final addressBook = (AddressBookBuilder()
      ..name = 'jenny'
      ..email = '[email protected]'
      ..phone = (PhoneNumberBuilder()
            ..number = '415-555-0100'
            ..label = 'home')

Be careful to construct your cascade on a function that returns an actual object. For example, the following code fails:

var sb = StringBuffer();
  ..write('bar'); // Error: method 'write' isn't defined for 'void'.

The sb.write() call returns void, and you can’t construct a cascade on void.

Note: Strictly speaking, the “double dot” notation for cascades is not an operator. It’s just part of the Dart syntax.


Operator Name Meaning
() Function application Represents a function call
[] List access Refers to the value at the specified index in the list
. Member access Refers to a property of an expression; example: foo.bar selects property bar from expression foo
?. Conditional member access Like ., but the leftmost operand can be null; example: foo?.bar selects property bar from expression foo unless foo is null (in which case the value of foo?.bar is null)

For more information about the ., ?., and .. operators, see Classes.
