# A list comprehension print "max in list:", max([num * 2 - 3 for num in range(7)]) # A generator expression print "max in gen:", max(num * 2 - 3 for num in range(7)) # A generator function def genfunc(limit): num = 0 while num < limit: yield num #generator function一般和iteration搭配使用。yield说明这个值产生了。放在一边。如今循环继续进行,等循环结束了,再回来处理之前yield产生的值。 num = num + 1 print genfunc(7) # Iteration using a generator function print "Iterate over generator:" for number in genfunc(7): print number
2 stack and queue
5 grid类的实现
注意当中的”def get_index(self, point, cell_size):”的转化方法,把实际的screen position转化为了index
6 Conway’s game of life 模拟
game of life 简单介绍's_Game_of_Life
game of life 进行grid操作的练习
BFS动画 野火烧不尽 春风吹又生
8 grid的用途 使用bucket sorting进行string sorting
# 产生26个字母组成的list
list= [ chr(ord("a") + char_num) for char_num in range(26)]
print list
9 stack and queue
10 Zombie Apocalypse
1) Passable cells in the grid correspond to EMPTY cells while FULL cells are impassable
2) However, several humans and zombies may inhabit the same grid cell.
3) 注意用for each in list1仅仅能读取list1中的元素,不能改动list1中的元素,假设要改动的话。要使用下标操作。如
4) zombie和human移动的原理是这种。
首先对zombie计算一个distance_grid。这个distance_grid中的每一个cell都表达从当前cell到距离近期的一个zombie的距离,接下来,move_human的时候,就从human周围的cell中选一个distance_grid相应值最大的cell,这样human 就移动到了一个human最安全的点。
类似,对human计算一个distance_grid。中的每一个cell都表达从当前cell到距离近期的一个human的距离,接下来,move_zombie的时候。就从zombie周围的cell中选一个distance_grid相应值最小的cell,这样human 就移动到了一个最接近human的点。
5) 题目做了非常多简化。
当zombie追上human的时候,仅仅是grid改变了颜色,假设下一步继续human move,human还是活着的。
for idx in range(len(list1)): list1[idx] += 1
""" Student portion of Zombie Apocalypse mini-project """ import random import poc_grid import poc_queue import poc_zombie_gui # global constants EMPTY = 0 FULL = 1 FOUR_WAY = 0 EIGHT_WAY = 1 OBSTACLE = "obstacle" HUMAN = "human" ZOMBIE = "zombie" class Zombie(poc_grid.Grid): """ Class for simulating zombie pursuit of human on grid with obstacles """ def __init__(self, grid_height, grid_width, obstacle_list = None, zombie_list = None, human_list = None): """ Create a simulation of given size with given obstacles, humans, and zombies """ poc_grid.Grid.__init__(self, grid_height, grid_width) if obstacle_list != None: for cell in obstacle_list: self.set_full(cell[0], cell[1]) if zombie_list != None: self._zombie_list = list(zombie_list) else: self._zombie_list = [] if human_list != None: self._human_list = list(human_list) else: self._human_list = [] def clear(self): """ Set cells in obstacle grid to be empty Reset zombie and human lists to be empty """ poc_grid.Grid.clear(self) self._zombie_list = [] self._human_list = [] def add_zombie(self, row, col): """ Add zombie to the zombie list """ self._zombie_list.append((row,col)) def num_zombies(self): """ Return number of zombies """ return len(self._zombie_list) def zombies(self): """ Generator that yields the zombies in the order they were added. """ num = 0 while num < self.num_zombies(): yield self._zombie_list[num] num += 1 return def add_human(self, row, col): """ Add human to the human list """ self._human_list.append((row,col)) def num_humans(self): """ Return number of humans """ return len(self._human_list) def humans(self): """ Generator that yields the humans in the order they were added. """ num = 0 while num<self.num_humans(): yield self._human_list[num] num += 1 return def compute_distance_field(self, entity_type): """ Function computes a 2D distance field Distance at member of entity_queue is zero Shortest paths avoid obstacles and use distance_type distances """ visited = poc_grid.Grid(self._grid_height, self._grid_width) distance_field = [[ self._grid_width * self._grid_height for dummy_col in range(self._grid_width)] for dummy_row in range(self._grid_height)] if entity_type == HUMAN: boundary = poc_queue.Queue() for each in self._human_list: visited.set_full(each[0],each[1]) distance_field[each[0]][each[1]] = 0 boundary.enqueue(each) while len(boundary)>0: cur_cell = boundary.dequeue() four_neighbors = poc_grid.Grid.four_neighbors(self,cur_cell[0],cur_cell[1]) for each_neighbor in four_neighbors: if visited.is_empty(each_neighbor[0],each_neighbor[1]) and poc_grid.Grid.is_empty(self, each_neighbor[0], each_neighbor[1]) : visited.set_full(each_neighbor[0],each_neighbor[1]) if distance_field[cur_cell[0]][cur_cell[1]]+1 < distance_field[each_neighbor[0]][ each_neighbor[1]]: distance_field[each_neighbor[0]][ each_neighbor[1]] = distance_field[cur_cell[0]][cur_cell[1]]+1 boundary.enqueue(each_neighbor) elif entity_type == ZOMBIE: boundary = poc_queue.Queue() for each in self._zombie_list: visited.set_full(each[0],each[1]) distance_field[each[0]][each[1]] = 0 boundary.enqueue(each) while len(boundary)>0: cur_cell = boundary.dequeue() four_neighbors = poc_grid.Grid.four_neighbors(self,cur_cell[0],cur_cell[1]) for each_neighbor in four_neighbors: if visited.is_empty(each_neighbor[0],each_neighbor[1]) and poc_grid.Grid.is_empty(self, each_neighbor[0], each_neighbor[1]): visited.set_full(each_neighbor[0],each_neighbor[1]) if distance_field[cur_cell[0]][cur_cell[1]]+1 < distance_field[each_neighbor[0]][ each_neighbor[1]]: distance_field[each_neighbor[0]][ each_neighbor[1]] = distance_field[cur_cell[0]][cur_cell[1]]+1 boundary.enqueue(each_neighbor) return distance_field def move_humans(self, zombie_distance): """ Function that moves humans away from zombies, diagonal moves are allowed """ for idx in range(len(self._human_list)): eight_neighbor_human = poc_grid.Grid.eight_neighbors(self, self._human_list[idx][0],self._human_list[idx][1]) max_distance = zombie_distance[self._human_list[idx][0]][self._human_list[idx][1]] max_pos =(self._human_list[idx][0],self._human_list[idx][1]) for eight_neighbor in eight_neighbor_human: if zombie_distance[eight_neighbor[0]][eight_neighbor[1]]> max_distance: max_distance = zombie_distance[eight_neighbor[0]][eight_neighbor[1]] max_pos =(eight_neighbor[0],eight_neighbor[1]) self._human_list[idx]=(max_pos[0],max_pos[1]) def move_zombies(self, human_distance): """ Function that moves zombies towards humans, no diagonal moves are allowed """ for idx in range(len(self._zombie_list)): four_neighbor_zombie = poc_grid.Grid.four_neighbors(self, self._zombie_list[idx][0],self._zombie_list[idx][1]) min_distance = human_distance[self._zombie_list[idx][0]][self._zombie_list[idx][1]] min_pos =(self._zombie_list[idx][0],self._zombie_list[idx][1]) for four_neighbor in four_neighbor_zombie: if human_distance[four_neighbor[0]][four_neighbor[1]]< min_distance: min_distance = human_distance[four_neighbor[0]][four_neighbor[1]] min_pos =(four_neighbor[0],four_neighbor[1]) self._zombie_list[idx]=(min_pos[0],min_pos[1]) # Start up gui for simulation - You will need to write some code above # before this will work without errors #test_zombie = Zombie(3, 3, [], [], [(2, 2)]) #print test_zombie.compute_distance_field('human') poc_zombie_gui.run_gui(Zombie(20, 15))