我正在的github给大家开发一个用于做实验的项目 —— github.com/qw225967/Bifrost
SendAlgorithmInterface* SendAlgorithmInterface::Create(
const QuicClock* clock, const RttStats* rtt_stats,
const QuicUnackedPacketMap* unacked_packets,
CongestionControlType congestion_control_type, QuicRandom* random,
QuicConnectionStats* stats, QuicPacketCount initial_congestion_window,
SendAlgorithmInterface* old_send_algorithm) {
QuicPacketCount max_congestion_window =
switch (congestion_control_type) {
case kGoogCC: // GoogCC is not supported by quic/core, fall back to BBR.
case kBBR:
return new BbrSender(clock->ApproximateNow(), rtt_stats, unacked_packets,
initial_congestion_window, max_congestion_window,
random, stats);
case kBBRv2:
return new Bbr2Sender(
clock->ApproximateNow(), rtt_stats, unacked_packets,
initial_congestion_window, max_congestion_window, random, stats,
old_send_algorithm &&
old_send_algorithm->GetCongestionControlType() == kBBR
? static_cast<BbrSender*>(old_send_algorithm)
: nullptr);
case kPCC:
// PCC is currently not supported, fall back to CUBIC instead.
case kCubicBytes:
return new TcpCubicSenderBytes(
clock, rtt_stats, false /* don't use Reno */,
initial_congestion_window, max_congestion_window, stats);
case kRenoBytes:
return new TcpCubicSenderBytes(clock, rtt_stats, true /* use Reno */,
max_congestion_window, stats);
return nullptr;
我们主要对quiche里代码的调用流程进行分析。主要使用发送控制算法的逻辑在 quic/core/quic_sent_packet_manager.cc 里边,在该类中创建了 SendAlgorithmInterface 类进行了调用。
// 创建算法时传入:未确认数据map、rtt_状态
clock_, &rtt_stats_, &unacked_packets_, congestion_control_type, random_,
stats_, initial_congestion_window_, send_algorithm_.get()));
// 数据发送过程
// quic_connection.cc 发送数据
bool QuicConnection::WritePacket(SerializedPacket* packet);
// quic_sent_packet_manager.cc quic发送模块记录数据
bool QuicSentPacketManager::OnPacketSent(
SerializedPacket* mutable_packet, QuicTime sent_time,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
HasRetransmittableData has_retransmittable_data, bool measure_rtt,
QuicEcnCodepoint ecn_codepoint);
// send_algorithm_interface.h 发送算法接口类调用 ——> 调用到 bbr v1
// bbr_sender.cc
void BbrSender::OnPacketSent(QuicTime sent_time, QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight,
QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
QuicByteCount bytes,
HasRetransmittableData is_retransmittable);
// bandwidth_sample.cc 采样数据记录
void BandwidthSampler::OnPacketSent(
QuicTime sent_time, QuicPacketNumber packet_number, QuicByteCount bytes,
QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight,
HasRetransmittableData has_retransmittable_data);
// ack信令接收过程
// quic_connection.cc 接收到ack数据
bool QuicConnection::OnAckFrameEnd(
QuicPacketNumber start, const absl::optional<QuicEcnCounts>& ecn_counts);
// quic_sent_packet_manager.cc quic发送模块确认数据
AckResult QuicSentPacketManager::OnAckFrameEnd(
QuicTime ack_receive_time, QuicPacketNumber ack_packet_number,
EncryptionLevel ack_decrypted_level,
const absl::optional<QuicEcnCounts>& ecn_counts);
// send_algorithm_interface.h 发送算法接口类调用 ——> 调用 bbr v1
// bbr_sender.cc
void BbrSender::OnCongestionEvent(bool /*rtt_updated*/,
QuicByteCount prior_in_flight,
QuicTime event_time,
const AckedPacketVector& acked_packets,
const LostPacketVector& lost_packets,
QuicPacketCount /*num_ect*/,
QuicPacketCount /*num_ce*/);
// bandwidth_sample.cc 采样计算确认数据
BandwidthSampler::OnCongestionEvent(QuicTime ack_time,
const AckedPacketVector& acked_packets,
const LostPacketVector& lost_packets,
QuicBandwidth max_bandwidth,
QuicBandwidth est_bandwidth_upper_bound,
QuicRoundTripCount round_trip_count);
// quic_sent_packet_manager.cc
// 发送数据
bool QuicSentPacketManager::OnPacketSent(
SerializedPacket* mutable_packet, QuicTime sent_time,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
HasRetransmittableData has_retransmittable_data, bool measure_rtt,
QuicEcnCodepoint ecn_codepoint) {
// 取出数据包信息
const SerializedPacket& packet = *mutable_packet;
QuicPacketNumber packet_number = packet.packet_number;
QUICHE_DCHECK_LE(FirstSendingPacketNumber(), packet_number);
QUIC_BUG_IF(quic_bug_10750_2, packet.encrypted_length == 0)
<< "Cannot send empty packets.";
if (pending_timer_transmission_count_ > 0) {
// 确认数据重传类型
bool in_flight = has_retransmittable_data == HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA;
if (ignore_pings_ && mutable_packet->retransmittable_frames.size() == 1 &&
mutable_packet->retransmittable_frames[0].type == PING_FRAME) {
// Dot not use PING only packet for RTT measure or congestion control.
in_flight = false;
measure_rtt = false;
// 使用pacing则调用,否则调用发送记录算法
if (using_pacing_) {
pacing_sender_.OnPacketSent(sent_time, unacked_packets_.bytes_in_flight(),
packet_number, packet.encrypted_length,
} else {
send_algorithm_->OnPacketSent(sent_time, unacked_packets_.bytes_in_flight(),
packet_number, packet.encrypted_length,
// Deallocate message data in QuicMessageFrame immediately after packet
// sent.
if (packet.has_message) {
for (auto& frame : mutable_packet->retransmittable_frames) {
if (frame.type == MESSAGE_FRAME) {
frame.message_frame->message_length = 0;
if (packet.has_ack_frequency) {
for (const auto& frame : packet.retransmittable_frames) {
if (frame.type == ACK_FREQUENCY_FRAME) {
RecordEcnMarkingSent(ecn_codepoint, packet.encryption_level);
// 就未确认数据
unacked_packets_.AddSentPacket(mutable_packet, transmission_type, sent_time,
in_flight, measure_rtt, ecn_codepoint);
// Reset the retransmission timer anytime a pending packet is sent.
return in_flight;
// quic_unacked_packet_map.cc
// 未确认数据发送函数
void QuicUnackedPacketMap::AddSentPacket(SerializedPacket* mutable_packet,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
QuicTime sent_time, bool set_in_flight,
bool measure_rtt,
QuicEcnCodepoint ecn_codepoint) {
// 转存数据内容
const SerializedPacket& packet = *mutable_packet;
QuicPacketNumber packet_number = packet.packet_number;
QuicPacketLength bytes_sent = packet.encrypted_length;
QUIC_BUG_IF(quic_bug_12645_1, largest_sent_packet_.IsInitialized() &&
largest_sent_packet_ >= packet_number)
<< "largest_sent_packet_: " << largest_sent_packet_
<< ", packet_number: " << packet_number;
QUICHE_DCHECK_GE(packet_number, least_unacked_ + unacked_packets_.size());
while (least_unacked_ + unacked_packets_.size() < packet_number) {
unacked_packets_.back().state = NEVER_SENT;
// 记录发送信息
const bool has_crypto_handshake = packet.has_crypto_handshake == IS_HANDSHAKE;
QuicTransmissionInfo info(packet.encryption_level, transmission_type,
sent_time, bytes_sent, has_crypto_handshake,
packet.has_ack_frequency, ecn_codepoint);
info.largest_acked = packet.largest_acked;
if (!measure_rtt) {
QUIC_BUG_IF(quic_bug_12645_2, set_in_flight)
<< "Packet " << mutable_packet->packet_number << ", transmission type "
<< TransmissionTypeToString(mutable_packet->transmission_type)
<< ", retransmittable frames: "
<< QuicFramesToString(mutable_packet->retransmittable_frames)
<< ", nonretransmittable_frames: "
<< QuicFramesToString(mutable_packet->nonretransmittable_frames);
// 计算飞行数据
largest_sent_packet_ = packet_number;
if (set_in_flight) {
const PacketNumberSpace packet_number_space =
bytes_in_flight_ += bytes_sent;
bytes_in_flight_per_packet_number_space_[packet_number_space] += bytes_sent;
info.in_flight = true;
largest_sent_retransmittable_packets_[packet_number_space] = packet_number;
last_inflight_packet_sent_time_ = sent_time;
last_inflight_packets_sent_time_[packet_number_space] = sent_time;
// Swap the retransmittable frames to avoid allocations.
// TODO(ianswett): Could use emplace_back when Chromium can.
if (has_crypto_handshake) {
last_crypto_packet_sent_time_ = sent_time;
// bbr_sender.cc
// bbr发送
void BbrSender::OnPacketSent(QuicTime sent_time, QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight,
QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
QuicByteCount bytes,
HasRetransmittableData is_retransmittable) {
// 记录状态数据
if (stats_ && InSlowStart()) {
stats_->slowstart_bytes_sent += bytes;
last_sent_packet_ = packet_number;
if (bytes_in_flight == 0 && sampler_.is_app_limited()) {
exiting_quiescence_ = true;
// 放入采样模块
sampler_.OnPacketSent(sent_time, packet_number, bytes, bytes_in_flight,
// bandwidth_sampler.cc
// 采样记录模块记录发送数据
void BandwidthSampler::OnPacketSent(
QuicTime sent_time, QuicPacketNumber packet_number, QuicByteCount bytes,
QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight,
HasRetransmittableData has_retransmittable_data) {
last_sent_packet_ = packet_number;
if (has_retransmittable_data != HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA) {
// 记录发送总量
total_bytes_sent_ += bytes;
// If there are no packets in flight, the time at which the new transmission
// opens can be treated as the A_0 point for the purpose of bandwidth
// sampling. This underestimates bandwidth to some extent, and produces some
// artificially low samples for most packets in flight, but it provides with
// samples at important points where we would not have them otherwise, most
// importantly at the beginning of the connection.
// 根据飞行数据进行更新
if (bytes_in_flight == 0) {
last_acked_packet_ack_time_ = sent_time;
if (overestimate_avoidance_) {
recent_ack_points_.Update(sent_time, total_bytes_acked_);
total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet_ = total_bytes_sent_;
// In this situation ack compression is not a concern, set send rate to
// effectively infinite.
last_acked_packet_sent_time_ = sent_time;
if (!connection_state_map_.IsEmpty() &&
packet_number >
connection_state_map_.last_packet() + max_tracked_packets_) {
if (unacked_packet_map_ != nullptr && !unacked_packet_map_->empty()) {
QuicPacketNumber maybe_least_unacked =
<< "BandwidthSampler in-flight packet map has exceeded maximum "
"number of tracked packets("
<< max_tracked_packets_
<< "). First tracked: " << connection_state_map_.first_packet()
<< "; last tracked: " << connection_state_map_.last_packet()
<< "; entry_slots_used: " << connection_state_map_.entry_slots_used()
<< "; number_of_present_entries: "
<< connection_state_map_.number_of_present_entries()
<< "; packet number: " << packet_number
<< "; unacked_map: " << unacked_packet_map_->DebugString()
<< "; total_bytes_sent: " << total_bytes_sent_
<< "; total_bytes_acked: " << total_bytes_acked_
<< "; total_bytes_lost: " << total_bytes_lost_
<< "; total_bytes_neutered: " << total_bytes_neutered_
<< "; last_acked_packet_sent_time: " << last_acked_packet_sent_time_
<< "; total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet: "
<< total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet_
<< "; least_unacked_packet_info: "
<< (unacked_packet_map_->IsUnacked(maybe_least_unacked)
? unacked_packet_map_
: "n/a");
} else {
<< "BandwidthSampler in-flight packet map has exceeded maximum "
"number of tracked packets.";
// 更新网络发送数据map
bool success = connection_state_map_.Emplace(packet_number, sent_time, bytes,
bytes_in_flight + bytes, *this);
QUIC_BUG_IF(quic_bug_10437_3, !success)
<< "BandwidthSampler failed to insert the packet "
"into the map, most likely because it's already "
"in it.";
// quic_sent_packet_manager.cc
// ack内容记录
void QuicSentPacketManager::OnAckRange(QuicPacketNumber start,
QuicPacketNumber end) {
// 确定最新ack frame已更新
if (!last_ack_frame_.largest_acked.IsInitialized() ||
end > last_ack_frame_.largest_acked + 1) {
// Largest acked increases.
unacked_packets_.IncreaseLargestAcked(end - 1);
last_ack_frame_.largest_acked = end - 1;
// 取出上一个最新的确认数据,确定该ack的内容是否合理
// Drop ack ranges which ack packets below least_unacked.
QuicPacketNumber least_unacked = unacked_packets_.GetLeastUnacked();
if (least_unacked.IsInitialized() && end <= least_unacked) {
// 循环放如确认数据
start = std::max(start, least_unacked);
do {
QuicPacketNumber newly_acked_start = start;
if (acked_packets_iter_ != last_ack_frame_.packets.rend()) {
newly_acked_start = std::max(start, acked_packets_iter_->max());
for (QuicPacketNumber acked = end - 1; acked >= newly_acked_start;
--acked) {
// Check if end is above the current range. If so add newly acked packets
// in descending order.
packets_acked_.push_back(AckedPacket(acked, 0, QuicTime::Zero()));
if (acked == FirstSendingPacketNumber()) {
if (acked_packets_iter_ == last_ack_frame_.packets.rend() ||
start > acked_packets_iter_->min()) {
// Finish adding all newly acked packets.
end = std::min(end, acked_packets_iter_->min());
} while (start < end);
// 根据确认数据计算拥塞事件
void QuicSentPacketManager::MaybeInvokeCongestionEvent(
bool rtt_updated, QuicByteCount prior_in_flight, QuicTime event_time,
absl::optional<QuicEcnCounts> ecn_counts,
const QuicEcnCounts& previous_counts) {
if (!rtt_updated && packets_acked_.empty() && packets_lost_.empty()) {
const bool overshooting_detected =
// A connection should send at most one flavor of ECT, so only one variable
// is necessary.
QuicPacketCount newly_acked_ect = 0, newly_acked_ce = 0;
if (ecn_counts.has_value()) {
newly_acked_ect = ecn_counts->ect1 - previous_counts.ect1;
if (newly_acked_ect == 0) {
newly_acked_ect = ecn_counts->ect0 - previous_counts.ect0;
} else {
ecn_counts->ect0 - previous_counts.ect0)
<< "Sent ECT(0) and ECT(1) newly acked in the same ACK.";
newly_acked_ce = ecn_counts->ce - previous_counts.ce;
if (using_pacing_) {
pacing_sender_.OnCongestionEvent(rtt_updated, prior_in_flight, event_time,
packets_acked_, packets_lost_,
newly_acked_ect, newly_acked_ce);
} else {
// 放入算法模块计算拥塞数据
send_algorithm_->OnCongestionEvent(rtt_updated, prior_in_flight, event_time,
packets_acked_, packets_lost_,
newly_acked_ect, newly_acked_ce);
if (debug_delegate_ != nullptr && !overshooting_detected &&
stats_->overshooting_detected_with_network_parameters_adjusted) {
if (network_change_visitor_ != nullptr) {
void BbrSender::OnCongestionEvent(bool /*rtt_updated*/,
QuicByteCount prior_in_flight,
QuicTime event_time,
const AckedPacketVector& acked_packets,
const LostPacketVector& lost_packets,
QuicPacketCount /*num_ect*/,
QuicPacketCount /*num_ce*/) {
// 获取上个采样的总丢包量和确认数据量
const QuicByteCount total_bytes_acked_before = sampler_.total_bytes_acked();
const QuicByteCount total_bytes_lost_before = sampler_.total_bytes_lost();
bool is_round_start = false;
bool min_rtt_expired = false;
QuicByteCount excess_acked = 0;
QuicByteCount bytes_lost = 0;
// The send state of the largest packet in acked_packets, unless it is
// empty. If acked_packets is empty, it's the send state of the largest
// packet in lost_packets.
SendTimeState last_packet_send_state;
// 无ack数据时无法更新修复数据的状态
if (!acked_packets.empty()) {
QuicPacketNumber last_acked_packet = acked_packets.rbegin()->packet_number;
// 需要累加增益周期
is_round_start = UpdateRoundTripCounter(last_acked_packet);
// 更新恢复状态
UpdateRecoveryState(last_acked_packet, !lost_packets.empty(),
// 采样统计
BandwidthSamplerInterface::CongestionEventSample sample =
sampler_.OnCongestionEvent(event_time, acked_packets, lost_packets,
QuicBandwidth::Infinite(), round_trip_count_);
// 一旦ack的数据无法找到或者已经不再飞行会被当做无效数据
if (sample.last_packet_send_state.is_valid) {
last_sample_is_app_limited_ = sample.last_packet_send_state.is_app_limited;
has_non_app_limited_sample_ |= !last_sample_is_app_limited_;
if (stats_) {
stats_->has_non_app_limited_sample = has_non_app_limited_sample_;
// Avoid updating |max_bandwidth_| if a) this is a loss-only event, or b) all
// packets in |acked_packets| did not generate valid samples. (e.g. ack of
// ack-only packets). In both cases, sampler_.total_bytes_acked() will not
// change.
if (total_bytes_acked_before != sampler_.total_bytes_acked()) {
QUIC_LOG_IF(WARNING, sample.sample_max_bandwidth.IsZero())
<< sampler_.total_bytes_acked() - total_bytes_acked_before
<< " bytes from " << acked_packets.size()
<< " packets have been acked, but sample_max_bandwidth is zero.";
if (!sample.sample_is_app_limited ||
sample.sample_max_bandwidth > max_bandwidth_.GetBest()) {
max_bandwidth_.Update(sample.sample_max_bandwidth, round_trip_count_);
// 采样结果中的rtt如果已经初始化则尝试更新最小RTT
if (!sample.sample_rtt.IsInfinite()) {
min_rtt_expired = MaybeUpdateMinRtt(event_time, sample.sample_rtt);
bytes_lost = sampler_.total_bytes_lost() - total_bytes_lost_before;
if (mode_ == STARTUP) {
if (stats_) {
stats_->slowstart_packets_lost += lost_packets.size();
stats_->slowstart_bytes_lost += bytes_lost;
excess_acked = sample.extra_acked;
last_packet_send_state = sample.last_packet_send_state;
if (!lost_packets.empty()) {
bytes_lost_in_round_ += bytes_lost;
// Handle logic specific to PROBE_BW mode.
// 更新增益循环
if (mode_ == PROBE_BW) {
UpdateGainCyclePhase(event_time, prior_in_flight, !lost_packets.empty());
// Handle logic specific to STARTUP and DRAIN modes.
// 确认当前是否进入或者处于监测到满带状态
if (is_round_start && !is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
// 确认是否离开startup状态并进入drain状态
// Handle logic specific to PROBE_RTT.
// 确认是否需要进入检测最小RTT状态
MaybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(event_time, is_round_start, min_rtt_expired);
// Calculate number of packets acked and lost.
QuicByteCount bytes_acked =
sampler_.total_bytes_acked() - total_bytes_acked_before;
// After the model is updated, recalculate the pacing rate and congestion
// window.
// 计算pacing_rate
// 计算拥塞窗口
CalculateCongestionWindow(bytes_acked, excess_acked);
// 计算恢复窗口
CalculateRecoveryWindow(bytes_acked, bytes_lost);
// Cleanup internal state.
// 移除未确认的最新数据
if (is_round_start) {
num_loss_events_in_round_ = 0;
bytes_lost_in_round_ = 0;
void BbrSender::UpdateRecoveryState(QuicPacketNumber last_acked_packet,
bool has_losses, bool is_round_start) {
// Disable recovery in startup, if loss-based exit is enabled.
if (!is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
// Exit recovery when there are no losses for a round.
// 存在丢包则更新最终的修复状态
if (has_losses) {
end_recovery_at_ = last_sent_packet_;
switch (recovery_state_) {
// 无需恢复,一旦存在丢包则进入恢复窗口计算
// Enter conservation on the first loss.
if (has_losses) {
recovery_state_ = CONSERVATION;
// This will cause the |recovery_window_| to be set to the correct
// value in CalculateRecoveryWindow().
recovery_window_ = 0;
// Since the conservation phase is meant to be lasting for a whole
// round, extend the current round as if it were started right now.
current_round_trip_end_ = last_sent_packet_;
// 维持恢复窗口,当进入到下一轮的拥塞检测状态,则进入增长状态
if (is_round_start) {
recovery_state_ = GROWTH;
// 恢复窗口增长状态,存在丢包并且最新包都已经更新到大于待恢复的最大包,则不需要增长
case GROWTH:
// Exit recovery if appropriate.
if (!has_losses && last_acked_packet > end_recovery_at_) {
recovery_state_ = NOT_IN_RECOVERY;
BandwidthSampler::OnCongestionEvent(QuicTime ack_time,
const AckedPacketVector& acked_packets,
const LostPacketVector& lost_packets,
QuicBandwidth max_bandwidth,
QuicBandwidth est_bandwidth_upper_bound,
QuicRoundTripCount round_trip_count) {
CongestionEventSample event_sample;
SendTimeState last_lost_packet_send_state;
// 先确认丢包数据将已发送的数据进行确认
for (const LostPacket& packet : lost_packets) {
SendTimeState send_state =
OnPacketLost(packet.packet_number, packet.bytes_lost);
if (send_state.is_valid) {
last_lost_packet_send_state = send_state;
// 无确认数据则直接返回旧状态
if (acked_packets.empty()) {
// Only populate send state for a loss-only event.
event_sample.last_packet_send_state = last_lost_packet_send_state;
return event_sample;
// 挨个对确认数据进行查询
SendTimeState last_acked_packet_send_state;
QuicBandwidth max_send_rate = QuicBandwidth::Zero();
for (const auto& packet : acked_packets) {
// 找不到ack数据则继续
BandwidthSample sample =
OnPacketAcknowledged(ack_time, packet.packet_number);
if (!sample.state_at_send.is_valid) {
last_acked_packet_send_state = sample.state_at_send;
// 更新rtt
if (!sample.rtt.IsZero()) {
event_sample.sample_rtt = std::min(event_sample.sample_rtt, sample.rtt);
// 更新最大带宽
if (sample.bandwidth > event_sample.sample_max_bandwidth) {
event_sample.sample_max_bandwidth = sample.bandwidth;
event_sample.sample_is_app_limited = sample.state_at_send.is_app_limited;
if (!sample.send_rate.IsInfinite()) {
max_send_rate = std::max(max_send_rate, sample.send_rate);
const QuicByteCount inflight_sample =
total_bytes_acked() - last_acked_packet_send_state.total_bytes_acked;
if (inflight_sample > event_sample.sample_max_inflight) {
event_sample.sample_max_inflight = inflight_sample;
if (!last_lost_packet_send_state.is_valid) {
event_sample.last_packet_send_state = last_acked_packet_send_state;
} else if (!last_acked_packet_send_state.is_valid) {
event_sample.last_packet_send_state = last_lost_packet_send_state;
} else {
// If two packets are inflight and an alarm is armed to lose a packet and it
// wakes up late, then the first of two in flight packets could have been
// acknowledged before the wakeup, which re-evaluates loss detection, and
// could declare the later of the two lost.
event_sample.last_packet_send_state =
lost_packets.back().packet_number > acked_packets.back().packet_number
? last_lost_packet_send_state
: last_acked_packet_send_state;
// 取出最大带宽将更新ack事件
bool is_new_max_bandwidth = event_sample.sample_max_bandwidth > max_bandwidth;
max_bandwidth = std::max(max_bandwidth, event_sample.sample_max_bandwidth);
if (limit_max_ack_height_tracker_by_send_rate_) {
max_bandwidth = std::max(max_bandwidth, max_send_rate);
// TODO(ianswett): Why is the min being passed in here?
event_sample.extra_acked =
OnAckEventEnd(std::min(est_bandwidth_upper_bound, max_bandwidth),
is_new_max_bandwidth, round_trip_count);
return event_sample;
BandwidthSample BandwidthSampler::OnPacketAcknowledgedInner(
QuicTime ack_time, QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
const ConnectionStateOnSentPacket& sent_packet) {
// 增加ack的码率
total_bytes_acked_ += sent_packet.size;
total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet_ =
last_acked_packet_sent_time_ = sent_packet.sent_time;
last_acked_packet_ack_time_ = ack_time;
if (overestimate_avoidance_) {
recent_ack_points_.Update(ack_time, total_bytes_acked_);
if (is_app_limited_) {
// Exit app-limited phase in two cases:
// (1) end_of_app_limited_phase_ is not initialized, i.e., so far all
// packets are sent while there are buffered packets or pending data.
// (2) The current acked packet is after the sent packet marked as the end
// of the app limit phase.
if (!end_of_app_limited_phase_.IsInitialized() ||
packet_number > end_of_app_limited_phase_) {
is_app_limited_ = false;
// There might have been no packets acknowledged at the moment when the
// current packet was sent. In that case, there is no bandwidth sample to
// make.
if (sent_packet.last_acked_packet_sent_time == QuicTime::Zero()) {
// QUIC_BUG(quic_bug_10437_4)
// << "sent_packet.last_acked_packet_sent_time is zero";
return BandwidthSample();
// Infinite rate indicates that the sampler is supposed to discard the
// current send rate sample and use only the ack rate.
// 统计发送码率
QuicBandwidth send_rate = QuicBandwidth::Infinite();
if (sent_packet.sent_time > sent_packet.last_acked_packet_sent_time) {
send_rate = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
sent_packet.send_time_state.total_bytes_sent -
sent_packet.sent_time - sent_packet.last_acked_packet_sent_time);
// ackpoint 是个抽象概念,是ack线上的一个点,更新ack点内容
AckPoint a0;
if (overestimate_avoidance_ &&
ChooseA0Point(sent_packet.send_time_state.total_bytes_acked, &a0)) {
// QUIC_DVLOG(2) << "Using a0 point: " << a0;
} else {
a0.ack_time = sent_packet.last_acked_packet_ack_time,
a0.total_bytes_acked = sent_packet.send_time_state.total_bytes_acked;
// During the slope calculation, ensure that ack time of the current packet is
// always larger than the time of the previous packet, otherwise division by
// zero or integer underflow can occur.
if (ack_time <= a0.ack_time) {
// TODO(wub): Compare this code count before and after fixing clock jitter
// issue.
if (a0.ack_time == sent_packet.sent_time) {
// This is the 1st packet after quiescense.
QUIC_CODE_COUNT_N(quic_prev_ack_time_larger_than_current_ack_time, 1, 2);
} else {
QUIC_CODE_COUNT_N(quic_prev_ack_time_larger_than_current_ack_time, 2, 2);
// << "Time of the previously acked packet:"
// << a0.ack_time.ToDebuggingValue()
// << " is larger than the ack time of the current packet:"
// << ack_time.ToDebuggingValue()
// << ". acked packet number:" << packet_number
// << ", total_bytes_acked_:" << total_bytes_acked_
// << ", overestimate_avoidance_:" << overestimate_avoidance_
// << ", sent_packet:" << sent_packet;
return BandwidthSample();
// 计算ack数据
QuicBandwidth ack_rate = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
total_bytes_acked_ - a0.total_bytes_acked, ack_time - a0.ack_time);
// 在发送数据与接收数据中取最小的作为采样数据
BandwidthSample sample;
sample.bandwidth = std::min(send_rate, ack_rate);
// Note: this sample does not account for delayed acknowledgement time. This
// means that the RTT measurements here can be artificially high, especially
// on low bandwidth connections.
sample.rtt = ack_time - sent_packet.sent_time;
sample.send_rate = send_rate;
SentPacketToSendTimeState(sent_packet, &sample.state_at_send);
if (sample.bandwidth.IsZero()) {
// << "ack_rate: " << ack_rate << ", send_rate: " << send_rate
// << ". acked packet number:" << packet_number
// << ", overestimate_avoidance_:" << overestimate_avoidance_ << "a1:{"
// << total_bytes_acked_ << "@" << ack_time << "}, a0:{"
// << a0.total_bytes_acked << "@" << a0.ack_time
// << "}, sent_packet:" << sent_packet;
return sample;
// 创建Bbr_Sender类的时候直接进入startup状态 或 离开了probe_rtt状态且带宽不满
void BbrSender::EnterStartupMode(QuicTime now) {
if (stats_) {
mode_ = STARTUP;
pacing_gain_ = high_gain_;
congestion_window_gain_ = high_cwnd_gain_;
// 当检测到带宽已满则进入排空状态
void BbrSender::MaybeExitStartupOrDrain(QuicTime now) {
if (mode_ == STARTUP && is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
mode_ = DRAIN;
pacing_gain_ = drain_gain_;
congestion_window_gain_ = high_cwnd_gain_;
if (mode_ == DRAIN &&
unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() <= GetTargetCongestionWindow(1)) {
// 当未确认的数据小于拥塞窗口的数据,则尝试进入最大带宽维持统计阶段,这个阶段不断的检测带宽
void BbrSender::EnterProbeBandwidthMode(QuicTime now) {
mode_ = PROBE_BW;
congestion_window_gain_ = congestion_window_gain_constant_;
// Pick a random offset for the gain cycle out of {0, 2..7} range. 1 is
// excluded because in that case increased gain and decreased gain would not
// follow each other.
cycle_current_offset_ = random_->RandUint64() % (kGainCycleLength - 1);
if (cycle_current_offset_ >= 1) {
cycle_current_offset_ += 1;
last_cycle_start_ = now;
pacing_gain_ = kPacingGain[cycle_current_offset_];
// 当最小rtt到期,开始进入Probe_RTT
void BbrSender::MaybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(QuicTime now, bool is_round_start,
bool min_rtt_expired) {
if (min_rtt_expired && !exiting_quiescence_ && mode_ != PROBE_RTT) {
if (InSlowStart()) {
mode_ = PROBE_RTT;
pacing_gain_ = 1;
// Do not decide on the time to exit PROBE_RTT until the |bytes_in_flight|
// is at the target small value.
exit_probe_rtt_at_ = QuicTime::Zero();
if (mode_ == PROBE_RTT) {
if (exit_probe_rtt_at_ == QuicTime::Zero()) {
// If the window has reached the appropriate size, schedule exiting
// PROBE_RTT. The CWND during PROBE_RTT is kMinimumCongestionWindow, but
// we allow an extra packet since QUIC checks CWND before sending a
// packet.
if (unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight() <
ProbeRttCongestionWindow() + kMaxOutgoingPacketSize) {
exit_probe_rtt_at_ = now + kProbeRttTime;
probe_rtt_round_passed_ = false;
} else {
if (is_round_start) {
probe_rtt_round_passed_ = true;
if (now >= exit_probe_rtt_at_ && probe_rtt_round_passed_) {
min_rtt_timestamp_ = now;
if (!is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
} else {
exiting_quiescence_ = false;