macbook 重装系统

同事拿来一台看似2015款 macbook air,说这是老板的电脑,之前别人用的,忘记了密码,能不能crack掉。好吧,重装系统呗。重启,command+r,全盘抹掉,网络恢复,显示 the recovery server could not be contacted 。Google 说

To fix this.
Open up a Terminal from the utilities menu
Enter the following command
ntpdate -u
Try to install High Sierra again. It should just work™.

试了没用,重启按 `command+option+r' 进入看似比较全面的网络恢复(时间长一些),进入后维护页面发生了变化,应该是更新了维护模块。
选语言,全盘抹,Reinstall OS X ,居然是OS X ,10以后应该都叫 macos 了。安装 10.10 Yosemite, 显示38分钟,等着吧,安完再升级好咯。

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