蓝牙 - CSB通讯方式

CSB 或无连接从属广播是蓝牙通信中使用的一种逻辑传输方式。在这种传输模式中,主设备向多个从设备广播数据,而无需建立专门的点对点连接。CSB 逻辑传输通常用于主设备与从设备之间的单向通信。

在 CSB 模式下,主设备为广播数据预留一个特定的逻辑传输通道。然后,主设备开始广播数据,范围内的所有从设备都能接收到数据。与其他逻辑传输方式不同,CSB 是不可靠的,这意味着没有数据确认或重传。

CSB 只是蓝牙通信中使用的逻辑传输类型之一。还有其他逻辑传输类型,如 SCO(面向同步连接)和 ACL(异步连接)。

CSB, or Connectionless Slave Broadcast, is a logical transport used in Bluetooth communication. It is a mode of transmission in which the master device broadcasts data to multiple slave devices without establishing a dedicated point-to-point connection. The CSB logical transport is typically used for one-way communication from the master to the slaves.

In CSB mode, the master device reserves a specific logical transport for broadcasting data. The master then starts broadcasting the data, which is received by all the slave devices within range. Unlike other logical transports, CSB is unreliable, meaning there is no acknowledgment or retransmission of the data.

CSB is just one of the logical transport types used in Bluetooth communication. There are other logical transport types such as SCO (Synchronous Connection-Oriented) and ACL (Asynchronous Connection).
