在地图上以类似于提示框的方式显示查询信息,类似于arcmap中单击图层查看属性 由于Class Graphic有infoWindowRenderer : IFactory这个属性 (注:infoWindowRenderer property
infoWindowRenderer:IFactory [read-write] The infoWindowRenderer is a UIComponent factory that is added to a graphic. Wen infoWindowRenderer is defined on a graphic, a mouse "click" listener is automatically added to the graphic. When graphic is clicked, a UIComponent instance is created, using the factory and if that factory implements the IDataRenderer interface then its data property is set to the graphic attributes. In addition, if the UIComponent has a dataProvider property, then that property is set to the graphic attributes as well. Finally, the map info window content is set to the newly created UIComponent and is shown at an anchor location. If the geometry of the graphic is a map point, then the anchor location will be that map point, otherwise the anchor point will be where the user clicked map point location.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. 详见:http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/arcgisserver/apis/flex/apiref/com/esri/ags/Graphic.html#infoWindowRenderer)
graphic会自动的监听click事件,当用户单击到图层上的某个元素时,infoWindowRenderer会自动创建一个实例,因此我们只需 private var myInfoWindowRenderer:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(MyInfoWindowRenderer);
(注:ClassFactory 类实现 IFactory 接口。因此,通过该类,您可以创建可分配到 IFactory 类型属性的对象)
<mx:Component className="MyInfoWindowRenderer">
<mx:VBox label="{data.STATE_NAME}" backgroundColor="0xEEEEEE">
<mx:Label text="State Fips: {data.STATE_FIPS}"/>
<mx:Label text="Abbreviation: {data.STATE_ABBR}"/>
<mx:Label text="Area: {data.AREA}"/>
2)File->New->MXML Component文件,然后在<mx:Script>中导入你新建的as文件(MXML最后会编译成as文件,所以以包的形式导入即可)
例如:import component.MyInfoWindowRenderer;//component是我在当前文件目录下创建的文件夹
最后便可以进行查询之后的操作啦,例如在click事件里添加一些处理函数等等, 例如(这是自带的一些例子example)
private function onMapClick(event:MapMouseEvent):void
query.geometry = event.mapPoint;
private function onQueryExecuteComplete(event:QueryEvent):void
var fset:FeatureSet = event.featureSet;
for each (var graphic:Graphic in fset.features) //因为每次都选定一个要素,
{ //循环遍历只进行一次,因此可以采用下面的方式
graphic.symbol = symbol;
graphic.infoWindowRenderer = myInfoWindowRenderer;
graphicsLayer.add(graphic); //当然你也可以加载地图的时候便把所有图形要素预加载到
} //graphicsLayer之中,这样提高里查询的效率,但可能会影响加载速度
// fset.features[0].symbol = symbol;
// fset.features[0].infoWindowRenderer = myInfoWindowRenderer;
// graphicsLayer.add(fset.features[0]);