

  1. 用户的概念:用户可以登陆数据库和管理数据库,因为数据库安全问题和业务需求我们需要使用权限管理。
  2. 定义用户:用户名@‘IP白名单’ (白名单指的是允许登陆MySQL的IP地址)
    • cooh@‘localhost’:cooh只能在本地使用socket登入MySQL
    • cooh@‘’:cooh只能通过 远程登入MySQL
    • cooh@‘10.0.0.%’: cooh可以通过 1.0.0.xx 远程登入MySQL
    • cooh@‘’:子网掩码认证登入MySQL
  3. 查询用户
    select user, host, authentication_string
    from user;
    user Host authentication_string
    root localhost *13E2C5B0B4E64D072DF491DE5255E17ED91EBC8F
  4. 创建用户
    -- 创建一个名为 user2 的用户密码为 mysql 不限定ip链接
    create user user2@'%' identified by 'mysql';
    注意:MySQL 8.0 版本必须先创建用户再授权 v5.0系列的版本创建和授权可以同时进行,需要注意的是新创建的用户如果没有指定权限默认只有登陆的权限。
  5. 修改用户
    -- 修改user2用户的密码为 A186
    alter user user2@'%' identified by 'A186';
  6. 删除用户
    -- 删除用户2
    drop user user2@'%';


  1. 权限概念:限定用户对数据库对操作,表现方式为增删改查。

  2. 查看权限:show privileges;

    Privilege Context Comment
    Alter Tables To alter the table
    Alter routine Functions,Procedures To alter or drop stored functions/procedures
    Create Databases,Tables,Indexes To create new databases and tables
    Create routine Databases To use CREATE FUNCTION/PROCEDURE
    Create temporary tables Databases To use CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE
    Create view Tables To create new views
    Create user Server Admin To create new users
    Delete Tables To delete existing rows
    Drop Databases,Tables To drop databases, tables, and views
    Event Server Admin To create, alter, drop and execute events
    Execute Functions,Procedures To execute stored routines
    File File access on server To read and write files on the server
    Grant option Databases,Tables,Functions,Procedures To give to other users those privileges you possess
    Index Tables To create or drop indexes
    Insert Tables To insert data into tables
    Lock tables Databases To use LOCK TABLES (together with SELECT privilege)
    Process Server Admin To view the plain text of currently executing queries
    Proxy Server Admin To make proxy user possible
    References Databases,Tables To have references on tables
    Reload Server Admin To reload or refresh tables, logs and privileges
    Replication client Server Admin To ask where the slave or master servers are
    Replication slave Server Admin To read binary log events from the master
    Select Tables To retrieve rows from table
    Show databases Server Admin To see all databases with SHOW DATABASES
    Show view Tables To see views with SHOW CREATE VIEW
    Shutdown Server Admin To shut down the server
    Super Server Admin To use KILL thread, SET GLOBAL, CHANGE MASTER, etc.
    Trigger Tables To use triggers
    Create tablespace Server Admin To create/alter/drop tablespaces
    Update Tables To update existing rows
    Usage Server Admin No privileges - allow connect only


  3. 设置权限
    前提:给其它用户设置权限的前提是 root 或者你拥有权限并拥有 Grant option(将自己的权限赋予其他用户的权限)

    1. ALL:指所有权限,前提是你使用的用户拥有的权限
    2. 权限1,权限2:可以指定具体的权限面向普通用户
    3. Grant option:给其它用户授权


    • *.* 指数据库中所有的库和表
    • 库名.* 指定数据库中所有定表
    • 库名.表名 指定数据库中定指定表

    -- 将数据库new_data中的new表中的 new_title、new_content 查询权限给 user1
    grant select(new_title, new_content) on new_data.new to user1@'localhost';


    • User:存储创建的用户和密码包括全局实例级别管理权限设置
    • db:存储数据库级别的权限设置
    • tables_priv:存放表级别的设置权限
    • columns_priv:存放字段级别的设置权限
    • procs_priv:存放存储过程中的设置权限

    -- 查询列级别的权限
    select * from mysql.columns_priv;
    Host Db User Table_name Column_name Timestamp Column_priv
    localhost new_data user1 new new_content 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Select
    localhost new_data user1 new new_title 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Select


  4. 回收权限
    回收权限使用 revoke 权限 on 范围 form 用户名@host

    -- 回收相关字段的权限
    revoke select(new_content, new_title) on new_data.new from user1@'localhost';

  1. 授权权限
    给 grant 添加 WITH GRANT OPTION 子句,表示该用户可以将自己拥有的权限授予其它用户。
