import cv2 import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np # Cutting the input image to h*w blocks def clip_picture(file_path,outPath,a): slide_window = 1024 # 大的滑动窗口 step_length = 1024 sat_list = os.listdir(file_path) for file in sat_list: Image_Path = os.path.join(file_path,file) image = Image.open(Image_Path) width = image.size[0] # 获取图像的宽 height = image.size[1] # 获取图像的高 right_fill = step_length - (width % step_length) bottom_fill = step_length - (height % step_length) width_path_number = int((width + right_fill) / step_length) # 横向切成的小图的数量 height_path_number = int((height + right_fill) / step_length) # 纵向切成的小图的数量 #print(width_path_number, height_path_number) image = np.array(image) image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, top=0, bottom=bottom_fill, left=0, right=right_fill, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0) image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, top=step_length // 2, bottom=step_length // 2, left=step_length // 2, right=step_length // 2, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0) # 填充1/2步长的外边框 # 2.将膨胀后的大图按照滑窗裁剪 tar = outPath #tar=os.path.join('./dataset/',file[:-8]+'/'+'Image_Crop_Result/') #shutil.rmtree(r"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeepGlobe-Road-Extraction-link34\dataset\Image_Crop_Result") # 递归删除文件夹下的所有内容包扩文件夹本身 target=tar image_crop_addr = target # 图像裁剪后存储的文件夹 image = Image.fromarray(image) # 将图片格式从numpy转回PIL l = 0 if a=='tif': for j in range(height_path_number): for i in range(width_path_number): box = (i * step_length, j * step_length, i * step_length + slide_window, j * step_length + slide_window) small_image = image.crop(box) name=file.split('_') small_image.save( image_crop_addr + name[2]+'_'+name[3] + '({},{})@{:04d}_sat.tif'.format(j, i, l), quality=95) l = l + 1 if a=='png': for j in range(height_path_number): for i in range(width_path_number): box = (i * step_length, j * step_length, i * step_length + slide_window, j * step_length + slide_window) small_image = image.crop(box) name=file.split('_') small_image.save( image_crop_addr + name[2]+'_'+name[3] + '({},{})@{:04d}_mask.png'.format(j, i, l), quality=95) l = l + 1 inPath1 = "./Postdamdataset/RGB_train/" inPath3 = "./Postdamdataset/DSM_train/" inPath2 = "./Postdamdataset/Label_train/" outPath1 = "./Postdamdataset/RGB/" outPath3 = "./Postdamdataset/HHA/" outPath2 = "./Postdamdataset/Label/" clip_picture(inPath1,outPath1 ,'tif') clip_picture(inPath3,outPath3,'tif') clip_picture(inPath2,outPath2,'png') mask_names = filter(lambda x: x.find('mask')!=-1, os.listdir(outPath2)) # sat_names = filter(lambda x: x.find('sat')!=-1, os.listdir(tar)) #trainlist = list(map(lambda x: x[:-8], imagelist))
import cv2 import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal # Cutting the input image to h*w blocks def clip_picture(file_path,outPath,a): slide_window = 1024 # 大的滑动窗口 step_length = 1024 sat_list = os.listdir(file_path) for file in sat_list: Image_Path = os.path.join(file_path,file) image=gdal.Open(Image_Path) width = image.RasterXSize height = image.RasterYSize # image = Image.open(Image_Path) # width = image.size[0] # 获取图像的宽 # height = image.size[1] # 获取图像的高 right_fill = step_length - (width % step_length) bottom_fill = step_length - (height % step_length) width_path_number = int((width + right_fill) / step_length) # 横向切成的小图的数量 height_path_number = int((height + bottom_fill) / step_length) # 纵向切成的小图的数量 #print(width_path_number, height_path_number) # image = np.array(image) image=image.ReadAsArray() if a=='tif': image= np.rollaxis(image , 0, 3) image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, top=0, bottom=bottom_fill, left=0, right=right_fill, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0) image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, top=step_length // 2, bottom=step_length // 2, left=step_length // 2, right=step_length // 2, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0) # 填充1/2步长的外边框 # 2.将膨胀后的大图按照滑窗裁剪 tar = outPath #tar=os.path.join('./dataset/',file[:-8]+'/'+'Image_Crop_Result/') #shutil.rmtree(r"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DeepGlobe-Road-Extraction-link34\dataset\Image_Crop_Result") # 递归删除文件夹下的所有内容包扩文件夹本身 target=tar image_crop_addr = target # 图像裁剪后存储的文件夹 # image = Image.fromarray(image) # 将图片格式从numpy转回PIL image=Image.fromarray(np.uint8(image)) l = 0 if a=='tif': for j in range(height_path_number): for i in range(width_path_number): box = (i * step_length, j * step_length, i * step_length + slide_window, j * step_length + slide_window) small_image = image.crop(box) name=file.split('_') small_image.save( image_crop_addr + name[2]+'_'+name[3] + '({},{})@{:04d}_sat.tif'.format(j, i, l), quality=95) l = l + 1 if a=='png': for j in range(height_path_number): for i in range(width_path_number): box = (i * step_length, j * step_length, i * step_length + slide_window, j * step_length + slide_window) small_image = image.crop(box) name=file.split('_') small_image.save( image_crop_addr + name[2]+'_'+name[3] + '({},{})@{:04d}_mask.png'.format(j, i, l), quality=95) l = l + 1 inPath1 = "./Postdamdataset/RGB_train/" inPath3 = "./Postdamdataset/DSM_train/" inPath2 = "./Postdamdataset/Label_train/" outPath1 = "./Postdamdataset/RGB/" outPath3 = "./Postdamdataset/HHA/" outPath2 = "./Postdamdataset/Label/" # clip_picture(inPath1,outPath1 ,'tif') clip_picture(inPath3,outPath3,'tif') clip_picture(inPath2,outPath2,'png') mask_names = filter(lambda x: x.find('mask')!=-1, os.listdir(outPath2)) # sat_names = filter(lambda x: x.find('sat')!=-1, os.listdir(tar)) #trainlist = list(map(lambda x: x[:-8], imagelist))
name2=name[2] name2[1:]
检查空白标签 防止错误
import cv2 import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal # Cutting the input image to h*w blocks inPath1 = "./Postdamdataset/RGB_test/" inPath3 = "./Postdamdataset/DSM_test/" inPath2 = "./Postdamdataset/Label_test/" outPath1 = "./Postdamdataset/test_RGB/" outPath3 = "./Postdamdataset/test_HHA/" outPath2 = "./Postdamdataset/test_Label/" mask_names = filter(lambda x: x.find('mask')!=-1, os.listdir(outPath2)) # sat_names = filter(lambda x: x.find('sat')!=-1, os.listdir(tar)) #testlist = list(map(lambda x: x[:-8], imagelist)) for f in mask_names: path = outPath2 + f.strip() if not os.path.exists(path): continue; img = cv2.imread(path,0) if cv2.countNonZero(img) == 0: print(f+'Image is black') path2=f[:-9] os.remove(path) os.remove(outPath1 +path2 + "_sat.tif") os.remove(outPath3 +path2 + "_sat.tif")