

          the jdk hierarchical relationship of class-loader


----Module Class Loading and Bootstrapping----

bootstrap loader:

   *loads primordial classes and core module system classes.

Base module loader

  *loads non-core module system classes and all other classes in the base module.



Project Jigsaw: Module Class Loading and Bootstrapping


----How Classes are Found----

  how the 'java(java launcher)' finds classes:

  the vm searches for and loads classes in the order of:

  a,bootstrap classes,which compriss the java platform,including the classes in the rt.jar and other important .jar files.

  b,extension classes,which use the java extension mechanism,bundled as .jar files in the “lib/ext” extension directory.

  c,user(defined) classes,which were definded by developers and third parties that does not take advantage of the extension mechanism(identify these classes using the -classpath option).

  more info for How Classes are Found

