These are essentially five such practices—five such habits of the mind that have to be acquired to be an effective executive:
1.Effective executives know where their time goes.They work systematically at managing the little of their time that can be brought under their control.
科学管理就是泰勒同学抄着秒表 Measure出来的。这套方法对于知识管理者也有借鉴意义。通过记录,每天时间到底去哪了,可以发现那些没有产生任何绩效的时间去削减它,发现那些值得授权给他人做的、外包给其他人做的授权和外包出去。生物对时间的感知是非常不精确的。而知识工作者的时间公司最重要的资产。那以前记录时间是需要有人帮忙或者是要自己花时间精力 Take the effort, 现在大家很多时间都花在手机上,就可以直接看手机上的统计。将来甚至直接让一个平衡车上面带一个智能机器人,就可以精确的记录,每天时间都去哪儿了。
2.Effective executives focus on outward contribution.They gear their efforts to results rather than to work.They start out with the question,“What results are expected of me?”rather than with the work to be done,let alone with its techniques and tools.
聚焦对外输出贡献,而非完成事务性的工作任务。创造价值不是由内而外,而是由外而内的。对外才能做功,交换才能真正实现价值创造。也就是说要站在贡献的视角,外部的视角,客户的视角。不是自己有什么、做什么,大家而是为什么需要我、需要我做些什么。比起时时刻刻的想“我想要什么?”,不如抽些时间来思考“What can I contribute?”。
An executive who wants to be considered responsible for his contribution, has to concern himself with the usability of his “product”。从对外界贡献的视角出发,知识工作者有责任让自己的产出对其他人有用、可用、易用。
Executives have good human relations because they focus on contribution in their own work and their relations with others. as a result, the relationships are productive. 知识工作者与其他人有良好关系,并不是因为他们表面上的态度友善和气。而是因为他们聚焦贡献,对他人有用。所以处关系不是表面上一起喝酒吃饭,而是相互赋能。
3.Effective executives build on strengths—their own strengths,the strengths of their superiors,colleagues,and subordinates;and on the strengths in the situation,that is,on what they can do.They do not build on weakness.They do not start out with the things they cannot do.
要达成非凡的目标,需要使用到所有可能的长处/优势。One has to use all the available strength. 可是现实中很多很多公司招人会愿意招没有特别显得短板/缺陷的人(各方面都不错的人),因为公司中的职位设置的要求通常是中规中矩。。现实生活中更多的人是某些方面特别强(做某些事Uncommonly well.),其他方面却很弱。
4.Effective executives concentrate on the few major areas where superior performance will produce outstanding results.They force themselves to set priorities and stay with their priority decisions.They know that they have no choice but to do first things first—and second things not at all.The alternative is to getnothing done.
Doing one things at a time,and doing first thing first. 一次做一件事情,要事优先。
Pick the future as against the past;
Focus on opportunity rather than on problem;
Choose your own direction—rather than climb on the bandwagon;and
Aim high,aim for something that will make a difference,rather than for something that is“safe”and easy to do.
5.Effective executives,finally,make effective decisions.They know that this is,above all,a matter of system—of the right steps in the right sequence.They know that an effective decision is always a judgment based on“dissenting opinions”rather than on“consensus on the facts.”And they know that to make many decisions fast means to make the wrong decisions.What is needed are few,but fundamental,decisions.What is needed is the right strategy rather than razzle-dazzle tactics.
Whenever one has to judge,one must have alternatives among which one can choose.A judgment in which one can only say“yes”or“no”is no judgment at all.Only if there are alternatives can one hope to get insight into what is truly at stake. Unless one has considered alternatives,one has a closed mind. 做决策需要有备选项。被选项可以让你洞察到那你选择其中一个,意味着你要放弃哪些可能。
the right decision demands adequate disagreement. 正确的决策,需要反对的声音。
1、你会记录自己的时间天都是怎么花的吗?Why /Why not?
2、Making Strength productive发扬长处的道理似乎都懂,应用的时候困难在什么地方?