

英文 中文
Hey, Adam, remember me? 亚当还记得我吗
- Going to school, huh? - Yeah. -去上学吗-对
Come on, I'll give you a ride. 上车吧我载你一程
It's okay. It's on my way. 没事我顺路的
What are those for? 这些是干嘛用的
They're for your parents. 给你父母的
Get in, I'll explain. 上车吧我会向你解释的
You're not dressed. 你还没穿上衣呢
You said you'd go jogging with me this morning. 你说过今早要跟我一起晨跑的
Doesn't sound like me. 不像是我会说的话
Have you been up all night? 你熬了一宿吗
I started digging through one of the files I keep 你昨晚去睡觉之后
on open serial murders after you'd gone to bed, 我开始钻研手头的连环杀人案资料
and I lost track of time. 然后就忘记了时间
Still losing track of it, as a matter of fact, 实际上我现在依然沉浸其中
so, no jogging. Sorry. 所以我就不去了抱歉
I thought we both agreed that a little exercise would 我记得我们达成过共识
be a good addition to your sobriety regimen. 适当的锻炼对你戒瘾后的恢复有好处
For future reference, when I say that I agree with you, 以后记着当我说同意你的观点时
it means I'm not listening. 意味着我完全没在听
You know what else is great? Jazzercise. 还有种很棒的运动爵士健身操
I'll get you some leg warmers, a headband. 我会给你买副护腿和头带
You'll look awesome. 看起来会很帅的
I agree with you. 我同意
The Balloon Man? 气球人
Is that who you've been researching? 这就是你在研究的人吗
Yeah. Came to my attention 对我还在伦敦的时候
while I was still living in London. 就注意到他了
New York's very own bogeyman. 纽约独有的怪人
Obviously, you've heard of him. 显然你听说过他
Yeah. He took his first victim 对他的第一个受害人在七年前
from Cobble Hill about seven years ago. 从科伯山住宅区被带走的
I was living just a few blocks away. 我当时就住在几个街区之外
Adam. Adam something. 叫亚当姓什么来着
I think he's taken six kids since then? 我记得 在那之后一共有六个孩子是吗
- Seven as of last night. - What? -从昨晚起就是七个了-什么
I heard it on my police scanner app around midnight. 我半夜用警方广播程序听到的
Ten-year-old Mariana Castillo 十岁的玛莲娜·卡斯蒂洛
snatched from her bedroom in Astoria, Queens, 从她在皇后区阿斯托利亚的家中被带走
the abductor's signature batch of balloons 现场留下了一束
left fluttering behind. 诱拐者标志性的气球
I'd like to think that Fleet Street would have devised 我觉得伦敦新闻界肯定会想出个
a more inventive sobriquet than "The Balloon Man," 比气球人更独特的绰号
but I do enjoy the inadvertent E.E. Cummings reference. 不过我还挺喜欢它对肯明斯的暗合
Well, if you only heard it on the scanner, then you haven't 如果你只是从警方广播中听到的
actually been assigned to the case. 那就说明你还没正式参与其中
Yet. 快了
Child abductions and serial murders mean 诱拐儿童和连环杀人这意味着
psychiatric consultants and joint task forces, 需要精神科顾问以及多部门联合行动
which in turn means that Gregson can't call me in 也就是说格雷森在警署总督许可前
until the police commissioner approves. 是没法给我打电话的
And he doesn't get in until 8:30 a.m. sharp. 而他最早也得8点半才能得到批准
Add approximately three minutes for coffee, 再花上三分钟买咖啡
another six for a trip to the loo. 六分钟撒泡尿
Should be calling me in about, hmm, 15 minutes. 大概15分钟内就会给我打电话了
Or sooner. 看来我低估他了
Holmes. 福尔摩斯
Crescent Street, Astoria. 阿斯托利亚克雷森特街
I'll be there presently. 我马上到
I could have sworn I was wearing a shirt at some point. 我发誓我之前是穿着上衣的
The girl's bedroom is in the back. 女孩的卧室在后院
Perp forced the lock on her window around 9:30 last night, 嫌犯昨晚9点半破开她窗户的锁
took her, tied the balloons to her bed. 带走了她在床上系上了气球
Mom's a painter. She went to a friend's gallery. 她母亲是画家昨晚去了朋友的画廊
Dad went to the bodega on the corner 父亲9点45分左右
to get some wine around 9:45. 在街角的杂货店里买酒
That's freshly broken. 这是新折断的
By the girl, presumably, grabbing for a handhold. 我猜是小女孩抓在手里了
That's good. She's a fighter. 很好她勇于斗争
If little girls could actually win fights 如果小女孩真能斗得过
against grown men, then, yeah, 一个成年男性的话好吧
it would be a cause for great optimism. 你真够乐观的
What's this? 这是搞什么
Parents are making 女孩的父母正准备
- a plea to the twist that took their kid. - They mustn't. -向劫匪做出恳求-绝对不能这么做
Why not? 为什么不行
Excuse me. You can't do this. 打扰一下你不能拍
We're live in ten, buddy, 还有十秒就要直播了哥们
so if you wouldn't mind. 不介意的话请让开
You don't understand. It's... 你不明白这
We're on in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, 准直播送十九八七六
- five, four, three... - Look, I'm sorry. -五四三-很抱歉
- Two, one. - Hey. Sherlock! -二一-福尔摩斯
I'm sorry. I warned him! 很抱歉我警告过他了
What is this? Who are you? 怎么回事你是谁
I'm just the man who's trying 我只是一个
to keep these people from killing your daughter. 想阻止他们害死你女儿的人
Mr. Holmes is a consultant with the department, Mr. Castillo. 福尔摩斯先生是警署顾问卡斯蒂洛先生
Daniel Peters, Kayla Jackson, 丹尼尔·皮特斯凯拉·杰克逊
Billy Crawford. 比利·克劳福德
Victims two, three and five of the Balloon Man. 第二三五号气球人的受害者
The only ones whose bodies were found. 只有他们的尸体最终被找到
Forensics estimated he kept Daniel alive 证据表明他在掩埋丹尼尔之前
for a full day before burial, Kayla for half a day, 让他活了一整天凯拉是半天
Billy for almost two days. Why the discrepancy? 比利则是近两天为什么相差这么久
Sherlock, they lost their daughter. 夏洛克他们已经失去女儿了
- I think...- Last night, I discovered a direct correlation -我想 -昨晚我发现了杀手
between the quickness with which the killer dispatched his victims 杀害受害者的时间与被害者父母
and the extent of their parents' media exposure. 在媒体上曝光程度之间的联系
I could show you the spreadsheet, 我可以给你看我的演算表
but in sum-- the more interviews, 但是总的来说采访越多
the faster the children died. 孩子死得越快
Is he right? 他说的对吗
Usually. 一般来说是的
I don't understand. 我不明白
What does it matter how many interviews we do? 这跟我们接受多少访谈有什么关系
The Balloon Man feeds off the public grief 气球人想要的就是大众对于
of his victims' families. 受害者家庭的悲痛之情
You nourish him, he'll get bored, 等你满足了他的需求他开始厌倦
end the game. 一切也就结束了
Keep him hungry, 不要满足他
we might have two days. 我们也许就能有两天时间
You want to get your little girl back? 你想让自己女儿回来吗
It's simple. You do everything I say. 很简单按我说的做
Kemper. 肯珀
That was the name of the Balloon Man's first victim. 这是气球人第一个受害者的姓
Adam Kemper. I just remembered. 亚当·肯珀我才想起来
The police found those balloons on the sidewalk 警察在他带走亚当的人行道上
where he'd taken Adam, the ones that said, "Thank you"" 发现了那些气球写着谢谢你们
Like Adam's parents had given him some sort of gift. 就如同亚当的父母给了他一份礼物
I read all the articles over the years. 我这些年读过所有的文章
I know it destroys the victims' families, 我知道这摧毁了受害者的家庭
but being here in person is just... 但是身处这里实在是
Perhaps you'd like to go outside. 你想出去走走吗
I'm fine, thanks. I just... 不用了谢谢我只是
No, it's not an expression of concern. It's a request. 这不是出于关心这是个要求
You're distracting me. 你在让我分神
I'm distracting you. 我让你分神
Because clearly, this is all about you. 当然了整个世界都是以你为中心
- Excuse me! - No, no, no, no, it's okay. -你想干吗-没事没事
Mr. Castillo, you can't blame yourself for what happened. 卡斯蒂洛先生你不必为此自责
Actually, he can. 实际上他应该自责
Excuse me? 你说什么
Not for your daughter's abduction, of course. 当然不是为了你女儿被绑架的事
The kidnapper would have found a way to take her eventually. 绑匪终归是会找到带走她的办法的
But you can and should blame yourself 但是你可以并且应当为
for impeding our investigation. 拖延我们的调查而自责
I told you everything. 我已经告诉你一切了
If everything includes one very big lie. 除非你把这个弥天大谎也算上
Where's the wine that you claimed you were buying 你声称昨晚女儿被带走时
when your daughter was taken last night? 正在买酒酒在哪
In your hand. 在你手里
And there's the lie. 这就是谎言所在
Bodegas put the price tag on the cap itself. 杂货店会在瓶盖上打上自己的价签
It saves stacking time. 这样码货时可以节省时间
Tag-- bottom. You-- liar. 价签在瓶底你是个骗子
Obviously, you bought this at another time, 很显然你是在其他时间买的酒
presumably from the liquor store on Atlantic where you purchased 大概是在大西洋城的酒铺
the case of Prosecco you have in your pantry. 你也是在那买了现在放在餐室的气泡酒盒
The bottle was already in your fridge, 瓶子已经放在冰箱里了
so it provided an effective cover 所以这可以有效地掩饰
as to why you were really out of the house. 你不在家的真正原因
Tell us her name, Mr. Castillo, right now. 说出她的名字卡斯蒂洛先生快点
Whose name? 谁的名字
His mistress. 他的情人
There's no point in trying to deny it. 没必要否认
Your lemon press gave you away. 你的柠檬夹具出卖了你
Well, presses, to be precise. One old. 夹具确切的说有一把很旧
One quite new, less than a year. 有一把很新最多用了一年
The pattern repeats itself with your two corkscrews, 同样的还有两个开瓶器

