llvm frontend learning from ChatGPT

  • do you have a demo for class object in llvm ir
  • Certainly! Here’s an example of LLVM IR code that demonstrates a simple class object:
; Declare the class structure
%class.Sample = type { i32, i32 }

; Define a method to initialize the class object
define void @Sample_Init(%class.Sample* %obj, i32 %value1, i32 %value2) {
  ; Store the values in the class object's fields
  %field1Ptr = getelementptr %class.Sample, %class.Sample* %obj, i32 0, i32 0
  store i32 %value1, i32* %field1Ptr

  %field2Ptr = getelementptr %class.Sample, %class.Sample* %obj, i32 0, i32 1
  store i32 %value2, i32* %field2Ptr

  ret void

; Define a method to access the fields of the class object
define i32 @Sample_GetField(%class.Sample* %obj, i32 %fieldIndex) {
  ; Get the pointer to the desired field
  %fieldPtr = getelementptr %class.Sample, %class.Sample* %obj, i32 0, i32 %fieldIndex

  ; Load the value from the field pointer
  %fieldValue = load i32, i32* %fieldPtr

  ret i32 %fieldValue

; Define a method to perform some operation on the class object
define i32 @Sample_Operation(%class.Sample* %obj) {
  ; Access the fields using the predefined field indexes
  %field1 = call i32 @Sample_GetField(%class.Sample* %obj, i32 0)
  %field2 = call i32 @Sample_GetField(%class.Sample* %obj, i32 1)

  ; Perform the operation (e.g., add the two fields)
  %result = add i32 %field1, %field2

  ret i32 %result

; Define a main function to demonstrate the usage of the class object
define i32 @main() {
  ; Allocate memory for the class object
  %obj = alloca %class.Sample

  ; Initialize the class object
  call void @Sample_Init(%class.Sample* %obj, i32 10, i32 20)

  ; Perform the operation on the class object
  %result = call i32 @Sample_Operation(%class.Sample* %obj)

  ; Print the result
  %formatStr = c"Result: %d\n"
  call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* %formatStr, i32 %result)

  ret i32 0


class Sample {
  int field1;
  int field2;

  Sample(int value1, int value2) {
    field1 = value1;
    field2 = value2;

  int getField(int fieldIndex) {
    if (fieldIndex == 0)
      return field1;
    else if (fieldIndex == 1)
      return field2;
      return 0; // Handle invalid field index

  int operation() {
    return field1 + field2;

int main() {
  Sample obj(10, 20);
  int result = obj.operation();
  std::cout << "Result: " << result << std::endl;

  return 0;

  • can you generate a class that derive from sample in llvm ir
; Declare the base class structure
%class.Sample = type { i32, i32 }

; Declare the derived class structure
%class.Derived = type { %class.Sample, i32 }

; Define a method to initialize the derived class object
define void @Derived_Init(%class.Derived* %obj, i32 %value1, i32 %value2, i32 %value3) {
  ; Call the base class initializer
  %basePtr = bitcast %class.Derived* %obj to %class.Sample*
  call void @Sample_Init(%class.Sample* %basePtr, i32 %value1, i32 %value2)

  ; Store the additional value in the derived class field
  %field3Ptr = getelementptr %class.Derived, %class.Derived* %obj, i32 0, i32 2
  store i32 %value3, i32* %field3Ptr

  ret void

; Define a method to access the derived class field
define i32 @Derived_GetField(%class.Derived* %obj, i32 %fieldIndex) {
  ; Check if the field index belongs to the base class
  %isBaseField = icmp slt i32 %fieldIndex, 2
  br i1 %isBaseField, label %baseField, label %derivedField

  ; Get the pointer to the base class field
  %basePtr = bitcast %class.Derived* %obj to %class.Sample*
  %baseFieldPtr = getelementptr %class.Sample, %class.Sample* %basePtr, i32 0, i32 %fieldIndex
  %baseFieldValue = load i32, i32* %baseFieldPtr
  br label %getFieldEnd

  ; Adjust the field index to account for the base class fields
  %derivedFieldIndex = sub i32 %fieldIndex, 2

  ; Get the pointer to the derived class field
  %derivedFieldPtr = getelementptr %class.Derived, %class.Derived* %obj, i32 0, i32 2, i32 %derivedFieldIndex
  %derivedFieldValue = load i32, i32* %derivedFieldPtr
  br label %getFieldEnd

  ; Phi node to select the appropriate field value
  %fieldValue = phi i32 [ %baseFieldValue, %baseField ], [ %derivedFieldValue, %derivedField ]
  ret i32 %fieldValue

; Define a method to perform an operation on the derived class object
define i32 @Derived_Operation(%class.Derived* %obj) {
  ; Call the base class operation method
  %basePtr = bitcast %class.Derived* %obj to %class.Sample*
  %baseResult = call i32 @Sample_Operation(%class.Sample* %basePtr)

  ; Access the derived class field
  %field3Ptr = getelementptr %class.Derived, %class.Derived* %obj, i32 0, i32 2
  %field3Value = load i32, i32* %field3Ptr

  ; Perform the operation using the base class result and the derived class field
  %result = add i32 %baseResult, %field3Value

  ret i32 %result
  • can you give me a C ++ language code verison of this?

class Sample {
  int field1;
  int field2;

  Sample(int value1, int value2) {
    field1 = value1;
    field2 = value2;

  int getField(int fieldIndex) {
    if (fieldIndex == 0)
      return field1;
    else if (fieldIndex == 1)
      return field2;
      return 0; // Handle invalid field index

  int operation() {
    return field1 + field2;

class Derived : public Sample {
  int field3;

  Derived(int value1, int value2, int value3) : Sample(value1, value2) {
    field3 = value3;

  int getField(int fieldIndex) {
    if (fieldIndex == 2)
      return field3;
      return Sample::getField(fieldIndex);

  int operation() {
    int baseResult = Sample::operation();
    return baseResult + field3;

int main() {
  Derived obj(10, 20, 30);
  int result = obj.operation();
  std::cout << "Result: " << result << std::endl;

  return 0;
