解决报错:No converter for [xxx] with preset Content-Type ‘null‘和Could not find acceptable representation


解决报错:No converter for [xxx] with preset Content-Type ‘null‘和Could not find acceptable representation_第1张图片

 解决报错:No converter for [xxx] with preset Content-Type ‘null‘和Could not find acceptable representation_第2张图片

解决报错:No converter for [xxx] with preset Content-Type ‘null‘和Could not find acceptable representation_第3张图片


解决报错:No converter for [xxx] with preset Content-Type ‘null‘和Could not find acceptable representation_第4张图片


实际上,报这个异常跟序列化的原理有关,不论fastjson/jackson在序列化的时候,都是利用反射找到对象类的所有get方法,获取方法名称,然后首字母小写,作为json的每个key值,而get方法的返回值作为value, 最后添加到json中。


解决报错:No converter for [xxx] with preset Content-Type ‘null‘和Could not find acceptable representation_第5张图片

