


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@Author  : zengwb
@Time    : 2021/4/17
@Software: PyCharm
import os
import cv2
import time
import codecs
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from tqdm import tqdm
import shutil
from tqdm import trange                  # 显示进度条
from multiprocessing import cpu_count    # 查看cpu核心数
from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np

def get(root, name):  ##获取根目录
    vars = root.findall(name)
    return vars  ###并返回一个列表
def get_and_check(root, name, length):
    vars = root.findall(name)
    if len(vars) == 0:
        raise NotImplementedError('Can not find %s in %s.'%(name, root.tag))
    if length > 0 and len(vars) != length:
        raise NotImplementedError('The size of %s is supposed to be %d, but is %d.'%(name, length, len(vars)))
    if length == 1:
        vars = vars[0]
    return vars

def deal_xml(xml_f):  ###处理xml的函数
    tree = ET.parse(xml_f)
    root = tree.getroot()  ###根目路的
    object_list=[]    ###目标的列表
    # 处理每个标注的检测框
    for obj in get(root, 'object'): ###遍历所有的objet字段
        # 取出检测框类别名称
        category = get_and_check(obj, 'name', 1).text
        # 更新类别ID字典
        bndbox = get_and_check(obj, 'bndbox', 1)
        xmin = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'xmin', 1).text) - 1
        ymin = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'ymin', 1).text) - 1
        xmax = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'xmax', 1).text)
        ymax = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'ymax', 1).text)
        assert (xmax > xmin)
        assert (ymax > ymin)
        o_width = abs(xmax - xmin)
        o_height = abs(ymax - ymin)
    return object_list

def exist_objs(list_1,list_2, sliceHeight, sliceWidth):
    ### 设置最小目标的尺寸
    min_h, min_w = 35, 35  # 有些目标GT会被窗口切分,太小的丢掉
    s_xmin, s_ymin, s_xmax, s_ymax = list_1[0], list_1[1], list_1[2], list_1[3]  ###获取当前切片中的图像
    for vv in list_2:
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax,category=vv[0],vv[1],vv[2],vv[3],vv[4]  ###获取原图中的切片图像
        # 1111111
        if s_xmin<=xmin<s_xmax and s_ymin<=ymin<s_ymax:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域中
            if s_xmin<xmax<=s_xmax and s_ymin<ymax<=s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域中
        if s_xmin<=xmin<s_xmax and ymin < s_ymin:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域上方
            # 22222222
            if s_xmin < xmax <= s_xmax and s_ymin < ymax <= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域中
                x_new = xmin - s_xmin
                y_new = 0
                if xmax - s_ymax - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymax - y_new > min_h:
                    return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_ymax, ymax - s_ymax, category])
            # 33333333
            if xmax > s_xmax and s_ymin < ymax <= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域右方
                x_new = xmin - s_xmin
                y_new = 0
                if s_xmax-s_xmin - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:
                    return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, s_xmax-s_xmin, ymax - s_ymin, category])
        if s_ymin < ymin <= s_ymax and xmin < s_xmin:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域左方
            # 444444
            if s_xmin < xmax <= s_xmax and s_ymin < ymax <= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域中
                x_new = 0
                y_new = ymin - s_ymin
                if xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:
                    return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_xmin, ymax - s_ymin, category])
            # 555555
            if s_xmin < xmax < s_xmax and ymax >= s_ymax:   # 目标点的右下角在切图区域下方
                x_new = 0
                y_new = ymin - s_ymin
                if xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and s_ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:
                    return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_xmin, s_ymax - s_ymin, category])
        # 666666
        if s_xmin >= xmin  and ymin <= s_ymin:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域左上方
            if s_xmin<xmax<=s_xmax and s_ymin<ymax<=s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域中
                x_new = 0
                y_new = 0
                if xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:
                    return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_xmin, ymax - s_ymin, category])
        # 777777
        if s_xmin <= xmin < s_xmax and s_ymin <= ymin < s_ymax:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域中
            if ymax >= s_ymax and xmax >= s_xmax:              # 目标点的右下角在切图区域右下方
                x_new = xmin - s_xmin
                y_new = ymin - s_ymin
                if s_xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and s_ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:
                    return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, s_xmax - s_xmin, s_ymax - s_ymin, category])
            # 8888888
            if s_xmin < xmax < s_xmax and ymax >= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域下方
                x_new = xmin - s_xmin
                y_new = ymin - s_ymin
                if xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and s_ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:
                    return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_xmin, s_ymax - s_ymin, category])
            # 999999
            if xmax > s_xmax and s_ymin < ymax <= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域右方
                x_new = xmin - s_xmin
                y_new = ymin - s_ymin
                if s_xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:
                    return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, s_xmax - s_xmin, ymax - s_ymin, category])

    return return_objs
def bbox_iou(box1, box2):
    :param box1: = [xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1]
    :param box2: = [xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2]
    xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1 = box1
    xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2 = box2
    # 计算每个矩形的面积
    s1 = (xmax1 - xmin1) * (ymax1 - ymin1)  # b1的面积
    s2 = (xmax2 - xmin2) * (ymax2 - ymin2)  # b2的面积
    # 计算相交矩形
    xmin = max(xmin1, xmin2)
    ymin = max(ymin1, ymin2)
    xmax = min(xmax1, xmax2)
    ymax = min(ymax1, ymax2)
    w = max(0, xmax - xmin)
    h = max(0, ymax - ymin)
    a1 = w * h  # C∩G的面积
    a2 = s2# + s2 - a1
    iou = a1 / a2 #iou = a1/ (s1 + s2 - a1)
    return iou
def exist_objs_iou(list_1, list_2, sliceHeight, sliceWidth,win_h, win_w):
    # 根据iou判断框是否保留,并返回bbox
    s_xmin, s_ymin, s_xmax, s_ymax = list_1[0], list_1[1], list_1[2], list_1[3]
    for single_box in list_2:
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, category=single_box[0],single_box[1],single_box[2],single_box[3],single_box[4]
        iou = bbox_iou(list_1, single_box[:4])
        if iou > 0.2:
            if iou == 1:
                return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, x_new+(xmax-xmin), y_new+(ymax-ymin),category])
                xlist = np.sort([xmin, xmax, s_xmin, s_xmax])
                ylist = np.sort([ymin, ymax, s_ymin, s_ymax])
                #print(win_h, win_w, list_1, single_box, xlist[1] - s_xmin, ylist[1] - s_ymin)
                return_objs.append([xlist[1] - s_xmin, ylist[1] - s_ymin, xlist[2] - s_xmin, ylist[2] - s_ymin, category])
    return return_objs
def make_slice_voc(outpath,exiset_obj_list,sliceHeight=1024, sliceWidth=1024):
    with codecs.open(os.path.join(slice_voc_dir,  name[:-4] + '.xml'), 'w', 'utf-8') as xml:
        xml.write('\t' + name + '\n')
        xml.write('\t\t' + str(sliceWidth) + '\n')
        xml.write('\t\t' + str(sliceHeight) + '\n')
        xml.write('\t\t' + str(3) + '\n')
        cnt = 1
        for obj in exiset_obj_list:
            bbox = obj[:4]
            class_name = obj[-1]
            xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox
            xml.write('\t\t' + class_name + '\n')
            xml.write('\t\t\t' + str(int(xmin)) + '\n')
            xml.write('\t\t\t' + str(int(ymin)) + '\n')
            xml.write('\t\t\t' + str(int(xmax)) + '\n')
            xml.write('\t\t\t' + str(int(ymax)) + '\n')
            cnt += 1
        assert cnt > 0

def slice_im(List_subsets, outdir, raw_images_dir, raw_ann_dir, i=None, sliceHeight=640, sliceWidth=640,
             zero_frac_thresh=0.2, overlap=0.2, verbose=True):
    cnt = 0
    # print(List_subsets)
    for per_img_name in tqdm(List_subsets):
        # print(per_img_name)
        # if 'c' not in per_img_name:
        #     continue
        o_name, _ = os.path.splitext(per_img_name)
        out_name = str(o_name) + '_' + str(cnt)
        image_path = os.path.join(raw_images_dir, per_img_name)
        ann_path = os.path.join(raw_ann_dir, per_img_name[:-4] + '.xml')

        image0 = cv2.imread(image_path, 1)  # color
        ext = '.' + image_path.split('.')[-1]
        win_h, win_w = image0.shape[:2]
        # if slice sizes are large than image, pad the edges
        # 避免出现切图的大小比原图还大的情况
        object_list = deal_xml(ann_path)
        pad = 0
        if sliceHeight > win_h:
            pad = sliceHeight - win_h
        if sliceWidth > win_w:
            pad = max(pad, sliceWidth - win_w)
        # pad the edge of the image with black pixels
        if pad > 0:
            border_color = (0, 0, 0)
            image0 = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image0, pad, pad, pad, pad,
                                        cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=border_color)

        win_size = sliceHeight * sliceWidth

        t0 = time.time()
        n_ims = 0
        n_ims_nonull = 0
        dx = int((1. - overlap) * sliceWidth)   # 153
        dy = int((1. - overlap) * sliceHeight)

        for y0 in range(0, image0.shape[0], dy):
            for x0 in range(0, image0.shape[1], dx):
                n_ims += 1
                if y0 + sliceHeight > image0.shape[0]:
                    y = image0.shape[0] - sliceHeight
                    y = y0
                if x0 + sliceWidth > image0.shape[1]:
                    x = image0.shape[1] - sliceWidth
                    x = x0
                slice_xmax = x + sliceWidth
                slice_ymax = y + sliceHeight
                exiset_obj_list=exist_objs([x,y,slice_xmax,slice_ymax],object_list, sliceHeight, sliceWidth)
                # exiset_obj_list = exist_objs_iou([x,y,slice_xmax,slice_ymax],object_list, sliceHeight, sliceWidth, win_h, win_w)
                if exiset_obj_list!=[]:  # 如果为空,说明切出来的这一张图不存在目标
                    # extract image
                    window_c = image0[y:y + sliceHeight, x:x + sliceWidth]
                    # get black and white image
                    window = cv2.cvtColor(window_c, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

                    # find threshold that's not black
                    ret, thresh1 = cv2.threshold(window, 2, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
                    non_zero_counts = cv2.countNonZero(thresh1)
                    zero_counts = win_size - non_zero_counts
                    zero_frac = float(zero_counts) / win_size
                    # print "zero_frac", zero_fra
                    # skip if image is mostly empty
                    if zero_frac >= zero_frac_thresh:
                        if verbose:
                            print("Zero frac too high at:", zero_frac)
                        # else save
                        outpath = os.path.join(outdir, out_name + \
                                               '-' + str(y) + '_' + str(x) + '_' + str(sliceHeight) + '_' + str(sliceWidth) + \
                                               '_' + str(pad) + '_' + str(win_w) + '_' + str(win_h) + ext)

                        cnt += 1
                        # if verbose:
                        #     print("outpath:", outpath)
                        cv2.imwrite(outpath, window_c)
                        n_ims_nonull += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    not_use_multiprocessing = True
    raw_images_dir = ''   # 这里就是原始的图片
    raw_ann_dir = ''
    slice_voc_dir = ''  # 切出来的标签也保存为voc格式
    outdir = ''
    if not os.path.exists(slice_voc_dir):
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):
    List_imgs = os.listdir(raw_images_dir)

    if not_use_multiprocessing:
            slice_im(List_imgs, outdir, raw_images_dir, raw_ann_dir, sliceHeight=768, sliceWidth=768)
        Len_imgs = len(List_imgs)   # 数据集长度
        num_cores = cpu_count()  # cpu核心数
        # print(num_cores, Len_imgs)
        if num_cores >= 8:  # 八核以上,将所有数据集分成八个子数据集
            num_cores = 8
            subset1 = List_imgs[:Len_imgs // 8]
            subset2 = List_imgs[Len_imgs // 8: Len_imgs // 4]
            subset3 = List_imgs[Len_imgs // 4: (Len_imgs * 3) // 8]
            subset4 = List_imgs[(Len_imgs * 3) // 8: Len_imgs // 2]
            subset5 = List_imgs[Len_imgs // 2: (Len_imgs * 5) // 8]
            subset6 = List_imgs[(Len_imgs * 5) // 8: (Len_imgs * 6) // 8]
            subset7 = List_imgs[(Len_imgs * 6) // 8: (Len_imgs * 7) // 8]
            subset8 = List_imgs[(Len_imgs * 7) // 8:]

            List_subsets = [subset1, subset2, subset3, subset4, subset5, subset6, subset7, subset8]

        p = Pool(num_cores)
        for i in range(num_cores):
            p.apply_async(slice_im, args=(List_subsets[i], outdir, raw_images_dir, raw_ann_dir, i))
