英文 | 中文 |
Page 43, section 7. | 第七节,第43页 |
We'd like some clarification... | 我们需要解释… |
Section 7 has to do withthe evaluative measures by which... | 第七节对评估工具有所说明… |
"Evaluative measures." | “评估工具” |
What we're talking about hereare performance standards. | 我们是在讨论成绩标准 |
Plain and simple. | 就这么简单 |
We can't have that.We open that can of worms... | 不行,会造成更多问题… |
-Gotta take it out, Frank.-The Administration wants it in. | - 要拿掉,法兰- 总统府希望留着 |
Then we're all wasting our time. | 这是浪费时间 |
Now, look, I can cut downthe frequency of testing, | 我能减少考试次数 |
-but it's got to be a part of the overall...-That's the thin edge of a 2-ton wedge. | - 但一定要是全面…- 这会变得难以收拾 |
-No way. Non-debatable.-All right, hold on. | - 没得商量- 等等 |
There's no harm in hearing him out, right? | 听他说说也不会怎么样 |
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Frank, what do you have in mind? | 法兰,你的想法如何? |
We adjust article 4. Hand me article 4. | 我们调整第四条,给我第四条 |
We go every three years instead of two... | 每三年一次,而不是每两年… |
Frank, for us to even consider testing... | 法兰,要我们考虑考试… |
Marty, we can't negotiate time intervals here. | 马帝,不能商量时间间隔 |
If, I'm just saying if. | 我只是说如果可以 |
The frequency could neverbe more than five years. | 次数间隔不会超过五年 |
Five is a little high.But if you could bend on that... | 五年有点长,但如果你能改善… |
-Marty...-Wait, wait, wait. And it's not just frequency. | - 马帝- 等等,不只是次数的问题 |
Veteran teachers would have to be exempt | 资深教师会得到免税 |
if they have a proven recordof excellence with the students. | 如果他们有优秀教学的证明 |
Well, excuse me for a moment. | 请等我一下 |
Corey, will you take the reins on this? | 克伊,你主持一下 |
Right, so article 4, in terms of exemptions... | 是的,第四条关于免税… |
I've been saying for yearsthat we should tear it down. | 我已经说了多年我们应该拆除 |
It's vulgar.It's an embarrassment to the county. | 这是低俗,也是本郡的耻辱 |
But time and time again, Frank Underwoodhas fought to keep it standing. | 但法兰安德沃屡次反对拆除 |
If it weren't for him, the Peachoidwould've been replaced ages ago. | 要不是他桃子水塔早就被取代了 |
And Jessica Masters would still be alive. | 洁西卡马斯特斯也会还在人间 |
The Congressman needsto answer for this tragedy. | 议员必须对这件悲剧做交代 |
What exactly happened? | 到底发生了什么事? |
A 1 7-year-old girl ran off the road,texting her boyfriend. And I quote, | 17岁女孩冲出道路传简讯给她男朋友,我引述 |
"Doesn't the Peachoid look like a giant..."And then she lost control of the car. | “桃子水塔好像一个大…”然后车就失控了 |
Jesus. | 老天 |
Oren's making a big fuss in the local press. | 欧伦在地方媒体大做文章 |
And he's pushing the parents to sue Gaffney. | 他还怂恿父母控告盖弗尼 |
Sue Gaffney? It's in his own jurisdiction. | 控告盖弗尼?这是他自己的管辖区 |
It's worth throwing Gaffney under the busto drag you into the mess. | 牺牲盖弗尼再把你拖下水挺值得的 |
He's after my seat again.Has he learned absolutely nothing? | 他又觊觎我的席位他没学到教训吗? |
It's a full-on smear campaign, boss. | 这是不正当的竞选 |
-He's out to destroy you.-With this? | - 他会毁了你- 用这个? |
It's a peach for Christ's sake.Let him make a fool out of himself. | 这只不过是个桃子让他自己出洋相 |
No, he will make a fool out of you. | 不会,他会让你出洋相 |
If he spins this right, gets national coverage. | 如果他能让全国媒体注意到 |
National coverage? It's a joke. | 全国媒体?这太夸张了 |
And you will be the butt of it. | 你就会很惨 |
We can't afford that right now. | 现在不能旁生枝节 |
Not when you're in the spotlightwith the Education Bill. | 你是教育提案的关注焦点 |
This thing has caused meso much damn trouble. | 这件事搞得我太多事 |
-I know.-So who should I call? Parents? | - 我知道- 所以该连络谁?父母吗? |
Phone call's not gonna cut it.You need to go down there. | 打电话不够,你要亲自拜访 |
Can it wait until Monday? | 可以等到周一吗? |
We get on this thing right now,we can contain it. | 现在处理,就能控制局势 |
We wait until Monday, | 如果等到周一 |
and there's no way to knowhow much this is gonna blow up on us. | 就无法预料这个事件的渲染效应 |
I can't go down to Gaffney.The unions have just... | 我不能去盖弗尼,工会才刚… |
-We postpone.-They're gonna be livid. | - 能延期- 他们会很生气的 |
Marty's reasonable, okay?He will explain to them... | 马帝很讲道理他会向他们解释… |
And they're just supposedto understand and accept | 他们就该理所当然接受 |
that I had to get up from the negotiating table | 我得离开协商桌 |
because some 2-bitcounty administrator wants to... | 因为某个二流郡长想… |
I don't want to interrupt you, sir,but this is not just about Oren. | 我不想打断你但这不只是欧伦而已 |
It's about the parents. | 还有父母 |
Now you think about the lawsuit. | 你想想这件诉讼 |
What happens ifyou have to testify? | 要是你必须作证怎么办? |
Subpoenas. Depositions. | 传票加上作证 |
You get dragged into a court battle,there is no Education Bill. | 你扯进这件诉讼教育提案就没有前途了 |
We can't ignore this. | 我们不能忽视这件事 |
I just hate this small ball crap. | 我真的很恨这些小事 |
It's called the what? | 叫做什么? |
-The peach what?-The Peachoid. | - 桃子什么?- 桃子水塔 |
It's a giant water towerin the shape of a peach. | 是一座桃子形状的大水塔 |
Wow. I just googled it. The Peachoid... | 我刚上网查到了,桃子水塔… |
She was 17, Linda. | 她才17岁,琳达 |
You're right. I'm sorry. | 你说得对,我很抱歉 |
-I need another week.-That's not gonna work. | - 我需要多一周- 不行 |
The President makes his speech on Tuesday.We've already announced. | 总统将在周二演说我们已经宣布了 |
Speeches can be rescheduled. | 演说可以改期 |
We have to show some progresson Education, Frank. | 教育方面得有进展,法兰 |
The first 100 days is almost over. | 百日就快到了 |
We push back the speech,it'll look like we're spinning our wheels. | 如果把演说延期我们会像在原地打转 |
All right. I'll work something out.Thank you, Linda. | 好吧,我再想办法谢谢你,琳达 |
Frank, these are the heads of the twolargest teachers unions in the country. | 法兰,这是全国两大教育工会的会长 |
I understand. | 我明白 |
They flew here on a weekend. | 周末搭机过来 |
Doug will lead the charge,Congressman Phillips is well versed... | 道格会主持菲利普议员很熟练… |
They flew here to see you, Frank.You're managing this bill. | 法兰,他们是来和你见面你负责这项提案 |
Put this in the other bag.And I'll be in constant communication. | 把这个放到另一个袋子里我会保持连络 |
Anything big comes up,I'm a phone call away. | 有大事,就打电话给我 |
It's a 300-page document.We need you in that room. | 这是三百页的文件我们需要你坐镇 |
I would stay if I could,but this is my home district. | 我也很想留下但这是我的户籍区 |
Now, Marty, cut me a little slack here.We'll get it done. | 马帝,帮个忙吧我们会搞定这件事 |
You and I go way back.Have I ever let you down? | 我们认识这么久了我何时让你失望过? |
-No, you haven't.-And I don't intend to start now. | - 从来没有- 我不想破例 |
Hello? | 有人吗? |
-Gillian?-Claire. | - 吉莉安?- 克莱儿 |
So nice to finally meet you. | 真高兴终于见到你了 |
I'm a little under the weather,I don't want to get you sick. | 我有一点不舒服我不想害你生病 |
-Well, if you're feeling ill, we can...-No, no, no. I'm fine. It's just a cold. | - 如果你不舒服,我们能…- 没关系,只是小感冒 |
-Well, thank you for coming in.-Of course. | - 谢谢你来- 应该的 |
Shall we talk in my office? | 到我的办公室谈好吗? |
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-These are really cool photographs.-Thank you. | - 这些照片很酷- 谢谢 |
Adam Galloway took the pictures.Have you heard of him? | 亚当盖罗威拍摄的你有听过他吗? |
No. | 没有 |
I met him at the Whitney Bienniala couple years ago | 几年前我在惠特尼双年展认识他的 |
and commissioned him to do these.He just had a big show at PS1. | 我请他拍摄这些照片他刚在现代美术馆办完展 |
I'm not up to date on the art world. | 我对艺术不太了解 |
That's all right, we're not hereto talk about photography, are we? | 没关系,反正我们也不是要讨论艺术,对吗? |
My office is over here. | 我办公室在这边 |
-You run into any trouble, you call me.-I got it covered. | - 有问题就找我- 我能处理 |
-Gene Clancy know I'm coming?-Just spoke to him. | - 吉克莱西知道我要来吗?- 刚跟他说过 |
Get to it. | 废话少说 |
Your flight is booked. Leaves in 55 minutes.Ed will be joining you. | 班机订好了,55分钟后起飞爱德会陪你去 |
Where's Steve? | 史提夫呢? |
He went home sick about an hour ago, sir. | 他一小时前请病假回家了,议员 |
-I'll be filling in.-What's your name again? | - 我来代班- 你叫什么名字? |
-Edward what?-Meechum. | - 爱德华什么?- 米契 |
You drive fast, Meechum? | 米契,你开车快吗? |
-You wanted to talk to me?-Come on in, Zoe. | - 你找我吗?- 乔伊,进来吧 |
This is Mrs. Tilden, owner of... | 这位是堤登太太,拥有… |
She knows who I am. | 她知道我是谁 |
Mrs. Tilden liked your profileon Catherine Durant. | 堤登太太很喜欢你的凯萨琳杜伦报导 |
No, I didn't. | 我没有 |
I loved it. | 我爱死了 |
In-depth. Uncompromising. | 有深度又不让步 |
Normally I don't read thingsbefore they go to print, | 通常我不在出稿前看文章 |
but Cathy's a friend. | 但是凯西是我的朋友 |
Tell me how you knewshe'd be nominated before she did? | 告诉我你如何事先知道她会被提名? |
-You want my source?-Tom says you won't tell him. | - 你要我的消息来源?- 汤姆说你不告诉他 |
I haven't told anyone. | 我没告诉过任何人 |
Well, I own the paper. | 我是报社老板 |
And I'm very grateful to be working here. | 我很庆幸能在这里工作 |
So, you're not gonna tell me either? | 你也不愿意告诉我吗? |
Which do you want,my source or my integrity? | 你要什么?我的消息来源还是职业道德? |
Tom, | 汤姆 |
move Zoe's piece to the front pageof Sunday's edition. | 把乔伊的文章移到周日头版 |
Let me think that over. | 让我再想想 |
You think it over as much as you want.Then put it on the front page. | 你好好地想想完后把文章放到头版 |
I've worked really hardto gain a foothold with WorldWell. | 我好不容易才让世安站稳脚步 |
Six years ago it was just me and a MacBook. | 六年前只有我一个人和一台电脑 |
I understand. | 我明白 |
And I had to juggle two temp jobs justto pay the rent. | 我要兼两份差才能付房租 |
It's your baby. You don't want to let it go. | 这是你的宝贝,你不想放手 |
Well, I just... | 我只是… |
And you wouldn't have to, Gillian. | 你不用放手,吉莉安 |
All I want is for you to growwhat you've already built. | 我只要你继续经营你建立起来的事业 |
I heard you fired halfyour staff. | 听说你解雇了一半的员工 |
Yes, I did. | 对 |
That worries me. | 这让我很担心 |
I let them go to make room for you. | 我开除他们是要腾出空位给你 |
I'm just not sure we're the right match. | 我不确定我们适不适合 |
To be honest, I'm a little uncomfortableworking with someone | 老实说,我有点不太习惯 |
who's commissioning famous photographers | 跟请知名摄影师的人合作 |
when I can't even buy my volunteersbus fare to the office. | 因为我连帮义工买公车票到办公室的钱都没有 |
Do you know who Nikki Hemler is? | 知道妮奇韩慕乐是谁吗? |
No. | 不知道 |
Nikki owns one of the biggest galleriesin Chelsea. | 妮奇拥有却尔西最大的一间艺廊 |