小学英语语法知识点汇总,考试必备!| 学习资源

北大培文学校  2018-05-17


主格: I we you she he it they

宾格: me us you her him it them

形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their

名词性物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs


(1) 一般在形容词或副词后+er

older ,taller, longer, stronger

(2) 多音节词前+more

more interesting, etc.

(3) 双写最后一个字母,再+er

bigger fatter, etc.

(4) 把y变i,再+er

heavier, earlier

(5) 不规则变化:

well-better, much/many-more, etc.


Most nouns + s   

abook –books

Nouns ending in aconsonant +y - y+ ies   

a story—stories

Nouns ending in s,sh, ch or x + es     

a glass—glasses a watch-watches

Nouns ending in o+s  or +es     

a piano—pianos a mango—mangoes

Nouns ending in for fe - f or fe +ves     

a knife –knives a shelf-shelves


bread, rice, water ,juice等。


I’m= I am

you’re = you are

she’s= she is

he’s = he is

it’s= it is

who’s =who is

can’t =can not

isn’t=is not


a book,  a peach

an egg, an hour


on, in ,in front of, between, next to, near, beside, at,behind.

表示时间: at six o’clock, at Christmas, at breakfast

on Monday, on 15th July, On National Day

in the evening, in December, in winter


one – first, two-second,twenty-twentieth


I have some toys in my bedroom.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?


(1) Basic form: am/are/is

(2) 肯定和否定句 I am(not) from London.

My eyes are(not) small.

My hair is(not) long.

(3)一般疑问句: Am I a Chniese?  Yes, you are.  No, you aren’t.

Are they American?  Yes, they are.  No,they aren’t.

Is the cat fat?  Yes,it is.  No, it isn’t.

11.there  be结构

肯定句:There is a …

Thereare …

一般疑问句: Is there …?  Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.

Arethere…?  Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t.

否定句: There isn’t …. 



Sit down please

Don’tsit down, please.



形式: be + verb +ing

eg: I am(not) doing my homework.

You/We/They are(not) reading.

He/She/It is(not) eating.

动词—ing 的形式

Most verbs +ing walk—walking

Verbs ending in e -e + ing come—coming

Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant run –running swim—swimming


通常用 “usually, often, every day,sometimes”


I go to school on foot every day.

She goes to school on foot every day.


Do you jump high? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Does he jump high? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

否定句: We don’t go to school on Sundays.

My mother doesn’t like watching TV in the evening.


can,must, should后面直接用动词原形。

eg: 1. I / He / She / They can sing.

2.You should keep quiet in the library.


(a) be 动词的过去式:

I/He/she/it was(not)…. You/we/they were….

一般疑问句was, were 放在句首。

(b) 动词过去式:

肯定句: I watched cartoons.

She visited the zoo.

一般疑问句: Did you read book last night? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

Did she clean the desk just now? Yes, she did. No, shedidn’t.

否定句: They didn’t go the the part yesterday.

He didn’t make model ships last week.

(c) 动词过去式的变化:


Most verbs +ed     

eg : planted,watered,climbed。

Verbs ending in e+d 

eg : liked。

Verbs ending in aconsonant +y --y +ied     

eg : study—studied

Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant 

eg : stop --stopped



eat—ate,take—took,run—ran,sing—sang,drink—drank 等等


What are you doing?

What colour is it?

What time is it?/ What’s the time?

Which is your watch, the yellow one or the white one?

Who’sthe man with a big nose?

Whose bag is it?

When is your birthday?

Where is my ball pen?

Why do you like summer?

How many books are there in the school bag?

How old is the young man?

How much is the toy bear?

How do you go to school every day?


1. 一般现在时

A. 表示不受时限的客观存在如:

He is a boy.       

She is a student.

My mother is anurse.         

This is a dog.       

I have a book.

B. 表示现在的习惯动作,即指现在经常发生的动作,一般现在时常用来表示现在时间里某种动作的经常性和习惯性。它常与表示程度或频度的词连用,

如:often(经常) , usually(通常,一般) , sometimes(有时) ,

always(总是,一直) , never(从不)

如:I often go to school on foot.

My father works in a school. 

Mike watches TV every day.

I usually playcomputer games on the weekend. 

C. 表示现时的状态和现在瞬间动作.如:How are you? You look happy.  What’s the matterwith you? I have a headache. What do you have for lunch?  I have some chicken.

注意  英语动词的现在时与原形同形。但当主语是第三人称单数时,须在词尾加s 或 -es。例如:I have a fish for dinner.  Her mother works in a hospital.  Amy often goes to school by bike.  Mr. Liu teaches us English.  加-es 的动词必须是以“sh , ch , o ”等字母结尾的。如:watches , teaches ,goes , washes 

2. 一般将来时

表示在将来会发生的事或动作。它常与表示将来的时间连用,如:tomorrow , next week , next year ,this morning , this afternoon , this evening 等

注意  一般将来时小学阶段主要学了两种结构:

①  be going to + 动词的原形 / 地点 

②  will + 动词的原形     

例句: I’m going to go shopping thisafternoon.  She is going to Hong Kong next week. You will see many birds in the sky.

3. 现在现在时


注意它的构成是:be的现在时形式(am , is , are)加动词的ing形式。

如:What are you doing?  I’m writing a letter.  What arethey doing?  They’re swimming.Is he playing chess? Yes, he is.Look, Amy is reading an English book.

注意 动词的ing形式的构成规则:

① 一般的直接在后面加上ing , 如doing , going , working , singing , eating

② 以e 结尾的动词,要先去e再加ing ,如having , writing

③ 双写最后一个字母的(此类动词极少)有:running , swimming, sitting , getting

4. 一般过去时

主要用来表示在特定过去时间中一次完成的动作或一度存在的状态,也可表示过去的习惯动作。它与现在时间不发生关系,它表示的动作或状态都已成为过去,现已不复存在。它经常与表示过去的时间连用。如:I went to a park yesterday.  I read a book last night. I watched TVyesterday evening.I went on a big trip last weekend.  I failed my Chinese test. 

注意 一般过去时主要体现在动词的形式要用过去式,动词的过去式的构成规则有:

A. 规则动词

①    一般直接在动词的后面加ed ;如 worked , learned , cleaned , visited

② 以e结尾的动词直接加d ;如 lived, danced , used

③    以辅音字母加y结尾的动词要改y为i再加ed (此类动词较少)如 study –studied carry – carried worry – worried (play、stay除外)④ 双写最后一个字母(此类动词较少)如 stopped 

B. 不规则动词(此类词并无规则,须熟记)小学阶段要记住以下动词的原形和过去式:

sing – sang ,  eat – ate ,  see – saw ,  have – had ,  do – did ,

go – went ,  take– took ,  get – got ,    read – read ,    am/is – was ,  are – were ,    say – said ,  tell – told ,  come – came ,  drink – drank

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