
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comprehensive Review

M Khan, MT Mehran, ZU Haq, Z Ullah, SR Naqvi
Expert Systems with Applications, 2021
ABSTACT:During the current global public health emergency caused by novel coronavirus
disease 19 (COVID-19), researchers and medical experts started working day and
night to search for new technologies to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent...

Applications of artificial intelligence to enzyme and pathway design for metabolic engineering

WD Jang, GB Kim, Y Kim, SY Lee
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2022
ABSTACT:Metabolic engineering for developing industrial strains capable of overproducing
bioproducts requires good understanding of cellular metabolism, including metabolic
reactions and enzymes. However, metabolic pathways and enzymes involved are...

A novel artificial intelligence-based approach for identification of deoxynucleotide aptamers

FL Heredia, A Roche-Lima, EI Pares-Matos
PLOS Computational Biology, 2021
ABSTACT:The selection of a DNA aptamer through the Systematic Evolution of Ligands by
EXponential enrichment (SELEX) method involves multiple binding steps, in which a
target and a library of randomized DNA sequences are mixed for selection of a...

Understanding dark side of artificial intelligence (AI) integrated business analytics: assessing firm's operational inefficiency and competitiveness

NP Rana, S Chatterjee, YK Dwivedi, S Akter
European Journal of Information..., 2021
ABSTACT:The data-centric revolution generally celebrates the proliferation of business
analytics and AI in exploiting firm's potential and success. However, there is a lack of
research on how the unintended consequences of AI integrated business analytics...

Artificial intelligence-assisted clinical decision support for childhood asthma management: A randomized clinical trial

HY Seol, P Shrestha, JF Muth, CI Wi, S Sohn, E Ryu...
PloS one, 2021
ABSTACT:Rationale Clinical decision support (CDS) tools leveraging electronic health records
(EHRs) have been an approach for addressing challenges in asthma care but
remain under-studied through clinical trials. Objectives To assess the effectiveness...

How can artificial intelligence be used for peptidomics?

L Perpetuo, J Klein, R Ferreira, S Guedes, F Amado...
Expert Review of..., 2021
ABSTACT:Introduction Peptidomics is an emerging field of omics sciences using advanced
isolation, analysis, and computational techniques that enable qualitative and
quantitative analyses of various peptides in biological samples. Peptides can act as...

Intention to use analytical Artificial Intelligence in services. The effect of technology readiness and awareness

C Flavian, A Perez-Rueda, D Belanche, LV Casalo
Journal of Service Management, 2021
ABSTACT:Purpose: The automation of services is rapidly growing, led by sectors such as
banking and financial investment. The growing number of investments managed by
artificial intelligence (AI) suggests that this technology-based service will become...

Exciting, Useful, Worrying, Futuristic: Public Perception of Artificial Intelligence in 8 Countries

PG Kelley, Y Yang, C Heldreth, C Moessner, A Sedley...
Proceedings of the 2021..., 2021
ABSTACT:As the influence and use of artificial intelligence (AI) have grown and its
transformative potential has become more apparent, many questions have been
raised regarding the economic, political, social, and ethical implications of its use...

Problematising Artificial Intelligence in Social Work Education: Challenges, Issues and Possibilities

D Hodgson, S Goldingay, J Boddy, S Nipperess...
The British Journal of Social..., 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI) is the fourth industrial revolution, and in higher education it
will fundamentally transform the work of academics and higher education
administrators. AI will also have several implications for students, including a...

Rapid Exclusion of COVID Infection With the Artificial Intelligence Electrocardiogram

ZI Attia, S Kapa, J Dugan, N Pereira, PA Noseworthy...
Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2021
ABSTACT:Objective To rapidly exclude severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) infection using artificial intelligence applied to the electrocardiogram
(ECG). Methods A global, volunteer consortium from 4 continents identified patients...

Artificial Intelligence-Based Prediction of Lung Cancer Risk Using Nonimaging Electronic Medical Records: Deep Learning Approach

HC Yang, YH Wang, KJ Bai, HH Wang, YCJ Li
Journal of Medical Internet..., 2021
ABSTACT:Background: Artificial intelligence approaches can integrate complex features and
can be used to predict a patient's risk of developing lung cancer, thereby decreasing
the need for unnecessary and expensive diagnostic interventions. Objective: The aim...

An investigation of barriers to Hong Kong K-12 schools incorporating Artificial Intelligence in education

T Wang, ECK Cheng
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) has been the focus of significant attention in
recent years because of its growing social importance and pedagogical value. In
Hong Kong, an increasing number of K-12 schools are planning or piloting their...

Artificial intelligence quality inspection of steel bars installation by integrating mask R-CNN and stereo vision

Y Kardovskyi, S Moon
Automation in Construction, 2021
ABSTACT:Contractors should conduct strict quality inspection of the steel bars used in concrete
structures and need to automate the process of quality inspection. The objective of
this study is to develop an Artificial Intelligence Quality Inspection Model (AI-QIM) that...

Artificial Intelligence: Potential Tool to Subside SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

N Gopinath
Process Biochemistry, 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI), a method of simulating the human brain in order to
complete tasks in a more effective manner, has had numerous implementations in
fields from manufacturing sectors to digital electronics. Despite the potential of AI, it...

Application of Artificial Intelligence in the MRI Classification Task of Human Brain Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases: A Scoping Review

Z Zhang, G Li, Y Xu, X Tang
Diagnostics, 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI) for medical imaging is a technology with great potential. An
in-depth understanding of the principles and applications of magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) is fundamental for...

Development of novel artificial intelligence systems to predict facial morphology after orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment in Japanese patients

C Tanikawa, T Yamashiro
Scientific Reports, 2021
ABSTACT:From a socio-psychological standpoint, improving the morphology of the facial soft-
tissues is regarded as an important therapeutic goal in modern orthodontic treatment.
Currently, many of the algorithms used in commercially available software programs...

Guest Editorial Special Issue on Deep Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Process Manufacturing

F Qian, Y Jin, SJ Qin, K Sundmacher
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and..., 2021
ABSTACT:Process manufacturing serves as the pillar of the continuous manufacturing industry
such as oil, gas, chemicals, nonferrous metals, iron, and steel, and thus is closely
related to almost every aspect of human life. On the one hand, in order to meet...

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence-driven Spatial Analysis of the Tumor Immune Microenvironment in Pathology Slides

H Xu, F Cong, TH Hwang
European Urology Focus, 2021
ABSTACT:A better understanding of the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) could lead to
accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment stratification. Although molecular
analyses at the tissue and/or single cell level could reveal the cellular status of the...

Artificial Intelligence-Based Prediction of Key Textural Properties from LUCAS and ICRAF Spectral Libraries

MZ Gouda, EM Nagihi, L Khiari, J Gallichand, M Ismail
Agronomy, 2021
ABSTACT:Soil texture is a key soil property influencing many agronomic practices including
fertilization and liming. Therefore, an accurate estimation of soil texture is essential
for adopting sustainable soil management practices. In this study, we used different...
