AttributeError: module 'numpy.core.multiarray' has no attribute 'get_ndarray_c_version' theano keras

import theano 之后 出现   module 'numpy.core.multiarray' has no attribute 'get_ndarray_c_version' 

python - numpy AttributeError: with theano module 'numpy.core.multiarray' has no attribute _get_ndarray_c_version - Stack Overflow

This is a known bug presumably caused by changes introduced in NumPy. A fix for this was introduced in Theano v1.0.4. So, either you need to upgrade to at least that version of Theano, or downgrade NumPy to below v1.16.

stackoverflow 某大神的解释如上。

conda list 后查看了下  theano 版本为 1.0.3  ,输入 conda update theano 没有用。




Just a moment...  下载对应的离线安装包

比如我的是win64 下载的是 win-64/theano-1.0.4-py27hc56fc5f_1000.tar.bz2  

到下载的文件夹 shift+右击 进入 powershell 

输入 :

conda install --use-local theano-1.0.4-py27hc56fc5f_1000.tar.bz2


上述方法会导致 prompt 闪退 

"Did not find VS in registry or in VS140COMNTOOLS env var - exiting"

具体修复方法 :

conda uninstall vs2015_win-64

python - Anaconda prompt closes immediately - the system was unable to find the specified registry key or value - Stack Overflow


到    Anaconda3\pkgs\theano-1.0.3-py37_0\Lib\site-packages\theano\gof  文件夹下面,打开 文件。


sig.append('NPY_ABI_VERSION=0x%X' %



Resolving "AttributeError: module 'numpy.core.multiarray' has no attribute '_get_ndarray_c_version'" on Python 3.7.2 using numpy 1.1.6 · Issue #20 · MichalDanielDobrzanski/DeepLearningPython35 · GitHub

python安装theano出现AttributeError错误解决办法 - 豌豆ip代理

你可能感兴趣的:(AttributeError: module 'numpy.core.multiarray' has no attribute 'get_ndarray_c_version' theano keras)