
Phishing is a cybersecurity attack to convince target humans to convince to provide some valuable information about them or their assets. Phishing mainly targets human being and human-related vulnerabilities to exploit.

网络钓鱼是一种网络安全攻击,目的是诱使目标人员诱使他们提供有关其或其资产的一些有价值的信息。 网络钓鱼主要针对人类和与人类相关的漏洞加以利用。

网络钓鱼历史 (Phishing History)

The first legal lawsuit was filled in 2004 about the phishing. The attacker was a Californian teenager who has created a fake American Online web site. By sending emails to the targets where they are redirected to this fake web site the credit card details can be collected easily.

关于网络钓鱼的第一起法律诉讼于2004年提出。 攻击者是一位加利福尼亚少年,他创建了一个虚假的American Online网站。 通过将电子邮件发送到目标,然后将其重定向到该虚假网站,可以轻松收集信用卡详细信息。

网络钓鱼攻击类型 (Phishing Attack Types)

Phishing attacks can be implemented in different ways. Here is some of the most used.

网络钓鱼攻击可以以不同的方式实施。 这是一些最常用的。

  • `Email` is the most common and know the type where fake emails are sent to the targets with different content and aim.

  • `Phone Calls` are made to the target in order to get some user name password or convenience to do some action which will exploit target assets.

  • `Text messages` can be also used similar to email but with a less effectivity.


网络钓鱼的共同特征 (Common Features Of Phishing)

There are different ways to catch phishing but in general, phishing has some common features like below.


  • `Too Good To Be True` means it is not possible in a normal life which is very lucrative.

  • `Sense of Urgency` means it tries to take some actions without thinking or checking the truth.

  • `Hyperlinks` are generally used to redirect a user to the attacker’s site, application or action

  • `Attachment` mainly used to run some script, tool, application or exploit the targets system like desktop, laptop, smartphone etc.

  • `Unusual Sender` means the phishing sender or attackers are generally unknown by the target.

