【视觉SLAM入门】7.2. 从卡尔曼滤波到扩展卡尔曼滤波,引入、代码、原理、实战,C++实现以及全部源码


  • 0. 简单认识
  • 1. 公式对比解读
  • 2. 应用举例
  • 3. 解决方案(公式---代码对应)
    • 3.1 初始化
    • 3.2 EKF
      • 3.2.1 预测---状态方程
      • 3.2.2 系统协方差矩阵
      • 3.2.3 预测---系统协方差矩阵
      • 3.2.4 设置测量矩阵
      • 3.2.5 更新---状态变量,卡尔曼增益,状态协方差矩阵
  • 4. 源码
    • 4.1 Extended_kalman_filter.hpp
    • 4.2 main.cpp
    • 4.3 CMakeLists.txt

前置事项: 7.2节将KF进行简单介绍和实现,本节介绍EKF扩展卡尔曼滤波

  • 下边统一将卡尔曼滤波器记作KF,扩展卡尔曼滤波器记作EKF

0. 简单认识

  • KF 假设当前状态只由上一时刻状态决定,但是只使用线性方程对系统进行了建模;
  • 为了能够应用到非线性系统,EKF 利用泰勒展开,并只保留一次项,抛弃高次项,将非线性关系近似为线性关系。

1. 公式对比解读

【视觉SLAM入门】7.2. 从卡尔曼滤波到扩展卡尔曼滤波,引入、代码、原理、实战,C++实现以及全部源码_第1张图片

  • EKF主要解决非线性问题。如上是线性和非线性系统的运动方程和观测方程。其中EKF的 f f f z z z 都是非线性的。
  • 上节对KF(线性系统已经做了阐述),而EKF将此时状态 x ^ k \hat x_{k} x^k 非线性的表达式 f f f 在上一时刻的后验估计 x ^ k − 1 \hat x_{k-1} x^k1 利用泰勒公式进行一阶展开,做了线性化,具体推导略,比较简单,直接看KFEKF 的结论对比(大体不变):
    【视觉SLAM入门】7.2. 从卡尔曼滤波到扩展卡尔曼滤波,引入、代码、原理、实战,C++实现以及全部源码_第2张图片
    【视觉SLAM入门】7.2. 从卡尔曼滤波到扩展卡尔曼滤波,引入、代码、原理、实战,C++实现以及全部源码_第3张图片


  1. 状态量 x x x 的先验估计(预测),由线性方程表述,变为非线性表述;
  2. 系统的状态协方差矩阵中的 F F F,在KF中就是状态转移矩阵,而在EKF中求法如上,是 f f f 对各状态量的偏导;
  3. 测量矩阵在EKF中的求法,是 非线性观测函数 h h h 对 各状态量求偏导数;

2. 应用举例



  • 信息1:车载传感器能每隔 Δ t \Delta t Δt 输出车此时的速度 v t v_t vt w t w_t wt
  • 信息2:在原点有一激光雷达,每隔 Δ t \Delta t Δt 检测得到车辆距离 d t d_t dt


  • 充分利用以上信息,求出小车每一时刻对应的 x 和 y 坐标 a t a_t at b t b_t bt

3. 解决方案(公式—代码对应)

z = [ d t 2 v t w t ] z = \begin{bmatrix}d_t^2 \\ v_t \\ w_t \end{bmatrix} z= dt2vtwt
x = [ x y v x v y ] x = \begin{bmatrix}x \\y \\v_x \\v_y \end{bmatrix} x= xyvxvy

3.1 初始化


Eigen::VectorXd x_in(x_noise[0]) ;
            EKF.Initialization(x_in) ;

            Eigen::MatrixXd P_in(5, 5) ;
            P_in << 10,  10,   1,    0,           0, 
                    10,  10,   1,    0,           0, 
                    1,   1,    0.1,  0,           0, 
                    0,   0,    0,    pow(10,-8),  0, 
                    0,   0,    0,    0,           pow(10,-8) ;

            EKF.Set_P(P_in) ;

            Eigen::MatrixXd Q_in(5, 5) ;
            Q_in << 0.01,  0.0,   0.0,    0.0,  0.0, 
                    0.0,   0.01,  0.0,    0.0,  0.0, 
                    0.0,   0.0,   0.0001, 0.0,  0.0, 
                    0.0,   0.0,   0.0,    0.01, 0.0, 
                    0.0,   0.0,   0.0,    0.0,  0.01 ;
            EKF.SetQ(Q_in) ;

            //R is provided by Sensor producer, in their datasheet
            Eigen::MatrixXd R_in(3, 3) ;
            R_in << 0.0001, 0,      0, 
                    0,      0.0001, 0,
                    0,      0,      0.0001 ;
            EKF.SetR(R_in) ;

3.2 EKF

3.2.1 预测—状态方程

x k + 1 = f ( x k ) x_{k+1} = f(x_k) xk+1=f(xk)


void PredictX(double delta_time){
            // x_t prediction
            x_(0) = x_(0) + x_(3) * cos(x_(2)) * delta_time;
            x_(1) = x_(1) + x_(3) * sin(x_(2)) * delta_time;
            x_(2) = x_(2) + x_(4) * delta_time;

3.2.2 系统协方差矩阵

F ′ F' F,代码中为了对应将F设置为了A,一样的,是手动求得公式输入的:

	void Set_A(double delta_time){
            double theta = x_(2) ;
            double tmp_v = x_(3) ;
            double sv = -sin(theta)*tmp_v*delta_time ;
            double cv = cos(theta)*tmp_v*delta_time ;
            double st = sin(theta)*delta_time ;
            double ct = cos(theta)*delta_time ;
            A_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5,5) ;
            A_ << 1.0, 0.0, sv,  ct,  0.0,
                  0.0, 1.0, cv,  st,  0.0, 
                  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, delta_time, 
                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 
                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;      

3.2.3 预测—系统协方差矩阵

P k = F k − 1 P k − 1 F k − 1 T + Q k − 1 P_{k} = F_{k-1}P_{k-1}F_{k-1}^T + Q_{k-1} Pk=Fk1Pk1Fk1T+Qk1

        // state covariance matrix for predict x
        void PredictP(){
            P_ = A_ * P_ * A_.transpose() + Q_ ;        

3.2.4 设置测量矩阵

H ′ H' H手动输入代码如下:

        void SetH(){
            H_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(3,5) ;
            H_ << 2*x_(0), 2*x_(1), 0,    0,   0,
                  0,       0,       0,    1,   0,
                  0,       0,       0,    0,   1;

3.2.5 更新—状态变量,卡尔曼增益,状态协方差矩阵


        void MeasurementUpdate(Eigen::MatrixXd z){
            Eigen::Vector3d z_pre (pow(x_(0),2) + pow(x_(1), 2), x_(3), x_(4)) ;
            Eigen::MatrixXd S = H_ * P_ * H_.transpose() + R_ ;
            Eigen::MatrixXd K = P_ * H_.transpose() * S.inverse() ;
            x_ = x_ + (K * (z - z_pre)) ;  //观测-预测
            P_ = P_ - K*H_*P_ ;

4. 源码

4.1 Extended_kalman_filter.hpp

#include "Eigen/Dense"
#include "matplotlibcpp.h"

class ExtendedKalmanFilter
            is_initialized_ = false ;

        void Initialization(Eigen::VectorXd x_in){
            x_ = x_in ;
            is_initialized_ = true ; 

        bool IsInitialized(){
            return this->is_initialized_ ;

        /**********calculate / predict x'************/
        // state transistion matrix for predict x'
        void PredictX(double delta_time){
            // x_t prediction
            x_(0) = x_(0) + x_(3) * cos(x_(2)) * delta_time;
            x_(1) = x_(1) + x_(3) * sin(x_(2)) * delta_time;
            x_(2) = x_(2) + x_(4) * delta_time;

        void Set_A(double delta_time){
            double theta = x_(2) ;
            double tmp_v = x_(3) ;
            double sv = -sin(theta)*tmp_v*delta_time ;
            double cv = cos(theta)*tmp_v*delta_time ;
            double st = sin(theta)*delta_time ;
            double ct = cos(theta)*delta_time ;
            A_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(5,5) ;
            A_ << 1.0, 0.0, sv,  ct,  0.0,
                  0.0, 1.0, cv,  st,  0.0, 
                  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, delta_time, 
                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 
                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;      
        void Set_P(Eigen::MatrixXd P_in){
            P_ = P_in ;
        // state covariance matrix for predict x
        void PredictP(){
            P_ = A_ * P_ * A_.transpose() + Q_ ;        

        // process covariance matrix for predict x'

        void SetQ(Eigen::MatrixXd Q_in){
            Q_ = Q_in ;

        void SetH(){
            H_ = Eigen::MatrixXd(3,5) ;
            H_ << 2*x_(0), 2*x_(1), 0,    0,   0,
                  0,       0,       0,    1,   0,
                  0,       0,       0,    0,   1;

        void SetR(Eigen::MatrixXd R_in){
            R_ = R_in ;

        void MeasurementUpdate(Eigen::MatrixXd z){
            Eigen::Vector3d z_pre (pow(x_(0),2) + pow(x_(1), 2), x_(3), x_(4)) ;
            Eigen::MatrixXd S = H_ * P_ * H_.transpose() + R_ ;
            Eigen::MatrixXd K = P_ * H_.transpose() * S.inverse() ;
            x_ = x_ + (K * (z - z_pre)) ;  //观测-预测
            P_ = P_ - K*H_*P_ ;

        Eigen::VectorXd GetX(){
            return x_ ;

        bool is_initialized_ ;    // flag of initialized
        Eigen::VectorXd x_ ;      // state vector
        Eigen::MatrixXd A_ ;      // jacba matrix for P predict
        Eigen::MatrixXd P_ ;      // state covariance matrix
        Eigen::MatrixXd Q_ ;      // process covariance matrix
        Eigen::MatrixXd H_ ;      // mesurement matrix
        Eigen::MatrixXd R_ ;      // mesurement covariance matrix



4.2 main.cpp

#include "extended_kalman_filter.hpp"

namespace plt = matplotlibcpp;

// creat data
void create_data(std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> &x_stand, 
                std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> &x_noise, 
                std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> &measure, 
                int all_data)
    double car_speed = 0.1, delta_time = 0.1, car_omega = 0.01;
    bool watch = false ;
    double tmp_x = 0, tmp_y = 0, tmp_theta = 0, tmp_v = 0, tmp_w = 0; //初值0

    std::random_device rd;                             // 用于生成种子
    std::mt19937 random_w(rd());                       // 以随机设备生成的种子初始化Mersenne Twister伪随机数生成器
    std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0, 0.01); // 定义一个0-0.01之间的均匀分布

    // inital value
    // first value
    Eigen::VectorXd a(5, 1), a_measure(3, 1) ;
    a << tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_theta, tmp_v, tmp_w;
    x_noise = x_stand;
    a_measure << 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ;
    measure.push_back(a_measure) ;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < all_data; i++)
    { // standard state data
      // x1 = x0 + v*cos(theta)*time ;   v的x分量速度
        tmp_x = x_stand[i](0) + car_speed * cos(x_stand[i](2)) * delta_time;
        tmp_y = x_stand[i](1) + car_speed * sin(x_stand[i](2)) * delta_time;
        tmp_theta = x_stand[i](2) + car_omega * delta_time;
        a << tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_theta, car_speed, car_omega;
      // noise measure data
        float speed_noise = car_speed + dis(random_w) * 10; // 原速度0.1 + 一个0-0.1的值
        float omega_noise = car_omega + dis(random_w);
        a_measure(0) = pow(tmp_x, 2) + pow(tmp_y, 2) + dis(random_w)/10 ;
        a_measure(1) = speed_noise ;
        a_measure(2) = omega_noise ;
        measure.push_back(a_measure) ;
        // noise state data
        speed_noise = car_speed + dis(random_w) * 10; // 原速度0.1 + 一个0-0.1的值
        omega_noise = car_omega + dis(random_w);

        tmp_x = x_noise[i](0) + speed_noise * cos(x_noise[i](2)) * delta_time;
        tmp_y = x_noise[i](1) + speed_noise * sin(x_noise[i](2)) * delta_time;
        tmp_theta = x_stand[i](2) + omega_noise * delta_time;
        a << tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_theta, speed_noise, omega_noise;
    if (watch)
        std::cout << std::fixed; // 输出固定格式
        std::cout.precision(4); // 保留4位小数
        for (size_t i = 0; i < all_data; i++)
            for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    std::cout <<  x_noise[i](j) << "  ";
            std::cout << std::endl ;

int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    int all_data_num = 1000;
    double delta_time = 0.1 ;  //two state vector(1, 5) and one measure vector(1,3)
    std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> x_stand, x_noise, measure_x; 
    static std::vector<double> vis_x_std, vis_y_std, vis_x_nse, vis_y_nse, vis_x_ekf, vis_y_ekf;
    create_data(x_stand, x_noise, measure_x, all_data_num);

    ExtendedKalmanFilter EKF;
    while (x_noise.size())
        // Initialize kalman filter
        if (!EKF.IsInitialized())
            Eigen::VectorXd x_in(x_noise[0]) ;
            EKF.Initialization(x_in) ;

            Eigen::MatrixXd P_in(5, 5) ;
            P_in << 10,  10,   1,    0,           0, 
                    10,  10,   1,    0,           0, 
                    1,   1,    0.1,  0,           0, 
                    0,   0,    0,    pow(10,-8),  0, 
                    0,   0,    0,    0,           pow(10,-8) ;

            EKF.Set_P(P_in) ;

            Eigen::MatrixXd Q_in(5, 5) ;
            Q_in << 0.01,  0.0,   0.0,    0.0,  0.0, 
                    0.0,   0.01,  0.0,    0.0,  0.0, 
                    0.0,   0.0,   0.0001, 0.0,  0.0, 
                    0.0,   0.0,   0.0,    0.01, 0.0, 
                    0.0,   0.0,   0.0,    0.0,  0.01 ;
            EKF.SetQ(Q_in) ;

            //R is provided by Sensor producer, in their datasheet
            Eigen::MatrixXd R_in(3, 3) ;
            R_in << 0.0001, 0,      0, 
                    0,      0.0001, 0,
                    0,      0,      0.0001 ;
            EKF.SetR(R_in) ;

        //state forward eqution
        EKF.PredictX(delta_time) ;
        EKF.Set_A(delta_time) ; //first update x, the calculate A
        EKF.PredictP() ;        // state convarince matrix
        EKF.SetH() ;            // measurement convarince matrix

        // measurement value
        Eigen::VectorXd z(measure_x[0]) ;
        EKF.MeasurementUpdate(z) ;

        Eigen::VectorXd x_out = EKF.GetX() ;
        // std::cout << "original output x : " << x_noise[0](0) <<
        //                             " y: " << x_noise[0](1) << std::endl ;
        // std::cout << "ideal   output x : " << x_stand[0](0) <<
        //                             " y: " << x_stand[0](1) << std::endl ;
        // std::cout << "kalman output x : " << x_out(0) <<
        //                             " y: " << x_out(1) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //for painting//
        vis_x_ekf.push_back(x_out(0)) ;
        vis_y_ekf.push_back(x_out(1)) ;
        vis_x_nse.push_back(x_noise[0](0)) ;
        vis_y_nse.push_back(x_noise[0](1)) ;
        vis_x_std.push_back(x_stand[0](0)) ;
        vis_y_std.push_back(x_stand[0](1)) ;

        x_noise.erase(x_noise.begin()) ;
        x_stand.erase(x_stand.begin()) ;
        measure_x.erase(measure_x.begin()) ;

        plt::figure_size(1200, 780);
        plt::plot(vis_x_ekf, vis_y_ekf,"r");
        plt::plot(vis_x_nse, vis_y_nse,"g");
        plt::plot(vis_x_std, vis_y_std,"b");
        plt::title("ekf-red, noise-green, stand-blue");
    //     //for painting//
    return 0;

4.3 CMakeLists.txt

# CMakeLists.txt  
# 设置构建类型为 Release  
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)  
set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) # 使用 C++14 标准  
find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED)
# 添加当前目录到 include 路径  

# 添加源文件到编译  
add_executable(KalDemo main.cpp)

